Monthly Archives: April 2023

Climate Doom Is A Bigger Emergency Than Wuhan Flu Or Something

The climate cultists certainly wouldn’t use what they believe is a climate emergency to implement all those same controls and more as during the COVID emergency, right? Lockdowns, movement restrictions, closing certain businesses, closing churches, forcing people to do things they otherwise wouldn’t do, etc Climate emergency is the biggest health crisis of our time […]

If All You See…

…is a field that would be perfect for a solar farm, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Political Hat, with a post on designated oppression.

Brandon Admin Looks To Push Allies To Up Pressure On Russia Over Ukraine Or Something

Do people really care that much anymore? It’s barely in the news and people have other concerns. What’s happening in Ukraine really doesn’t affect them that much U.S. aims to rally allies to up pressure on Russia, shore up Ukraine support The U.S. government will seek to rally allies this week to ratchet up economic […]

We Must Ban Superyachts To Stop ‘Climate Change’

The NY Times is all in a lather over the superyachts of billionares. Of course, what would actually happen is that the fossil fueled boats of the average person would end up being banned The Superyachts of Billionaires Are Starting to Look a Lot Like Theft If you’re a billionaire with a palatial boat, there’s […]

Gun Grabbers Push Gun Grabbing Immediately After Leftist Nutjob Kills People

The Lexington Herald Leader noted the timeline of the murders 8:38 a.m.: Louisville Metro Police officers received a call of shots fired at 333 East Main Street in downtown. 8:41 a.m.: Officers arrived at the Old National Bank where they encountered the shooter who was actively firing. Police immediately opened fire on the shooter, who […]

Judge Rules Hawaii DOT Must Face Youts Climate Cult Lawsuit

I just have to wonder, why is Hawaii building new roads in the first place? The state went climahysteric over a decade ago….oh, right, they’re still loving all those tourists coming in via fossil fueled flights, and, since the state produces almost nothing, they have to import most items, which requires fossil fuels and roads […]

If All You See…

…is a sea wall needed for when the seas suddenly rise, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on Congress quietly getting what amounts to a raise.

Washington Senate Passes Big Gun Banning Bill

I’m sure all the criminals will not use these banned weapons, right? Senate passes ban on assault weapons. Here’s what would be banned under the law Senate lawmakers voted 27-21 Saturday afternoon for House Bill 1240, which bans the purchase and sale of assault weapons in the state of Washington. The bill was sponsored by Rep. […]

Good News: Brandon’s CAFE Standards To Drastically Increase

This is going to make vehicles a great deal more expensive, making it harder for the working class and middle class afford vehicles, even used ones. Of course this is being pushed by rich folks who do not have to worry about all this. Oh, and many of them, like Joe Biden, are not even […]

DOD Assistant Secretary For Readiness More Concerned About Appeasing Gender Confused

It’s no wonder Biden and so many others seem intent on getting the US into a nuclear war: our actual military readiness is in the toilet DoD’s highest-ranking trans official: ‘Ostracizing anybody’ will hurt military readiness Shawn Skelly was a Navy commander working to help fend off roadside bomb attacks when she came to a […]

Pirate's Cove