Is this something? Is this something that will go somewhere, or, will the Congressional Republicans go wimpy like usual? Obviously, most of the big U.S. media, like the NY Times, Washington Post, ABC News, et al, are either not covering this or putting it way down the page
Whistleblower accuses Joe Biden of taking bribe from foreign national
Two senior Republicans are demanding the FBI release a document in which a whistleblower alleges Joe Biden took a bribe from a foreign national when he was vice president.
Iowa senator, Chuck Grassley and James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, claim the document “includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose”.
Congressman Comer, whose committee is investigating the Biden family’s business dealings, has issued a subpoena for the document.
“The information provided by a whistleblower raises concerns that then-Vice President Biden allegedly engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national,” he said.
Mr Comer added: “The American people need to know if President Biden sold out the United States of America to make money for himself.
“Senator Grassley and I will seek the truth to ensure accountability for the American people.”
And how long will the FBI stonewall Congress? Grassley doesn’t have the power, as he’s in the minority in the Senate, but, the GOP can hold FBI officials in contempt if they refuse to pony up the subpoenad document toot sweet.
Speaking on Fox News, Mr Grassley added: “We really need to know what steps did the Justice Department and FBI take to investigate and to vet the document to determine if it’s accurate or not?
“And did the Justice Department and the FBI follow normal investigative procedures, or did they let political calculations interfere?”
Please. They probably demoted any agents involved and threatened them. We’ll see if this has legs.

Speaking of bribes…
Now do Justice Clarence Thomas. BTW, Americans’ respect for SCOTUS is at an all-time low.
How deep into billionaire Crow’s pocket is Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas?
We will never know. Supreme Court Justices are not elected, but are nominated by Presidents and confirmed by the Senate. For life. There is no ethics code for SCOTUS.
Justice Thomas did not report these tuition payments nor any of millions of free travel or real estate from Crow on his annual financial disclosures. Thomas didn’t disclose that Harlan Crow purchased and remodeled Justice Thomas’ mother’s home (and surrounding properties) permitting her to live there. Crow gave $500,000 to the conservative activist group Liberty Central founded by Ginni Thomas. What else is Justice Thomas hiding?
BTW, Americans’ respect for SCOTUS is at an all-time low.
Thanks, chubby, for another copy&paste and the faux outrage.

Getting a bit old.
Bwaha! Lolgf
We already know that Bidens, Clintons, Obamas, Kerrys and Pelosis are above the law. And we already know that Democrats are perfectly fine with some corruption in their government because they expect some of it to “trickle down”. They only pretend to be outraged when a Republican is involved. The press will never cover this. The DoJ/FBI will do the usual “we can’t comment on ongoing investigations” dance.
Biden’s decades long corruption hasn’t paid off very well. He lives in fucking DELAWARE
He vacations in NANTUCKET in the off season in a rented house
The Clintons? The house they bought in NY after leaving the White House cost 1.5 million. They had to borrow the down payment. Their DC house cost 4.5 million
Zero jets or super yachts or private islands all of which they could afford but apparently have no interest in owning . The Clintons have pledged to give 90% of their estimated 100 million estate to charity when they die.
Teach if the story doesn’t have any legs will you later update it?
Save Democracy—Send a Biden to Prison.
“The walls are closing in” on Joe and Hunter.

Bwaha! Lolgf