None of the laws passed by the Washington general assembly and singed into law by the governor would really stop any of the shootings. They simply interfere with the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding citizens. Criminals do not follow the law
New Washington gun law already faces federal court challenge
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed a trio of bills meant to address gun violence Tuesday, one banning the sale of certain semi-automatic rifles, one imposing a 10-day waiting period on firearms purchases and one clearing the way for lawsuits against gun makers or sellers in certain cases.
A crowd of gun-control activists and Democratic lawmakers broke into cheers as Inslee signed the measures, which he said would not solve all gun violence but would save lives.
“Just because they don’t solve all the problems does not mean the state of Washington does not take action,” Inslee said. “Inaction against gun violence is unacceptable.”
So, why not enforce all the existing laws? Why not use stop and frisk and other measures which get the illegal guns off the streets?
The sales ban, which took effect immediately, drew a quick legal challenge from the Second Amendment Foundation, based in Bellevue, Washington; and the Firearms Policy Coalition, based in Sacramento, California. The groups sued in U.S. District Court in Tacoma on Tuesday, saying the law violates the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
“The State of Washington has criminalized one of the most common and important means by which its citizens can exercise their fundamental right to self-defense,” the plaintiffs said.
In all honesty, I’m not against the 10 day waiting period. It could give people time to cool off, and allow law enforcement to do the proper background checks, because if they checked on some of the recent mass killing wackos they might have found information that caused them to deny the permit. The question is, will they do a deep dive? Probably not. That might well stand, as it doesn’t stop law abiding from getting a gun, they just have to wait. I’m also not against requiring safety training, however, there is no Constitutional requirement.
Suing gun makers will get shot down, as that interferes with federal law and is a backdoor method to put them out of business, so there are no guns to purchase.
The bill concerning lawsuits against gun manufacturers and sellers requires them to exercise reasonable controls in making, selling and marketing weapons, including steps to keep guns from being sold to people known to be dangerous or to straw buyers who might buy weapons on someone else’s behalf. It allows the attorney general or private parties, such as the family members of victims, to sue over violations or damages.
Makers make, they aren’t part of the sales process. Sellers already take precautions. This just makes it easy to sue and put them out of business.
Washington’s new law prohibits the future sale, distribution, manufacture and importation of more than 50 types of guns, including AR- and AK-style rifles. The measure does not bar the possession of the weapons by people who already have them.
That might well stand, as 10 other states have a ban. Unless the lawyers have some really, really good arguments. Regardless, California has all these, and they have not stopped crazy people from going on rampages using guns.

Would conservatives feel ‘inconvenienced’ by being stopped and frisked (searched) daily? If your person can be stopped and frisked, how about your car? How about metal detectors at entrances to stores, schools, churches, ballparks, theaters etc, obviously with armed guards to corral miscreants.
Of course, many, if not most of the firearms used in mass shootings were obtained legally.
We get it. Rimjob is anti-gun.
Along with his rhetorical excuses and provable errors (lies). Cry harder, chubby.
Then STFD and STFU, whiner.
We get it. Rimjob is anti-gun.

Again with his rhetorical excuses and provable errors (lies).
Cry harder, chubby.
Then STFD and STFU, whiner.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Jeff is not anti-gun. After all, he claims to have some of his own. He is definitely pro whatever the Democratic party activists tell him to be pro. Democratic party activists are always in favor of disarming the peasants. They don’t know why. It’s just a leftover from when they were being paid by the Soviet Union to be pro gun control and “getting rid of Saturday night specials and cop killer bullets”.
Fake Perfesser is angry and vile even by Fake Perfesser standards.
Teach proposed stop and frisk. Would the Fake Perfesser want to be randomly stopped and personally searched, his or her belongings searched, in an effort to reduce shootings?
We can hope he has the capacity to be more honest with his fake students than he is here. Is banning semi-automatic AR-15 style military rifles “disarming the peasants”? Is the restriction on fully automatic machine guns “disarming the peasants”? How about the ban of short barrel shotguns – should that be revisited so the “peasants” can defend themselves?
People such as the Fakie Perfesser are told what to parrot by the Tucker Carlsons and Marjorie Taylor-Greenes of the world. They want to fit into the mindset of their cult, where the men judge others and themselves on how ‘tough’ the appear. Most conservative men are not very bright or introspective and are perpetually angry.
Lately they’ve been told to hate the government, our military, our institutions and remarkably, to favor Russia over America! They don’t know why. It’s just what they’re told.
Dems don’t understand that a gun can not walk down the street and krill people. The gun requires a bad person to preform the action. But instead of holding people responsible they attack the gun. Maybe it is because most of the Dem leaders are criminals, steal elections, etc.
So stupid DogBreath had to type it twice!
Please identify the provable errors, or STFU, Cowardly Lyin.
Dear Elwood:
The school shootings could be avoid by armed guards and/or armed teachers.
The random shootings/robberies/gang violence is a different problem.
Mass school shootings could also be ended with certainty by shutting down mass schools. If you don’t have the targets, the psychopaths will have to go somewhere else. But Democrats universally agree that the ability to indoctrinate all those republican children is too important to them and to the livelihoods of some of their biggest donors, the teachers’ unions. Teacher pay is much more important than children’s lives. Even without school shootings, thousands of children die every year just traveling to and from school. The internet has already been invented. There is no need for collective education anymore.
Yes! Save the children! Ban all public and private schools! The nation should support, sponsor and pay for in-home schooling, since parents or hired tutors are the best teachers. Kids can learn over the internet.
The biggest bonus is that parents will have total control over what little Ted and Sally are taught. No more ‘teaching’ of evolution, global warming, Black history, Jim Crow history, anti-white propaganda, religion-neutral BS, no more pretending LGBTQism is ‘normal’. America was perfect for straight, white Christian men in the 50s and that should be our target!!
Dear Elwood:
The school shootings could be avoid by armed guards and/or armed teachers.
The random shootings/robberies/gang violence is a different problem.
Ever notice the politicians wanting to reduce gun violence only go after the gun, never the violence?
Politicians love making new laws for people who will likely obey them. Making laws against MS-13, human trafficking, and cartels would be too dangerous.
Most Democrats living in cities don’t own guns. So they will go along. Most republicans are conservatives and are born to comply with law and order. So it’s really just a relative few people that are a problem for politicians. In any case, Democratic party politicians can tell their democratic party activists how much they did for them, and then distribute to them some more tax money.
Sounds like the perfect suit to take us all the way to the Supremes! Finally the Supreme Court can bless AR-15s and high capacity magazines.
It’s been said before, but it’s not the guns…it’s the little assholes you raised with no conscience, control or common sense..
We’ll compare our children’s responsibility with yours any fizzucking day.
If you want, they can teach you and yours about firearms use and safety.