Say what you will about members of Kiss, most of them are pretty smart guys, and Paul Stanley explains this much better than most of the chattering class and elected Republicans
— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) April 30, 2023
Read that part again: ““There is a BIG difference between teaching acceptance and normalizing and even encouraging participation in a lifestyle that confuses young children into questioning their sexual identification as though some sort of game and then parents in some cases allow it.” Why are lunatics, mostly on the left, doing this to children? Let them be children. They shouldn’t be taught any sexuality issues at a young age, be it trans, gay, or straight. Let them be kids
I’m the dad of a transgender daughter. Kansas politicians simply ignore our voices | Opinion #ksleg #ksed
— Scott Rothschild (@srothschild1) April 30, 2023
Instead of accepting and normalizing mental illness, aiding your son in doing this, be a parent and seek out mental health. If they really think this when they become an adult, rather than moving on since this is a fad, they they can start pretending to be a woman.
Arizona law blocked my daughter from playing high school sports
Today there is a national attempt to ban trans students from sports.
My daughter attends a small school that has always encouraged students to try new things, so it makes every effort to have a wide variety of sports, arts, music and other extracurricular activities.
School officials strongly feel that a desire to try something is all that’s needed, and any skill can be learned along the way.
Last school year my daughter wanted to try track. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough interest at the time to be able to field a team. It was her junior year, and she could always try again her senior year.
Except she cannot. Arizona passed a transgender sports ban. Any opportunity she had to try something new was taken from her.
It’s an opportunity he shouldn’t have, because he would be taking away wins and potential scholarships from actual women. Scientifically, biologically real women. Instead of patronizing the mental illness of your son, aiding it, you should have looked for a proper mental health practitioner, who would explain this is a popular fad. This child is too young to know better, too impressionable. He fell for a fad, and all this normalizing and assisting doesn’t help.
Speaking of taking something from women
(Breitbart) Hunter Schafer, the transgender star of HBO’s Euphoria, will have a role in the upcoming Hunger Games prequel, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, playing the younger self of a character that was portrayed by a woman in the original series.
Yup, another job taking from real women by someone with mental health issues.

Neither ‘Mr’ Teach nor nuGOP legislators know anything about the individuals or families involved. But conservative men know best.
It’s becoming more and more clear that MAGAt men are mentally ill, as they believe many nonexistent and fantastical notions. Most imagine they hear voices and can talk to imaginary entities. Most imagine their lives are influenced if not controlled by imaginary deities who have given them a slate tablet of rules, that if disobeyed, sentences them to infinite suffering. They also have autocratic tendencies where the ends justify the means.
The only mentally ill person here is you.
First off, you don’t know anything about the individuals or families involved either so your point is moot because you blame Teach and others of the same thing you are: ignorant of the personal facts.
You mean like men can magically become women, or men can have babies? Those kind of “nonexistent and fantastical notions”?
You always seem to find a way to denigrate Christians, don’t you? Those slate tablet of rules are the foundation of the Western (civilized) world and the basis for our laws and nature of our Republic.. Perhaps that’s why you hate us and America so much, you hate God so we who love Him are hated too. Figures. He warned us about people like you. By God, it’s almost as if the Apostil Paul knew you when he wrote this:
Romans 16:17-19
New International Version
17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. 19 Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.
You and your commie comrades are all liars, corrupters of children and murderers of babies. You destroy all good things you come across and you have no redeeming value.
All hatred and anger, all the time!
Of course, we’re not trying to tell families how to raise their children, but YOU are. And you want to use the power of the state to enforce your beliefs!!
We love America, just not the America you want to build. We love Christians, just not Christianity. We don’t hate you, but we do hate some of what you encourage. See the difference? Hate the sin, not the sinner! Remember? We suspect you would like to have gays, trans, atheists, Muslims, pro-choicers etc arrested, maybe even put to death. After all, if every abortion is 1st degree murder…
There is no evidence of gods, demons, visions, angels, aliens, afterlife, heaven, widespread voting irregularities, hell, clairvoyance, unicorns or miracles. If there is a god, he/she/it is a torturer or murderer. Rabbi Harold Kushner (who just died Saturday) wrote about this conundrum in “When Bad Things Happen to Good People”, arguing that god is not evil but also not omnipotent. Kushner refused to see the good in babies suffering from terminal, painful diseases. The Christian philosopher Joel Osteen counters that bad things only happen to Christians who don’t have enough faith. If you are rich, it proves that god approves!!
The rules put forth for peaceful and just societies evolved before, during and after the invention of Christianity.
I don’t care what or how you worship or even if you bray about it. But don’t use the power of the state to force your beliefs on others.
Probably as clear as Amendment II which says in part:
Of course, the Supremes interpret the meaning of the Constitution for us.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
You aren’t? We have compulsory education laws in this country, and either you must send your children to the public schools, or pay taxes to support the public schools and pay tuition to a private school, or pay taxes to support the public schools, and submit to the state a qualified — qualified as judged by the state — home schooling plan, and have the young’uns take state-mandated tests to prove that they’ve been educated.
The state specifies limits to how you may discipline your children, and has the power to throw you in prison if you exceed those limits.
The state specifies how you must support your children, and can take them away from you if you do not meet the state’s standards.
The state specifies what vaccinations your children must have, to enter the public schools they are required to attend.
The state specifies to what things your children cannot be exposed: if you regularly copulate in front of your children, or have sex parties to which your children are exposed, the state can take your children away and throw you in jail.
More examples exist.
The examples given above are very much the state using the power of the state to force the legislatures’ beliefs on everyone.
Dear Elwood:
You don’t need to know about the families involved.
Fairness dictates that biological males should not be allowed to compete against biological females.
It disadvantages the vast number of biological females who train and work for years to compete against other biological females.
Is this unfair to the biological male who thinks they are female? No. You don’t judge apples against oranges. Even the stupidest Leftie knows that.
Do you let children decide they want to make a life changing decision and have their body modified either with a knife or drug? Do you let children use cocaine? Do you let children play on the Interstate?
It is very reasonable that children be at least 18 before they take actions that change their lives forever.
I’m on your side concerning athletics. If young Lew Alcindor (7’2″ with incredible B-Ball skills) had transitioned to female at 18, would it have been fair to the opposition girls’ teams??? Hell, it wasn’t even fair to the opposition men’s teams! So no. Boys having gone through puberty are typically taller and stronger than girls of the same age, what with closed epiphyses and all that.
In conclusion, before puberty co-ed sports are probably OK. Non-contact, strength-independent sports (is there such a thing?) can probably entertain trans women. Shooting sports?
The decisions about gender should be made by the parents, the child and professionals, not Republican politicians.
We’ve covered this before, there exist genetic, hormonal, gene expression influences on self-perceived gender.
The socialist from St Louis wrote:
The University of Kentucky’s Rifle team is sexually integrated, and won teh NCAA Championship in 2022!
Curling is one of the ‘sports’ in which men and women could compete on an equal basis. Chess would qualify.
There have been pre-puberty coed soccer teams, and some girls — not a lot — have played Little League baseball on boys’ teams.
All his son will end up with (along with the mental illness) is a mutilated penis.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Paul Stanley ????
He is a 70+ old man. I don’t think many ‘kids” are all that interested in what he has to say about gender
Conservatives are obsessed with transgenders. It seems to be even more important to some of them than the NUCLEAR WAR which might begin at any moment because of Joe Biden
Sorry Johnny- transgenders are obsessed with transgenders. We’re not the ones putting men playing pretend on Bud light cans…
Sorry Jill – Connies are obsessed with the transgendered. You’re the ones going completely apeshit crazy over a picture on a beer can. No one but dumbass connies care about the transgendered!!
Did you see that crying never-was, Kid Rock, fake-shoot a pile of beer cases? Somebody next to him did most of the shooting, LOL.
Just more stupid right-wing performance art. What if you had just ignored Ms Mulvaney?
Don’t get me wrong, Bud Light tastes like piss after drinking a 12 pack of Bud Light.
Funny, though not really surprising, Rimjob knows what piss tastes like.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Piss tastes like Bud Light. No wonder Lil DickBreath loves it.
Bwaha! Lolgf
If you say so, chubby.

We’ll take your word for it and stay away from both.
Bwaha! Lolgf
J, please follow along..”you’re the ones going apeshit over a picture on a beer can”. But we’re not the ones who put it there in the first place. Why was it put there ? Well, to push transgenderism.
I mean, I was a man trapped inside a woman’s body, too…..But then I was born
You’re the one going apeshit over a beer can. Why does the acceptance of a transgendered person irk you so? It’s your right to not drink crappy Bud Light.
Do you think transgendered are a danger to America?
Carbon boy-it’s the libs who are prioritizing the wants of a few mentally ill men over the needs of all women…
CarolAnn you seem very upset over transgender genital modification especially in minors.
Can you tell us how often you believe this happens in the USA?
Mr H asked:
When it comes to minors, people not legally competent to take many decisions, if it has happened once, it has happened too many times.
Even one person is too many. Adolescents go through several phases and some are confused by sex. Foolish people, doctors, teachers and others are taking advantage of this and causing irreparable harm.
If a 16 yr old girl is absolutely flat-chested and desires modest breast implants, her parents agree and her doctors agree should the Repubicun legislature *intervene?
We’ve discussed this before: Babies (~ 1000/yr US) with ambiguous genitalia are often subjected to surgeries that determines their sex for them.
*The Florida legislature insists on C cup or larger in such a case. The Go Big of Go Home bill.
The esteemed Mr Dowd conflates two things which are not the same:
Kind of silly, but getting breast augmentation, something which can be undone in the future, is not the same thing as removing healthy breast tissue from a developing girl.
Mr Dowd then continues with the case of birth defects; no one is concerned with the repair of birth defects. This is akin to the pro-abortionists arguing that abortion should be legal from conception until completed birth, because a very small percentage of pregnancies result from rape or incest, trying to base the entire rule on the small number of exceptions.