…is a pineapple which will soon grow in Canada due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on parents needing to vet their child’s doctor.

…is a pineapple which will soon grow in Canada due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on parents needing to vet their child’s doctor.
Pineapples can be grown as far north as Georgia.
Did you hear the news? “Biden to deploy 1500 troops at the border to register new voters…”
No fair!
Does a one-legged duck swim in a circle?

Bwaha! Lolgf
I’m beginning to wonder if it’s not time to denounce our esteemed host, who absolutely refuses to be inclusive when it comes to fat, ugly girls.
I figured he’s just trying to kill 70 yr old men by ‘excited delirium’.
A huge majority of Americans do not understand the 2nd Amendment.
A huge majority of Americans do not understand anything in the Constitution.
Take you for instance. You seem to believe the 1st Amendment means the gubmint can legally join with private media to censor Republican candidates during an election. Or refuse to print or air any opinions opposite to the leftist mantra regarding Covid or the 2020 election. Just casually label it mis or disinformation an Freedom of Speech goes out the window. It just so happens everything the democommies don’t like becomes dis/mis information. What a coincidence.
Then there’s the old stand by: Hate Speech. If one makes a disparaging statement about a black, Hispanic, queer, Tranny, Jew or Muslim, whether it’s true or not they are bigots and racists. But you can slime Whites, Christians and straighr people all day long and be treated like some sort of fukin martyr.
Radical leftists have convinced Americans that the guvmint not establishing a religion means they can’t even talk about it unless it’s their religion of global warming then it’s taught in schools like the Catechism in Catholic schools. Whereas teaching about Christianity in our founding is viewed like beating children teaching kids about fags, trannies and other perversions is done with vigor. Nothing says we love our kids more than teaching little Johnny how to suck little Timmy’s dick. How wholesome. How “American”.
Prayer in school, like the pledge of allegiance is verboten but keeping sex change operations secret from parents is a right.
Though insidious, the way the left eliminated any talk of Christianity in schools was brilliant. First they established the Dept of Education, a blatantly unconstitutional dept created in order to have the gov take over education which by law should be left to the states. Then, in a flash of genius eliminated all references to God, Christ or patriotism by calling teaching it “Establishing” it.
Now I don’t know how the great minds on the left define establish but to me it means making Christianity the official religion of America by law. You know, what dowd is always accusing Christians of wanting to do knowing full well that since America was foundd by Christians if that is what we wanted that’s how it would have been since the Constitution was ratified in 1788. Would not have been hard since most states actually did have official state religions like Maryland (Catholic) or Pennsylvania the Quaker State. But they did not. Now we have an Official National Religion called Secularism which is little more than the irreligion of making the State go. You know, like commies do. What a coincidence.
I could go on about the ignorance of the American people about the Constitution but what’s the point. The left in America erased any semblance to constitutional rule back in the early 1900’s. That’s why they insist on calling our country “our democracy” because a democracy is despotic rule by majority under which the majority has only those rights the majority grants them. Sound like us? For example:
” For the last few weeks, a coordinated assault on the court’s conservatives has taken place, with numerous press outlets releasing reports supposedly detailing corruption. In reality, essentially everything charged amounted to nothing legally or ethically. In the case of Thomas, he was not required to report the free travel he received from long-time friend Harlan Crow. A secondary charge that Thomas misreported income also turned out to be nothing more than a simple technical mistake involving two entities with nearly identical names.
As for Neil Gorsuch, he was accused of selling land to the executive of a law firm that had business before the Supreme Court. Once again reality got in the way of the far-left hysteria, though, after it was revealed that Gorsuch sold the property just nine days after being confirmed and that the person he sold it to had no business at all before the court at the time.”
Meanwhile, Sotomayor (the brilliant Hispanic) took $3.6 million from a book company that did appear before her court and she refused to recuse herself. Classy eh?
That sound you hear is every Democrat who demanded Thomas and Gorsuch resign suddenly running away from any discussion of Supreme Court “ethics.” While the accusations against the conservative justices were silly and shallow, there is actual meat on the bone regarding what Sotomayor did. The publishing company in question actually stood to lose money depending on how the court ruled, yet she took millions of dollars from it anyway and then didn’t recuse herself from the case.
I could go on but it seems the leftists who comment here love a corrupt gubmint as long as they are the ones corrupting it. So the march continues until the collapse.
Justice Sotomayor disclosed her book advances as required. Does CarolAnn agree that the Supreme Court should have a code of ethics?
CarolAnn typed:
CarolAnn seems obsessed with dicks.
Anyway, the Supreme Court decides what is and isn’t Constitutional. You can say or shout whatever you want except of certain situations. If someone stands in front of your house at 2 AM calling you a bigot through a loud speaker, the gov’t will abridge her right to free expression by sending her home or arresting her. The law allows you to use the terms fag, trannie, coon, nigger, muzzie, wetback, honkie, cocksucker, Jesuskiller, redskin, peckerwood, slants, cunt, bitch etc all you desire. Just because the gov’t won’t abridge your right to call a gay man a ‘fag’, you are not immunized against others objecting.
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