Nothing like teaching your kids a few things about Earth Day, like that it falls on Lenin’s birthday. On purpose. Oh, wait, this is about un-educated, brainwashed kids with no real world experience teaching you old fogies
Earth Day: How to talk to your parents about climate change
You want to go vegan to help the planet, but you’re not paying for the shopping. You think trains are better than planes, but your dad books the summer holiday.
Young people are some of the world’s most powerful climate leaders and want rapid action to tackle the problem.
It makes a lot of sense. Higher temperatures and rising sea levels will impact the youngest alive today far more than older generations. But the power to act is often still in the hands of older people, including parents.
Big changes are difficult, especially when they involve other people. Where do you begin? For this year’s Earth Day, we spoke to people who have successfully had tricky climate chats at home. Here are their top tips:
You can talk about going meatless. Flying less. Being waste free (this is really about environmentalism, not climate scam)
“Make connections with things they care about,” she advises. Her family like to volunteer so they made meals using leftover food to donate to people in their local community.
“It’s important to not go into it expecting them to change their whole lives. Small things can make a difference,” she explains.
Here’s an idea

As a person who actually does many things to help the poor donating your left over garbage is not the way to go. These are hungry people you are not slopping pigs even though leftists may consider the poor as such. The democommie party has already done their beat to smash the faces of the poor with their jackboots they don’t need our help.
Last I knew, it was illegal everywhere to serve leftovers in any sort of commercial or open setting.
Teach whines that those who understand global warming don’t practice what they preach, then when they practice what they preach, he whines again. Real Pirates don’t whine.
Teach mocks children who are inheriting the climate he created.
How dare children, concerned about their environment, discuss it with their parents!?! Children should be seen, not heard.
Dear Elwood:
These children are being lied to, used and abused.
We should take all the Lefties out of power.
This year generous people have donated 6 fiberglass boats, 131 used tires, eight homeless camp RVs, seven barrels of used motor oil, and a couple thousand pounds of wet leaves to burn at the Earth Day bonfire. BEST. EARTHDAY. EVAH!
So you believe a patriotic car salesman can magically turn into a pirate just like a faggot leftist can magically turn into a woman? You’re not just stupid, you’re psychotic.
Teach did not “create” the climate, nature did. He did contribute to the environment though.
Unlike how leftists believe children should be molested, raped and brainwashed. We get it. LOL
You seem desperate for attention.
Children are molested, raped and brainwashed by home-schooling parents, rural dads, teachers, preachers and priests. 90% conservatives since conservatives view children as just another commodity to be used.
Why do you say I seem desperate for attention, because I stated the obvious and you don’t like it? Children are molested, raped and brainwashed by all those people but you radical leftists have elevated them to an art form. You do more to destroy childhood from before birth to homo grooming of children. BTW, most criminals are democommies. Dems outnumber repubs in prison by 15:1.
And who but you leftists use children more as political footballs? Every time you propose some atrocity of law you scream it’s for the children yet the children never seem better under democommie rule. Look at the children in democommie run cities. How are they doing? How’s their education, their food, their healt, their safety? How many children are murdered each week under democommie mayors, AG’s, DA’s and Govs?
I’m black and I see what you people do to “the children”.
Dear Elwood:
These children are being lied to, used and abused.
We should take all the Lefties out of power.
Decades from now, people are going to look back at climate cultists the way we look at believers in phlogiston, phrenology and the Piltdown Man.
Probably not. Fossil fuel companies have spent millions supporting research designed to falsify the theory that increases in atmospheric CO2 will cause global warming. It’s always possible the theory WILL be falsified but is increasingly unlikely with continued warming.
It’s more likely that decades from now, people are going to look back at global warming deniers and wonder how grown-ups failed to act.