…is a massive sunburn from an overheated carbon pollution world, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on Biden knowing more than everyone else. So he thinks.
It’s cosplay week!
A couple things. Let’s tone down the personal insults, they’re getting out of control again. Thank you.
If you have a Dell computer and notice that your WiFi speed stinks, go and disable SmartByte Network Service. I was wondering why my WiFi on my laptop was testing so low. Was testing a lot earlier last week, there’s a problem with the Spectrum internet, there’s a problem with the big unit at the street that serves multiple townhomes, they have to replace it. Before disabling I was running between 15 and 30mbs, now typically 170-250mps (not stable because of that unit).
Interestingly, I found out that using an ethernet cable was not optimal. Most TVs, including mine, and Kindle Firesticks are only CAT5, so, no more than 100mbs, but, will mostly be under 20-25mbs. More stable, yes, but, I’m noticing better TV resolution with the WiFi now. If speed tests would peg near 100, I’d be fine, that’s more than enough for what you need for streaming up to 4K. Really only need about 40-50mbs.
Anyhow, have a great week, everyone!

This is how it’s done.
Oklahoma bans first 13 companies from state business for ESG policies.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Get rid of Rimjob and you’ll eliminate the problem.
Thank you.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Who is this ‘rimjob’ you keep referencing?
Can’t answer a simple question? Mr Teach asked you nicely!
Did you know that ‘rimjob’ references oral-anal sex?
What does GFY mean?
PSSI Foods, JBS Meat Packing and Blackstone investments were busted for employing hundreds of 13-17 year olds in dangerous jobs.
Texas Mall mass murder shooter identified as rightwing extremist
Still proud to be in that group Teach
Blackstone manages $8,500,000,000,000
Oklahoma has 10,500,000,000
That shows the difference in Oklahoma’s 10 billion total investments and Blackstone’s 8 TRILLION MANAGED ASSETS.
“Zeros matter”. And that changes Oklahoma’s position of banning them…how?
Johnny-yes, the name Mauricio Martinez Garcia sure sounds like some kind of white supremacist, but you never know…
Those White supemacists are a really inclusive bunch, it seems.
In the first day after such things, the media always tries to paint the murderer as a right winger. Then the story gets memory-holed when they discover his leftist manifesto. I wonder what this guy’s tweets and tocks will reveal.
What we know so far in similar incidents is that leftists are really a bunch of violent nut-cases. That’s what comes from an ideology about how “breaking a few eggs” is necessary.
Perhaps common sense gun control should include disarming anyone who votes Democrat.
From his extensive postings in social media Mauricio Garcia gave every appearance of being a right-wing extremist, denigrating Jews, minorities, women and diversity. He had a Right Wing Death Squad patch on his tactical vest.
from the New York Post:
His short stint in the Army ended for mental health reasons, yet in Texas he was able to obtain an arsenal.
But conservatives may be right. There is nothing we can do to stop the carnage.
Makes perfect sense, again-the gun will get blamed in the mass shooting but the SUV won’t get blamed in the Brownsville incident. Funny how that works….
AR-15s have no function other than to kill people. If Garcia did not have access to a firearm that could deliver 100 rounds in a minute or so, if he was limited to a couple of six-shooters fewer would have died. Sure, he could have chased customers with his SUV running them down, or load his SUV with a bomb.
On the other hand SUVs are primarily for transportation. Their function is not to kill humans. If you were to ban all autos you would destroy America. If you were to ban all SUVs you would harm America.
I guess you can make the argument that SUVs (your AR-15 equiv) could be replaced by a less mass killing Corolla (Colt revolver equiv).
The mall shooting was quite obviously intentional while the Brownsville tragedy may have been accidental (but not to excuse a drunk driving 100 mph).
weird.. no one talking about this particular post and the point of it.
Teach, yeah, CAT5 is old tech and most new wifi are much faster than what cat5 can maintain. The increase in wifi was made mainly due to the increase in internet capable devices in homes that aren’t wired for internet.
In businesses, we do fiber or CAT6 or better.
We went from Cat5, to Cat5e, to Cat6 to now Cat8 (40gbps).
It also depends on what speed your switches and modem operates at.