And especially you white middle class men, so, it needs to be “intersectional”
Climate change discourse is dominated by middle-class white men – it must be intersectional
Research from the United Nations has found that 80 per cent of those who have been displaced by climate change are women. This doesn’t mean the leading voices in tackling it are women, though. Earth Day, which falls today (22 April) with the theme “Invest In Our Planet”, provides a critical chance to look at the dearth of attention placed on women and marginalised communities within climate discourse. While the day is an opportunity to engage in crucial discussions about the future of our planet, it must also be a wake-up call to reflect on our response to the climate emergency and ensure our approach does not exclude those individuals who bear the most brutal repercussions of this crisis.
But what exactly does this kind of intersectionality mean? Intersectionality, a term coined by black feminists in the 1970s, is a framework used to analyse how different aspects of our identity intersect each other. This includes gender identity, race, ability, class and sexuality. The premise is that systems of oppression like racism and capitalism do not occur in isolation, but facilitate one another. For example, the climate crisis disproportionately affects women by leaving them more exposed to domestic abuse and intensifying existing gender inequalities, but this analysis does not account for disabled or queer women, whose situation will be even worse.
Intersectionality and climate change are inextricably linked and we must consider how different communities are affected. People of colour, for example, are more likely to live in areas with the most toxic air. Similarly, members of the LGBT+ community experience social stigma and housing insecurity, making them more vulnerable to environmental disasters.
This is all cute, but, at the end of the day, the majority who give a flying shit about ‘climate change’ are white, middle class and up folks who live in the 1st World. They have the luxury of caring because they have nothing truly pressing in their lives. Yet, the majority do not change their own lives to accord with their pronounced beliefs.
As far as women go, are they to be forced to be a part of this? How about “marginalized communities”? Notice this is all written from the advantage of being in a 1st World nation, where the white middle class and up folks think of anyone with a different color as being a minority. As “people of color.”
If comments from Dr Alix Dietzel, a Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Bristol, are anything to go by, part of the problem may lie in the lack of diversity among those at the upper echolons of climate change discussions. Dr Dietzel says that climate change discourse is currently “dominated by middle-class white men” and that people of colour or working-class people are “rarely part of decision making”.
Because they have real world concerns. They aren’t worried about the latest Tiktok dance, that the new iPhone has a better camera, or about the climate scam. These 1st World climate cultists really think of places like Africa, India, Asia, etc, as minorities, which would be a hell of a shock to those who live in, say, Ghana. But, they are happy that all the strip mining, often by children and women, is occurring far away in those countries, eh?
So, it's not science, it's politics. Thanks for confirming, person with no degree in STEM as of yet (good on you for majoring in science, though, Sophia, in all seriousness)
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) April 23, 2023
This is politics, along with a bunch of bored people with no real issues. Too bad they do not turn their attention to real environmental issues, rather than the scam.
All white, but with no Repubicuns? LOL.
Dear Elwood:
Actually it was those white men who ended slavery, established science, founded America and did a host of other things that made our world the freest, healthiest and best fed.
Now we find that people want to change that.
Probable reply from Rimjob will be something along the lines of… “So what, you white-supremacist Trump loving racist denier?”

Or something like that.
Bwaha! Lolgf
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Do you fear that white Christian men, aka Those Who Built Everything! (established science, founded America, ended slavery) are in danger of being “replaced” by inferior breeds?
Early records document that the principles of science likely originated in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia as early as 3000 BCE. Recall that white Christian men started American slavery system that was later ended by both white and black men and women. White Christian men founded America while exterminating the indigenous peoples here.
Maybe take just a soupçon of humility with your hubris.
Nice try-slavery was universal over the world. The word “slave” comes from “Slavics”, whites who were enslaved by Muslims in the 9th century. American slave trade was aided by blacks enslaving other blacks in Africa to be sold. Native American Indians also practiced slavery. The first to abolish slaves were whites-beginning with England and later France, then the US. The Republican Party was formed to abolish slavery.
Dear Elwood:
Thousands of years went by between the Greeks and the Egyptians and the Arabs and the Persians, et al.
What they started didn’t last. Something call the Dark Ages happened and then the Renaissance and slowly but surely Western Civilization formed the basis of a force that tried to get the Muslims to quit slave trading with blacks. It tried to get the Aztecs to quit ripping out hearts and the Caribs from eating prisoners’ for dinner. And a host of other things.
It wasn’t pretty nor did it happen as fast as we now would want.
But it happened. Along with DDT, wonder drugs and the Green Revolution millions lived that would have died.
That all happened because of our religious teaching and the progressive introduction of better energy sources. From wood to coal to oil to gas.
Now the Left wants to change that so that they can control us.
It’s really just that simple. Power.
And you think all progress was made by white Christian men? Yikes.
And you think you’ve made a relevant comment.

Thanks, ya dumbfuck.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach those black kids in the Congo mining cobalt, is the GOP in favor of direct cash supplements so they can quit work and go to school and not starve? Or would that be some sort of socialism?
Also actual cramming down your throats of EVs will be impossible until we have an adequate supply. Right now the EVs get sold immediately so we have none available for throat cramming because fand outstrips supply
I’m for direct cash payments but how would you get your cobalt? I think H is onto something. Levy every democrats assets and use the money to support the Kids in the Congo. Now that would be fair. If these privilged white crackers like H think it’s a good idea why not?
Of course “fand” outstrips supply they’re new. It always works that way. Just like prices will come down. Under capitalism these things always accompany new tech. Try and get a new i Phone when one comes out.
Sadly you don’t believe in EV’s and don’t own one. Wonder why?
Also Tesla has already stopped using cobalt in 50% of their batteries
Teach you really must try to stay “current” on EV technology
Dear H:
I could find no “50%” but if true…
“All these links to US-based battery projects could prove useful to Tesla as the automaker is looking to secure a large number of battery cells in order to support its plan to build 20 million electric vehicles per year by 2030.”
….you only need half as much lithium…
Maybe they’ll let the children go.
Oh, no-cancel the climate doom movement because it’s “racist”!
Of course. Street communism pays best in the USA. Especially among white wealthy young adults who have never gone hungry.
Of course the
global warmingclimate change activists are “pretty darned white”! As we are continually told by the credentialed media, “black and brown” Americans are disproportionately economically disadvantaged, and the proposals for dealing with will all cost people a great deal of money without improving their lives one bit. Wealthier people can afford to beglobal warmingclimate change activists. The poor? Not so much.