…is a mountainside collapsing from too much Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on AOC race grifting on NYC subway killing.

…is a mountainside collapsing from too much Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on AOC race grifting on NYC subway killing.
Not a very convincing Tomb Raider. It’s like she isn’t even trying.
Greek midget aghast at Brandon’s numbers. Tapper too.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The Dinkytown stomp.
It’s the latest craze.
Black Lives Matter

Bwaha! Lolgf
Motive unknown.

Bwaha! Lolgf
“About 100 Somali males harassing patrons..”. Diversity! Let’s bring in more crime!
Me no see image now.
Me is sad
So, me no see all you see.
The best option is bankruptcy because otherwise the corporate industry will continue to push the US corporation into more debt and inflation for the rest of the existence of the universe. Indeed, the logical solution is resetting the debt by declaring chapter eleven. Otherwise, the next ten generations will be paying for the irresponsible manner that we spend. It’s inevitable anyway because the GDP doesn’t exist to sustain this type of spending, and ultimately the result is the sane bankruptcy. There isn’t a solution or magic trick that can happen offset this dilemma except to incur more debts and promises to pay. Responsibility, has been annulated by the incremental amounts borrowing creating irepable insolvency.
Six-year old William wakes up in the hospital learning his mom, dad and 3-year old brother James are dead – killed in a hail of bullets from an extremist with access to military grade firearms.
Over time, young William will derive comfort realizing little James gave his life defending American freedoms.
Our 2nd Amendment has become a suicide pact.
It’s understandable and a fact of life that entrenched positions are difficult to abandon, but just as 7’0″ transgender girls should NOT participate in women’s basketball; just as late-term abortions SHOULD be regulated; just as an American DOES have a right to defend themselves; just as police departments SHOULD NOT be defunded – extremists SHOULD NOT have access to military grade firearms. It’s time for change.
How many schoolchildren must we sacrifice on an altar to satisfy the “gods” of mayhem.
Like you really care.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Of course he really cares. If children (white ones) stop getting killed by violent leftists, the gun control lobbyists will not make as much money next year. This is an activist job security program. Jeff is very protective of his corporate activists.
Professor Hale,
Why don’t you care about dying children? Imagine the terror and trauma all schoolchildren must keep filed away in the back of their minds every day. Days where they practice active shooter drills.
Do you have a point typing “Jeff”?
I haven’t the time or energy to deal with every little insecure right-wing fantasist.
American children are dying: black kids, white kids, Korean-American kids, children of libs and of cons, little boys, little girls, Hispanic kids, their teachers… and we effete Americans continue to offer thoughts and prayers rather than protect our children from these terrorists with easy access to firearms.
When will the violent deaths of American children outweigh the conservative ‘need’ of military grade weaponry? Columbine? We did nothing. Sandy Hook? Marjorie Stoneman HS? Uvalde TX? Oxford MI? Houston TX, Nashville… plus a hundred other slightly less tragic killings.
Continue your mockery of dead children and other dead innocents. Express your fantastical tales.
But I’m done with you. Take care and Happy Trails.
Actually, I really do care. Why would you suggest I do not? Instead of discussion you decide to call people pedophiles and perverts and vulgar names. You reveal personal information hoping to harm others. What motivates you?
Don’t you care? We understand you and several other ‘conservative’ commenters thrive on conflict, but the gracious Mr Teach requested we no longer diminish his blog by relying on “personal insults”.
For whatever reason, Mr Teach chooses not to strictly enforce his own guidance:
but it’s his blog, not yours, not mine.
Try is you might to engage, enrage or harm me, I’ve had it and will try to ignore your ‘personal insults’. If haven’t the energy to wrestle your inner demons. Take care.
Keep playing the blameless little “victim”, Rimjob.

It suits you.
Boo fucking hoo.
Bwaha! Lolgf
“Military grade” must be the latest buzword being distributed by the democratic party talking points. all the cool kids are using it. Since i actually served in the military, I can tell you there is no such “grade” that the military uses. Normally, they go with lowest price to meet the requirements.
When it comes to AR style rifles, i have found the civilian marketplace produces superior quality to what the military requires. Activists though are seriously behind since the U.S. military shifted to 6.8mm arms. They lost confidence in the 5.56mm years ago. It simply isn’t lethal enough. It’s really nothing more than a varmit round, with no magical properties of “tumbling”, “bouncing around inside the body”, or wounds of unusual cavity size. Any claims to the contrary are mythology and marketing.
Military grade means having a similar impact to the military version.
The M4 is the military version of the AR-15!
An earlier activist Supreme Court put the kibosh on fully auto actions for home use many decades ago! Boo!!
At the point of impact of the .223 bullet with the tissue of the victim, there is no difference. The .223 cartridge delivers a high-velocity round, which is why it’s so lethal. Please note that in combat, the targets often wear body armor, while most 5 year old victims at elementary schools, shopping malls and picnics do not (more on body armor, later).
The advantages of the M4/AR-15 over previous military rifles are numerous and reflect changes in warfare.
Anyone who has carried and fired a .30-06 understands the issues. The rifles are heavy with stunning recoil. The early versions (WWI) were bolt action. The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) was also chambered for the .30-06 and was very effective in WWI. Bolt-action .30-06 rifles remain extremely popular for big game in the US (I have 2).
The Army adopted the 7.62x51mm NATO cartridge and then designed the 20-round, semi-auto M-14 rifle in 1957 around that new standard cartridge.
The advantages of the M-16 in close quarters are the same advantages of the rifle from which it arose, the consumer AR-15. Since the AR-15 has been good enough for the US military for 50 years it’s not surprising that mass shooters also find it suitable for the wholesale killing of children, women and men!!
No doubt if one response to school, mall and picnic high volume murders is everyone investing in body armor, mass shooters will also adopt the Army’s new 6.8mm platform!!
Should schools require kids to wear body armor and helmets?
The efficacy of our current mass shooters in killing kids argues the AR-15 will remain the tool of choice for the mass murder of un-armored kids for the foreseeable future!
I was looking forward to you being “done” with me. Tease.
Rimjob can’t help himself.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I wondered about that too. The first time I heard the term it was tossed out by Whoopie Goldberg with her usual garbage rant but as usual within a few days I began hearing it all over including on the news. So like you I had to assume it was the latest poll tested anti American slur by the democommies.
I also noticed it’s mostly used by the type of cowards who the closest they ever got to military anything was flying over an Army base or watching Band of Brothers. Only the Duchy of Grand Fenwick would ever use a .22 caliber semi automatic plinker in battle.
I’ve also observed the same type of moron who is against “assault weapons” is against free speech, freedom of association, the right to fair trials for non democommies, free and fair elections by qualified voters and are willing to give away our God given rights for anything that acquires their political party more power. It’s a club they have based on atheism and lead by nihilists. Very anti American and anti Jew/Christian style bigots. They are the birthplace of the proverbial “Karen”.
A commenter typed:
The AR-15, the M-16 and M4 use identical ammunition, the lethal .223 cartridge (aka 5.56mm NATO round).
Anyone who considers the .223 round equivalent to the .22 round just doesn’t understand.
Please look at this picture of a .223 round vs a .22LR round …
Note the M-16 and M4 are modified versions of your AR-15.
* from the charming 1959 flick, “The Mouse that Roared” starring Peter Sellers. BTW, the Duchy of Grand Fenwick ‘troops’ were armed with bows and arrows, not .22 rifles.
Except the .223 and the NATO 5.56 are NOT the same round.

Surprised an old Army man like yourself didn’t know that… oh wait, I think I know now.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Just because we refuse to interact directly (that is, to no longer trade ‘personal insults’ as requested by our gracious host; and we’re not responsible for Mr Teach’s policing of comments) with certain commenters does not give them carte blanche to either lie or spread disinformation ad libitum without response.
For example, the .223 and .22 rounds are not remotely similar.
The AR-15 and its progeny, the M4, only differ significantly in the M4 having a fully auto setting.
The Army is switching to the 6.8mm round because the .223 (5.56mm) is less lethal than desired against body armor.
Mass murderers prefer AR-15s for the same reasons the military does.
Since many commenters cannot argue the facts, they cowardly resort to ‘personal attacks’ and more faux arguments.
Advice: When in a hole, stop digging. Accept the loss and live to play another day. Try to understand the difference between evidence and opinion.
Let’s repeat.
Bwaha! Lolgf
A distinction with little difference. The rounds are largely interchangeable between the weapons. The NATO round develops 5% more pressure.
Dead children likely won’t notice the difference.
Maybe not in looks but in caliber they are almost identical and that is what I was referring to. Either way a non fully auto firearm like the AR-15 is not war-worthy therefore not a “weapon of war”. A nuclear power plant is based on the same science as a bomb but like a semi auto is not a weapon of war. BTW, a .45 semi auto pistol and a fully auto Thompson sub machine gun are weapons of war yet are subsonic.
Leftists like you use the AR-15 as an all around EVIL weapon and because it looks bad to women and balless lefties so it’s scary. Then you bless them with the moniker “weapon of war” and really scare the living crap out of them.
As usual, it’s all hyped leftist propaganda. Why do you want so badly to disarm law abiding citizens like your other leftist Adolf did?
Largely interchangeable between the guns. Today’s AR-15s can accept either cartridge.
The NATO rounds has a bit more powder and can generate 5% more pressure.
Dead kids probably can’t tell the difference, but thanks for the diligent research.
As an aside, we’re surprised that more commenters didn’t correct the previous claim that .223 and .22 rounds are equivalent.
Didn’t even read your own citation, didja?
What was that thing about holes and digging?
Keep whining, Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
William Teach,
Is this what you meant by taking it down a notch? Does your mandate apply to all or just some?
The AR style of rifle is used in more mass shootings now than it used to be because it is now “in common use” in America, among Americans. This is the legal basis to protect it under the 2nd amendment. Before this, the 9mm pistol was the favorite, because IT was also in common use. Not because it was a weapon of war, though it is and continues to be the favorite pistol ammo size for most of the World’s armies and police forces. If all ARs are banned and collected up tomorrow, mass shooters will just go back to the 9mm and cause just as many deaths (more because population is increasing). Then the activists would demand banning those. Then they would demand banning the .38 special… just like they did before there were 9mm pistols in common use. Before the 9mm, the 22LR was the most killingest ammunition type used in crimes in the USA. In fact, the Las Vegas shooting was the only recent mass shooting where a rifle of any sort was useful to the shooter. All other murdering happening at much closer ranges, such as indoors. Pistols would have had exactly the same result.
The US military transitioned from 7.62 to the 5.56mm for the basic infantry rifle (but not for MGs) not because it was an improvement over the 7.62 at killing people, but because it was lighter and a soldier could carry 230 rounds for the same weight as 75 rounds of 7.62. The Army believed then, and it is still true that ALL rifle ammunition produce deadly effects within knowable limitations. This includes plinking rifles, WW2 rifles, bolt action hunting rifles and even those other weapons of war, the muzzle loaded muskets, in every caliber imaginable from .22S to 50BMG. Hitting the target was more important than single bullet damage. Flatter trajectories improved % of hits. Carrying more ammo improved chance to hit targets with multiple rounds.
But the simple fact is, Activists against gun ownership have a long track record in the USA. We don’t need to listen to them anymore because we have all heard everything they have to say about this issue over and over. It is a very old playbook. Demonize one type of gun/ammo to establish precedent of control, then go for something else. The Slippery slope is indeed slippery. The camel’s nose does indeed have a whole camel attached to it. There is no reason for anyone with a functioning brain to entertain any sort of compromise with the activists. They don’t want half of the loaf. They want half of the baby.
If gun control activists in office are serious, let them prove it by insisting on disarming the government and police. Force police departments and federal agencies all over the USA to destroy their own AR style rifles. If these are indeed “weapons of war”, who are American police and federal agencies (like the IRS) at war with?