Biden To Americans Stuck In Sudan: You’re On Their Own

After the U.S. intelligence and State Dept failed on Sudan, the Biden regime has a message for Americans in Sudan: you’re on your own

White House warns American citizens not to count on evacuation from Sudan

As the violent struggle for power over Sudan reaches the one-week mark, the Biden administration is sticking firmly to its warning for private citizens: don’t expect to be rescued.

While the administration says it is working towards evacuating American embassy staff still stranded in the country, it makes no promises about other Americans who could get let behind.

“It is not our standard procedure to evacuate American citizens living abroad,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Friday.

The same administration which is pumping vast amounts of money and arms to Ukraine, helping them out, just can’t be bothered when it comes to Americans stuck in a war zone. Much like with Afghanistan. Perhaps the Americans should identify as Ukrainians?

This is purely insane. It might not be standard procedure, but, they are Americans. Our government shouldn’t leave hanging out to dry when our government failed in its job in gathering intelligence and broadcasting the danger to American citizens. And you cannot ask Biden, he’s taking the weekend off, as usual, up at Camp David.

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13 Responses to “Biden To Americans Stuck In Sudan: You’re On Their Own”

  1. Bill King says:

    Let me think? Their the wrong race? Their the wrong sex? Their the wrong religion? Their the wrong political party? Their on a diet and don’t eat ice cream? They have ethics instilled by their parents? Enee menee mighty joe, just pick one!

    • CarolAnn says:

      Would it surprise you to find out they are all Christian missionaries? That should check all your boxes.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      We’re contractionally required to point out: they are = they’re

      “We have been clear-eyed about how American citizens should not travel to Sudan for months now. We have communicated to American citizens in the country about safety and security measures and precautions that they can take,” said Vendant Patel, spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State.

      An estimated 16,000 private U.S. citizens are registered with the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum as being in Sudan. The State Department has cautioned that that figure probably is inaccurate because there is no requirement for Americans to register nor is there a requirement to notify the embassy when they leave.

      Some are there to line their pockets, some to convert others to their religion and others for humanitarian reasons – they’re there to help others in their own lives.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Rimjob: We’re contractionally required to point out: they are = they’re

        God you’re stupid.
        Thanks dumbass for pointing that out again.

        Bwaha! Lolgf

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          God, you’re stupid. ‘they’re’ is a contraction of ‘they are’, dumbass.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            “Contractionally required”?

            So who’s the dumbass here, chubby?

            Bwaha! Lolgf

  2. Ed Cane says:

    Biden is a failure. His entire administration is awful.

  3. Daniel says:

    Another CIA failed attempt to overthrow a foreign government. They’re getting pretty bad at this. Sudan doesn’t want gay marriage, doesn’t want queer men in womans’s sports. Doesn’t want homosexuals in the country at all. Time to overthrow them.

  4. Oldman says:

    Americans are on their own in America.

  5. alanstorm says:

    Everybody kids the French, but I’ve noticed that when French citizens are in trouble, the Foreign Legion usually shows up.

  6. H says:

    Alan are the French Foreign Legion helping in Sudan? I haven’t read anything about that. Actually I haven’t heard any American citizens in Sudan asking about help on evacuation. Or blaming Biden.

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