This would include embassy employees. The capabilities of the Brandon regimes are just running on all cylinders, eh? (via Hot Air)
U.S. positioning troops ahead of possible Sudan embassy evacuation
The Pentagon is positioning U.S. forces in Djibouti in anticipation of a potential mission to evacuate U.S. Embassy personnel in Khartoum, two people familiar with the military plans said.
The security situation in Sudan’s capital has cratered over a week of fighting, as two rival generals — Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, in charge of the nation’s armed forces, and Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dalago, who leads the Rapid Support Forces military group — battle for control of the country. The heavy fighting in Khartoum has left many stranded in the city of 5 million people, including embassy staff who are sheltering in place at the compound eight miles from the international airport. (snip)
The American mission in the capital warned Thursday that “due to the uncertain security situation in Khartoum and closure of the airport, it is not currently safe to undertake a U.S. government-coordinated evacuation of private U.S. citizens.”
Also on Wednesday, Molly Phee, the top State Department official for African affairs, told congressional staffers that it was too late to order a departure of the mission because of the deteriorating security situation that has already led to around 300 deaths and about 3,000 more wounded, two congressional aides said.
US military assets are being moved to the African nation of Djibouti, pretty much because the Biden admin always seems to be behind the curve. But, hey, maybe he learned that from Obama, who always seemed to learn of things from the news. As Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey notes
It’s clearly far too late to evacuate the 19,000 American citizens. The better question is why it took this long to get the evacuation process started. It has been three weeks since signs that a power struggle between General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan and RSF chief Mohamed Hamdan Daglo had become “unstoppable,” and that war would almost certainly erupt in Khartoum:
Perhaps if our intelligence and military and State departments were less worried about Woke and more on doing their jobs they could have seen this coming. You know, the same people who failed with Afghanistan. Ed goes on
Was the State Department asleep at the switch? Did it really take three weeks to catch up to the risk and start an orderly evacuation of Americans and American personnel? According to the State Department website’s Sudan page, they didn’t even address the situation publicly until April 15, after fighting had already begun in Khartoum.
If this goes completely tits up, with Americans being hurt or killed, how will they Blame Trump? Anyhow, consider that most of the State Department weenies in Sudan probably voted for Biden, they should keep their complaints to themselves. They’re getting what they voted for.

Other than embassy personnel, why would any American or sensible foreigner be in that [insert slang term for feces here]hole country in the first place?
The great American philosopher Sam Kinison addressed this issue decades ago:
The idea that anyone would be fighting over controlling that barren sandheap is astounding. The leaders, yeah, they might gain a little bit of cash and luxury, but a common soldier, risking his life over that barren wasteland?
I would be for closing a lot of those embassies permanently. America could have a single embassy for all of Africa. There is no need to spend embassy support money in every country on the planet. Nor is there any need for allowing all those countries to have embassies here. More than half the countries on the planet are poop-hole countries that have zero benefit for the USA. How many more Uber drivers do we really need?