Speaking of the leaker
So he's been leaking classified material since Feb 2022? And didn't get caught till now? Perhaps the military should have been less worried about Woke and more doing their job #LetsGoBrandon https://t.co/3TFlR8ZmAy
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) April 23, 2023
Now, imagine if Trump was still president: his name would be all over that article, Blaming him directly, like the Credentialed Media used to do with Bush 43. Yet, the current president is not named once in that NY Times piece, reprinted at Yahoo news. Just like with this Washington Post piece
Wagner Group surges in Africa as U.S. influence fades, leak reveals
The Wagner Group is moving aggressively to establish a “confederation” of anti-Western states in Africa as the Russian mercenaries foment instability while using their paramilitary and disinformation capabilities to bolster Moscow’s allies, according to leaked secret U.S. intelligence documents.
The rapid expansion of Russia’s influence in Africa has been a source of growing alarm to U.S. intelligence and military officials, prompting a push over the past year to find ways to hit Wagner’s network of bases and business fronts with strikes, sanctions and cyber operations, according to the documents.
One document in the trove lists nearly a dozen “kinetic” and other options that could be pursued as part of “coordinated U.S. and allied disruption efforts.” The files propose providing targeting information to help Ukraine forces kill Wagner commanders, and cite other allies’ willingness to take similar lethal measures against Wagner nodes in Africa.
At a time when Wagner leader Yevgeniy Prigozhin has been preoccupied with Kremlin infighting over the paramilitary group’s deepening involvement in the war in Ukraine, U.S. officials depict Wagner’s expanding global footprint as a potential vulnerability.
One document in the trove lists nearly a dozen “kinetic” and other options that could be pursued as part of “coordinated U.S. and allied disruption efforts.” The files propose providing targeting information to help Ukraine forces kill Wagner commanders, and cite other allies’ willingness to take similar lethal measures against Wagner nodes in Africa.
And yet, there is little in the trove to suggest that the CIA, Pentagon or other agencies have caused more than minor setbacks for Wagner over a six-year stretch during which the mercenary group, controlled by Putin ally Prigozhin, gained strategic footholds in at least eight African countries, among 13 nations where Prigozhin has operated in some capacity, according to one document.
In fairness, this actually started late in Obama’s presidency (who was VP, picked for his foreign policy experience?), not just 6 years ago. And continued during Trump’s presidency, with the most significant strikes occurring in 2018. But, with Biden and other Euro leaders focusing everything on the (losing) effort in Ukraine, the loss of influence in Africa is escalating
As a result, “Prigozhin likely will further entrench his network in multiple countries,” one of the intelligence documents concludes, “undermining each country’s ability to sever ties with his services and exposing neighboring states to his destabilizing activities.”
But, you know, Trump
Russia has taken advantage of former Soviet ties with African leaders, according to analysts, but it has also exploited the United States’ dwindling engagement in Africa, notably during the Trump presidency, as well as an anti-French backlash over its counterterrorism operation in the Sahel region, focused on Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger named Operation Barkhane.
France blew out of Mali in 2021. During the Trump presidency, right?
He said Russian anti-French and anti-Western propaganda resonated with African leaders, angered by French missteps in the Sahel, and weary of Western leaders pressing them on democratic values and human rights.
To elites in Africa, the United States is perceived as “still focused on the old playbook of lectures about democratization and sending humanitarian aid” while Washington’s democratic institutions have lost some of their sheen, Mutiga said.
Yeah, this is happening the most now, since someone took office as POTUS. Not sure who that is, since the current president is not named once. This is yet another article noting how bad Mr. Unnamed’s foreign policy and engagement is.

Didn’t your Trump refer to those countries as “shitholes”?
I don’t know if Trump did I don’t love him so much I follow every word he utters however, I’ve called them and many more shitholes over the years. Even now I’ve added several blue cities to my shithole list. Just look around or are you blind?
Why does the truth hurt leftists so much?
Shithole states like AL, MS, AR, LA, WV, OK…? Fortunately the ‘shithole’ blue cities keep sending (for now!) their money to DC who sends it to AL, MS, AR, LA, WV and OK. You’re welcome!
It was reported this AM that college age women are rejecting red state universities since when they get impregnated by a right-wing rapist there they can’t obtain an abortion. Some red states will even punish a girl (or her friends) for traveling to neighboring states to abort her rapist’s or uncle’s demon spawn!!
Good to see Rimjob, um… “excited” about shitholes again.

Bwaha! Lolgf
President Donald John Trump is the once and future greatest U.S. President evuh!! The strongest! The smartest! The most moral! The most popular! The richest! The handsomest! The greatest truth-teller!
President Trump will crush Brandon campaigning, debating, wrestling and with the ladies! He will make America strong again! MASA!!
Two-thirds of GOP voters support President Trump for President in 2024. All the other candidates are dropping, He is growing daily! The others will soon be kissing President Trump’s ring hoping to be picked for His VP.
I’ll be donating to the Trump 2024 campaign!! How about you?
Make America Great Again, Again!! MAGAA!!
Trump/Anyone 2024
The MSM are suddenly pushing ‘polls’ showing ANY Republican (DeSantis, Pence, Haley etc) would beat brandon in 2024. In their rigged ‘polls’ President Trump is the ONLY Republican who would LOSE to brandon. Don’t you believe it!! They want President Trump OUT of the contest because he scares them!
Know the Truth and BELIEVE THE LIE!!!
Please join us in donating to Trump 2024!!!
Yesterday, President Trump’s U.S. military successfully rescued the U.S. personnel (diplomats/families) from Khartoum by sending Chinook helicopters from Djibouti.
Should the U.S. government dictate where and when American citizens can travel outside the nation or should citizens have the freedom to travel as they choose?
Should our military invade Sudan to rescue the American businesspeople, missionaries, residents, aid workers, etc there?
U.S. State Department:
“We have advised Americans to not travel to Sudan since August 2021, and the US embassy in Khartoum’s security alert on April 16th stated that due to the uncertain security situations in Khartoum and closure of the airport, Americans should have no expectation of a US government-coordinated evacuation at this time. It is imperative that US citizens in Sudan make their own arrangements to stay safe in these difficult circumstances.”