This is not quite the dunk they think it is, to get other states to ban guns, and is certainly the Law Of Unintended Consequences
93% of guns used in NYC crimes are from out of state, federal study shows — triple national average
Out-of-state guns wreak far more havoc in New York City than in any other big city in America, federal data shows.
From 2017 through 2021, some 93% of the 12,910 guns recovered from crimes in the five boroughs were linked to an initial sale from outside the state, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) says.
The percentage of out-of-state guns used in New York City crimes far exceeds that of second-place Baltimore, where 61% of guns used in crimes originated out of state, the ATF data shows.
New York’s problem with out-of-state guns is more than three times worse than the national average, the data shows. On average, 28% of firearms nationwide recovered in crimes originated across state lines.
Southern states with lax gun laws are the most common source of firearms in New York City crimes, the ATF found. Georgia was the source of 1,736 guns in New York crimes during the four-year study period. Another 1,677 guns used in crimes came from Virginia. South Carolina was in third place as the origin of 1,421 guns.
The thing here is that almost all those guns are illegal. They aren’t being purchased legally in those other states, since, in most cases, you cannot purchase a firearm in a state that isn’t yours. North Carolina, for instance, bans non-NC residents from purchasing. So, how are they getting them and bringing to NYC? Stealing them. Buying them illegally. Because criminals do not follow the law. Which means the law abiding in NYC have a damned tough time getting a firearm for protection, and an even harder time being able to carry it outside their home. Criminals aren’t concerned, they’ll carry anyhow.
Dettelbach said the gun origin data should be used to build criminal cases that stop the flow of guns into the city. Many guns used in New York City crimes are brought to the city by runners who buy them in bulk in the south and drive them north along Interstate 95 — a system law enforcement calls the Iron Pipeline.
Yet, the same city is against stop and frisk. And cracking down on criminals. The cops know who probably has one, but, they aren’t allowed to do anything. And if you banned firearms all over the U.S. you’d have them being brought in across the borders, leaving the average citizen unarmed while criminals are armed.
But Kennedy said the National Rifle Association’s sway over Congress stifles significant gun control measures.
‘’Drug sales are not in and of themselves violent but we give that market an enormous amount of attention,” Kennedy said. “Historically, we’ve given the illicit market of firearms almost no attention.
Yet, drugs still stream into the U.S. Weird, right?

NYC has a homicide rate of about 5.5 per 100000
NC has a homicide rate of 11.1 per 100000
Teach have you heard what people say about “people who live in glass houses…. “
William Teach: They aren’t being purchased legally in those other states, since, in most cases, you cannot purchase a firearm in a state that isn’t yours.
From your own citation: “Operation Hotcakes, an 11-month investigation, led to the arrest of a 70-year-old Tennessee man, Richard Horne, whom authorities alleged was the main supplier.” The guns were purchased legally in Tennessee, then sold and transported illegally.
Tennessee’s homicide rate is 9.6 per 100,000. New York City’s homicide rate is 5.5 per 100,000. And that’s comparing a state with a large rural population to the largest urban city in the country.
Right. It’s the influence of the NRA, not the influence of the legal owners of 400 million guns.
The radical communist left looks at the homicide rates and then decides it’s the criminals who should decide which Americans get to own what guns if at all. Guns don’t kill anybody, people do.
Hey Z, would you feel safer in Mt. Gilead NC or Hunts Point, Bronx?
You haughty white supremacists and privileged white leftists are lucky you don’t have to live in the crime/drug ridden shit holes your policies create. And it does not matter if it’s a red state or blue. We are all Americans. You are always pitting one person against another. Why? Someday they will come for you.
The whole point of limited government was that THEY would never have enough power to “come” for anyone. For some reason, large majorities of office holders in both parties believe this is not enough. It is even rare to find a judge who will rule, “it’s none of my business”.
Mr White,
People with guns kill people. And increasingly, themselves.
Mr White typed:
Do you really believe conservatives to be innocent in this regard? Conservatives consider Blacks to be lazy, stupid and stupid; gays to be immoral fags; transgendered to be mentally ill trannies; brown immigrants to be wetbacks and drug smugglers; liberals to be communists and baby murderers … you should get the idea.
I like to think we all want essentially the same things for ourselves and our neighbors – a safe, clean, healthy environment; family-supporting jobs; respect; pride in our nation both for work we do at home and abroad.
The impression many of us receive from the current nuConservative movement is one of sequestration from the world, with a touch of authoritarianism and more than a dollop of anti-‘otherism’. Anti-Black, anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-non-christian…
Governor DeSantis of FL is a good example of movement aspirations.
You are fearful of young Black men with pistols in Camden. What is needed to allay your fears? Better policing, fewer pistols, less poverty, better schools, better jobs, better transportation, better healthcare, better housing, better credit access…
In addition, it’s easier for a white boy than a black boy to escape from an imporverished upbringing.
We can only address this issue after acknowledging it.
Your white guilt is showing.

Feel better now, chubby?
Bwaha! Lolgf
L’Roy White: Hey Z, would you feel safer in Mt. Gilead NC or Hunts Point, Bronx?
Cherry picking.
Maybe, but now they do have that power and they’re just gettin started. Here’s one of Dowd’s boys threatening all of us. But we’re the threat????
There appear to be a lot of misconceptions about firearm purchase and transport and given the media’s bias as well as ignorance, one should read pieces such as the article cited with ‘a grain of salt’.
The federales establish the basic rules for the sale of firearms. Generally; US citizen, over 18, non-felon, etc. Some states and localities try to infringe on a citizens rights, but that’s another discussion. The poorly written [and probably unconstitutional] ‘National Firearms Act of 1934’ established several classes of firearms and various prohibitions as well.
Any legal buyer can buy a Long Gun where ever there are no local infringements on the sale. Handguns may only be purchased by a resident of the state where the buyer and seller reside and the sale is transacted. Again, pursuant to local infringements on citizen rights. This is the short version, for details, consult a knowledgeable attorney and/or a FFL. Of course, this only applies to Legal transactions, criminals don’t bother with the legal formalities.
Transportation is similar with there being more state to state issues. The feds do have some specific issues about flying and international travel. It can be done legally.
Bottom line; criminals don’t follow the law and the heavy handed restrictions create a black market and a profit motivation for the criminals.

Bwaha! Lolgf