The kids are having trouble reading, writing, math, history, geography, and most real sciences. But, hey, they’re already being taught about the 937 genders and all things Woke, while doing all they can to keep things secret from parents, so, hey, why not indoctrinate them more?
Connecticut Will Require Public Schools to Teach Climate Change. Can More States Follow?
Starting in July, every K-12 public school in Connecticut will be required to teach their students about climate change. After years of organizing from environmental groups, advocates, and students, the new standards garnered bipartisan support during an education committee vote and passed during the 2022 legislative session. These requirements make Connecticut the second state in the nation—after New Jersey—to mandate some form of climate education in all public schools.
Will the youts be taught all the facts and all sides, or, simply indoctrinated? We all know the answer to that
State Representative Christine Palm introduced the bill four times before it finally passed. In prior years, the bill faced pushback from lawmakers who assumed that climate change was already taught in most public schools, as well as those who weren’t educated about climate change themselves. “There is active scientific debate among scientists and others…about how much global warming is caused by humans burning fossil fuels,” said Republican State Representative John Piscopo, incorrectly, in 2019. “Why tie teachers’ hands to one side of a debate?”
So, will the schools stop running fossil fueled buses for all operations? How about requiring that parents may not bring their fossil fueled vehicles to school grounds, and that employees may not park fossil fueled vehicles in the school parking lots?
Without these legal requirements, there is no guarantee that climate change will be mentioned in public schools—let alone taught accurately and comprehensively. Bobby Sanchez, cochair of the Education Committee, claimed that 90 percent of schools already teach climate change. However, this number was self-reported by schools, and students claimed otherwise. In an informal survey of about 200 students conducted by Sunrise Movement Connecticut, 55 percent of students reported not receiving enough climate change education to make informed decisions on the topic. “I have to help bring this up in all my science classes,” said McKena Clemons, a 16-year-old public school student and the communications lead at Sunrise Movement Connecticut. “I have to be annoying about it.” Safa Mohamed, an organizer with the climate justice organization Zero Hour and a freshman at Ohio State University, said that her climate education in Ohio “really depended on who the teacher was” and “how much they cared,” with the occasional surface-level lessons covered repeatedly. “Learning about climate change in school felt like déjà vu.”
Considering how the schools are failing them when it comes to reading and math, they probably won’t understand it. But, you can bet it will be put in as scary terms as possible. Is it any wonder that the kids are neurotic messes?

Median household income of CT is ~ $80,000; in KY it’s ~ $50,000. Fortunately for our lesser educated, dependent red state brothers and sisters, the generous, educated Americans in productive states like CT, NY, NJ, IL, MA, CA, PA, MD, DC, RI, NH, WA willingly subsidize the poor states. It’s the American thing to do – to help the less fortunate.
For whatever reason, our former conservative (now MAGAty) brothers and sisters have decided that high-falutin’ book learnin’ is too elitist and children need to be sheltered from the realities of history and science. Spoon-feeding citizens propaganda and keeping them aggrieved by the ‘other’ is the MAGAt strategy for control.
Dear Elwood:
The problem is that al of these super smart oh so informed Damyankees are way behind in the facts.
“There has been no rise in global temperatures from July 2015 to March 2023.
This fact-based claim draws on satellite readings from the University of Alabama in Huntsville that measure temperatures in the troposphere, a much more accurate method of keeping score than the shoddy records produced by ground-based weather stations.”
If only what you typed was true!
The satellites that supply raw data to UAH and RSS do NOT measure temperature at all (although Monckton once claimed they used precision platinum thermometers, LOL). The data from the satellits arra are manipulated/adjusted/corrected to infer a ‘temperature’. There is no reason to think the the UAH and RSS platforms are superior to the others. In fact, the UAH and RSS databases require much more manipulation and correction to calculate a temperature than do thermometer readings. On the other hand thermometer technology is fairly well understood. That said, every database shows continued warming, even when encompassing the massive 2016 El Nino. In fact, UAH over the past 10 years shows 0.232 C warming. GISTEMP = 0.247. HADCRUT = 0.282. RSS (satellite) = 0.255. Berkeley = 0.268. That’s a median warming for the 5 databases of 0.255 C warming the past decade.
Do you remember the Great Pause when global warming stopped!?! From 1998 to 2016!!! In fact according to UAH the Earth cooled 0.16 C in the decade after 1998, but warmed an astounding 0.5 C from 2008 to 2018!! The temperature record bounces up and down but the trend is ever upward.
The sun shines on the Earth and the Earth absorbs the energy and releases it back to the heavens. The rate at which it is released appears related to the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (mostly CO2).
Yet 2016 was warmer than 1998! It’s likely the next El Nino will drive the temperature even above 2016. Ever upward! If the El Nino materializes and it’s even warmer than 2016, DCs will start their new countdown until the death of global warming. They will once again be proven wrong but that will not them since DCs are part of the new breed of transactional ‘conservatives’ where owning the libs (scientists, governments, common sense, media), even for an hour is the objective.
The UAH database was constructed by Drs John Christy and Roy Spencer.
Anyway, the ‘trick’ used by the DC (Denier Cult) is to track backward from current until they find an El Nino peak of surface temperature. From that peak (e.g., 2016) until the next peak is “The End of Global Warming!” DCs then lay low until a few years after that El Nino peak to start the countdown. Wash, rinse, repeat. If the El Nino materializes and it’s even warmer than 2016, DCs will start their new countdown – the death march of global warming. They will once again be proven wrong but that will not slow them since DCs are part of the new breed of transactional ‘conservatives’ where owning the libs (scientists, governments, common sense, media), even for an hour is the objective. ‘Journalists’ such as the Teach and the Pudendum will get a headline – “Finally: Proof That Global Warming is a Scam!”.
Unless one invokes magic, there is no scientific reason to expect the warming to stop.
That’s what the dinosaurs said. You ignorant fools believe man can magically change the weather then say we’re the magicians. Typical leftist projection.
Can men have babies, Elwood? Can women become men? Or will you invoke magic?
Funny, when your heart stops beating you’re dead but you refuse to admit when your heart starts beating you’re alive. Magic? ,
We suspect the dinosaurs didn’t say anything.
There is nothing magic about global warming having effects on climate and weather.
Only someone with a uterus can have a baby. Can someone identified at birth as a female actually be a male? Yes.
Mr White typed:
Sorry, Charly, time for a biology lesson. Is one dead when the heart stops beating? Are they brought back to life with a defribrillator? Once the heart has stopped beating trillions of cells in the body are still alive. Even electrical activity can be detected in the non-beating heart.
For a fetus, the heart is fully formed, beating and pumping blood by 17-20 weeks. By your reasoning, such as it is, shouldn’t you allow a woman access to abortion through 4 or 5 months gestation?
BTW, the silly and cruel ‘heartbeat’ laws refer to the detection of electrical activity in the embryo around week 6, not a heartbeat. Can a heart beat without a heart?
As explained earlier, the nuCons (non-nice fascists) chose 6 weeks for their abortion bans to save them the trouble of having to determine if women and girls are pregnant and investigating whether a lost embryo was God-murdered or man-murdered. Many of not most women don’t know yet if they’re pregnant by 6 weeks.
MAGAts have little interest in facts but only about control.
“Unless one invokes magic, there is no scientific reason for the warming to stop”. Unless the cult invokes magic, they’ll never be able to show negative effects of warming!
Also being taught in all schools now are strategies and tactics to avoid being killed by a mass shooter. That may make kids anxious. Run, Hide, Fight!!
Perhaps banning radical left wing “trans” and fags from gun ownership would save lives. The democommie perverts seem to be out hunting Christians now like many of their leaders have alluded to.
Funny how leftist commies and trans perverts murder Christians then go out and protest how THEY ARE BEING OPPRESSED. LOL.
Maybe calling gay children ‘fags’ makes not only the gay kids but all their friends who accept them anxious. Perhaps calling children confused by gender issues ‘trannies’ and ‘perverts’ makes not only those kids but their friends that accept them anxious. Perhaps advocating that ‘patriots’ have the Constitutional and God-given right to tote their symbolic dick (i.e., AR-15) into schools to kill kids makes all kids anxious.
But then that’s the objective of the insecure boys who call themselves ‘patriots’.
Fags, perverts, thugs and animals, wetbacks, groomers, trannies, muzzies, baby killers etc… the language of the American ‘patriot’.
Can an American ‘patriot’ have a discussion without calling the ‘other’ a vile name? Good luck.
Can a chubby Rimjob have a discussion without calling the ‘other’ a vile name?
Well in your case “no” ya self-righteous little hypocrite.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Does the little Shawty DickBreath consider ‘patriot’ namecalling???
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Doubt ahyone here would refer to you as a “patriot” but rather a chubby little flag waving hypocrite amongst other things.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Time to start making sense, DickBreath!!
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Must be happy hour at Casa de Rimjob. He’s already deep into his cups.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Lil DickBreath has snorted too many meth lines today!
Make it stop, Mama! Make it stop…
Bwaha! Lolgf
Rimjob take note.

When you’re in your cups, foolish ideas have a peculiar tendency of sounding like excellent ones.
Bwaha! Lolgf
I doubt it since we only do it to trigger leftist commies like you. You leftist clowns get so hung up on a word you can’t think straight. We realize that as a fat kid with a big head and tiny prick you probably got teased a lot but we were taught that “names will never hurt us”.
ALL kids get teased you fukin moron. Especially ones who stick out. That’s why cowards like you try and blend in with every stupid thing that comes down the road. Hence the leftist religion. Oddly enough when you get a little power you use it to actually hurt other people. Hence your commie propensities.
Insecure boys don’t call themselves patriots, they hide behind patriots and call them deplorables or rednecks. Then you run for the hills while the patriots fight your wars, put out your fires, police your communities, protect your women and secure your property. Then you swing around the word “patriot” like it’s a bad thing. Is patriotism a bad thing Elwood?
Tomorrow is May Day a you gonna decorate your house in CCR flags and read the Little Red Book or Mein Kampf? You probably don’t even own an American flag but I bet you have a gay pride flag.
You people are so weak and afraid you freak out when names are used about people you don’t know and wouldn’t give a rats ass about if we weren’t using names. You’re phonies. Fakes. Liars.
I thought we had agreed that you’d never talk about my dick. You seemed OK at the time…I kept it a secret. Since Chubby Don and I are the same height and weight maybe…
I don’t recall ever being teased. I do recall being yelled at by racists because of my black friends in grade school. And once in high school, during outside gym class, as we boys were heading in, the girls were heading out, I decided to show off and while jogging in jumped and grabbed the football goal crossbar. I miscalculated my momentum and swung forward until losing my grip and falling on my arse! Not sure the girls were that impressed but I think I heard a snicker or ten. LOL.
What do you sacrifice by treating the weak and the bullied with respect and tolerance?
Can you respect or tolerate a gay or transgendered person or are they evil, immoral and a threat to America?
In your opinion does the acceptance of and non-discrimination against gay and transgendered Americans weaken the nation?
When the odious Chubby Don came on the scene with his cruelty and bullying, he recruited other insecure cruel bullies like you, creating the MAGAt movement, where trolling and owning the libs is the objective. MAGOPhers have no interest in governance but like Santos, Jordan and Taylor-Greene only want attention and to make noise. They play to people like you.
Hatred and anger makes your life interesting. Sad.
Why is ANY CHILD willingly handed over to the government criminals/pedophiles every morning? Seriously. At this point, ignorance is no longer an excuse, and at some point the health and safety of their precious children should FINALLY matter to parents.
Nice-teaching non-existent climate doom.
The new lib curriculum-groomers and doomers
Of course I checked on your citation by going to the primary source they used Roy Spenser of the UALH. You really MUST. Check primary sources (especially from anything Monckton who has beed discredited many times)
His graph shows a VERY significant ride since 2011
Jl you really must not accept data without verifying, no matter how much you WANT to believe it
Johnny-Again, I never mentioned satellite temperatures. James Lewis is James Lewis, Jl is Jl-in case you haven’t noticed, those are 2 different people. As far as UAH satellite temps are concerned, Mr. Lewis is correct. No warming, even a slight cooling for the last 7 to 8 years. Yes, it shows warming since 2011, but that’s not what he said. Look at the end point of the graph-is it lower than a previous point? Yes, the 2023 temp is lower than the 2015-2016 temps, which is what he stated
Whether by you or Mr Lewis cherry-picking data is fun!
Speaking of cherry-picking…
So from 2021 until now the Earth has warmed at a rate of:
Trend: 0.739 °C/decade (GISTEMPv4)
Trend: 0.298 °C/decade (UAHv6.0 TLT)
Trend: 0.693 °C/decade (Berkeley)
Trend: -0.178°C/decade (RSSv4.0 TLT)
The UAH and RSS platforms, while based on the same satellite inputs calculate different warming/cooling rates!
What is the reasonable window of time to choose? Most climate scientists prefer a 30 year window.
From 1993 to now:
Trend: 0.221 ±0.059 °C/decade (GISTEMPv4)
Trend: 0.133 ±0.084 °C/decade (UAHv6.0 TLT)
Trend: 0.214 ±0.050 °C/decade (Berkeley)
Trend: 0.223 ±0.087 °C/decade (RSSv4 TLT)
Best estimate is that the Earth is warming at about 0.2 °C/decade (~ 0.36 °F/decade).
Or one can just deny all of it and chalk it up to global commie plot to make ‘patriots’ drive girly Teslas!
First they came for the roar of our engines and we said nothing about mufflers. Next they came for our emissions and we said nothing about catalytic converters. Then they came for our 8 mgpg V8s and we did nothing. Next they came for our standard trannies and we said OK auto. Then they came for our gasoline engines and there was nothing left to save!!
Might want to try 100 years or more.
Thanks dipshit for all you do.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Just when we thought you couldn’t be any more ignorant…
Bwaha! Lolgf
Funny-none of which refutes the fact that the globe cooled for the last 8 years or so, as Mr Lewis said. And of course how much warming per decade is irrelevant-it would be the alleged effects of such warming. There are no negative effects that can be tied solely to warming, just correlations, or that haven’t happened before with lesser amounts of CO2. Which again is why most alarmists stop at “it’s warming!”
Jilly is right again!
The record showed no warming since 2015-2016.
But… since 2021 the Earth is warming at a rate of 0.739 °C/decade (GISTEMPv4)!!!
Great Elwood, you can predict the past! Now tell us what exactly is the global temperature?
‘Elwood’ is sufficient.
Here’s where you can look up the average global surface temperature!! I know the answer. Please tell us what you find.
Finally got it right, J. Now that wasn’t hard, was it?
Now, if only some dire outcome could be associated with that per decade number….but, alas ….
Sorry for the misunderstanding, Jilly. I was mocking you.
Someone ought to sue… this violates the separation of church and state principle by teaching the global warming religion in schools.
Dear Elwood:
“I decided to show off and while jogging in jumped and grabbed the football goal crossbar.”
That was a heck of a ju.
“There is a goal centered on each end line, with a crossbar 10 feet (3.0 m) above the ground and goalposts 18 feet 6 inches (5.64 m) apart extending at least 35 feet (11 m) above the crossbar”
Me thinks you lie.
Me thinks you suck dick.
The crossbar is 10 feet high. That is the height of a basketball goal.
Me thinks you were not a high school athlete.
We doubt youse guys much watch 60 Minutes, but an interesting story tonight on progress in Carbon Capture and Storage.
A group in Iceland has constructed a a carbon dioxide capture plant where they pull millions of pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere, dissolve in water and inject deep into the rocks forming solid ‘rock’.
Of course, to be effective they’ll need to expand a million fold.
Funny how we have all this temp elevation and so called horrible weather events, but absolutely no link to humans, carbon, or anything else. But if you look at previous transitions into an ice age, you see the same pattern.