But, see, we keep being told that Liberal groups do not want to ban all guns (well, maybe just those icky assault weapons), they just want common sense gun control
I’m literally part of the shooting club at my college and was in a skeet competition just a few weekends ago. That day I used well over 100 shells, then disassembled, cleaned and locked up the 12 gauge I used. Please save it. No one is coming for your guns. pic.twitter.com/BTv76crFlj
— David Hogg ???? (@davidhogg111) May 7, 2023
See, no one is coming to take your guns
Moms’ Gun Control Group Urges Colorado Governor to Ban All Guns
Here 4 the Kids, a gun control group comprised of mothers, is urging Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) to use an executive order to ban all guns in the state.
The mothers are hoping a “group of 25,000 will come together for a sit-in at the state Capitol” on June 5 to demand all guns be banned, 9 News reports.
The homepage on the Here 4 the Kids website says, “We demand that Colorado Governor Jared Polis sign an executive order to ban guns and buy them back.”
Another section of their website explains, “We are not an organization. This movement is an unexplored and unprecedented action, led by black and brown women with a team of white women working behind the scenes, to end gun violence in the United States.”
And, as typical, they separate themselves by skin color. Perhaps they should read the Colorado Bill Of Rights
Section 13. Right to bear arms. The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.
Seems pretty clear. Perhaps the black and brown moms should teach their kids better, since, just like nationally, black and brown people are murdered/shot with guns and are the shooters way, way, way more than their population.
(Axios) President Biden is again asking Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines following a mass shooting in Allen, Texas, on Saturday.
“Too many families have empty chairs at their dinner tables. Republican Members of Congress cannot continue to meet this epidemic with a shrug. Tweeted thoughts and prayers are not enough,” he continued.
Biden asked that Congress work quickly to send him a bill that would require safe storage for guns and enhance universal background checks for those seeking to buy guns.
“I will sign it immediately. We need nothing less to keep our streets safe,” he said.
Well, let’s start with banning the Secret Service and all those who protect the White House, Biden, Harris, Congress, and all Executive Office agencies, excluding the military, from carrying assault weapons. No rifle that has a pistol grip, flash suppressor, front grip, folding or telescopic stock or has a magazine that holds more than 5 rounds. Nothing automatic. No 50 caliber. All those that show up in 1994 ban and any recent bans. We’ll try this for 5 years, see how they enjoy it.

Right wing extremist/white supremacist succeeds in shooting up Texas Mall.
“R?i?g?h?t? ?w?i?n?g? ?e?x?t?r?e?m?i?s?t?/?w?h?i?t?e? ?s?u?p?r?e?m?a?c?i?s?t? dimocrat constituent succeeds in shooting up Texas Mall. (you’re welcome)
2nd Amendment applies to ALL AMERICANS
Even rightwing nut cases
No shooting club should permit a gun control activist to join their ranks. That is just asking for trouble. Activists in general are troublemakers who are more concerned with seeking attention and signaling their virtue than the goals of the clubs.
Muricio Garcia, a registered democommie and Mexican is a right wing extremist and white supremist? I guess Antoinio Bandaras is a blue eyed woman too.
So if something or someone does not fit your agenda just redefine him or it until it does? Is that how it works? It’s bad enough the years of leftist cultural rot has created a cult of degeneracy but to try and make every persons death some sort of political statement for your twisted un American views is revolting.
Mr White,
The alleged murderer, Mauricio Garcia, had a significant online presence. Please read any of several articles about his background.
He seemed to be anti-black, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, an incel, criticized diversity and was reported to have Nazi tattoos. He looked and sounded like a white supremacist but could have made it all up.
Can you lead me to the info proving Garcia was a registered Democrat? Thanks.
Was he born in Mexico?
In the long run none of this matters. What matters is that Garcia drove to an outlet mall and killed several, including children and wounded several more. He used a military grade AR-15.
Dear Elwood:
You do love to make things up.
The AR-15 is not a “military grade weapon.” Military grade refers to something that conforms to military specifications.
Garcia was not a right wing anything. From the link you posted but did not read, or just ignored.
“In social media posts reviewed by Heavy on the platform OK.RU, Garcia posted references to Adolf Hitler”
That makes him a National SOCIALIST.
No charge for the education
Mr Lewis typed:
As I say each time you recite that: We got what we paid for!
Do you really equate the Nazis with the Socialist Democracies of Europe? My recollection is that the Nazis had far more death camps than does Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, France… you should get the idea, I would hope.
Most psychos who admire Hitler are not traditional liberals.
Garcia expressed hatred for Jews, women, diversity, immigrants, gun laws, government… sort of the same positions of current reactionary extremists.
It’s understandable you wish to label today’s liberals as Nazis.
Let’s not forget that a man took an AR-15 and shot nearly 20 people at the mall, including 3 children. The common denominators are an AR-15 and a crazy man hiding in plain sight.
Have a nice day.
As a practical matter, how effective have Gun Grabbers been in grabbing guns? That’s rhetorical.
Yes, there are Americans who want a total gun ban, but:
And the Supreme Court has made clear that it would take the repeal of the 2nd Amendment to rescind the right of Americans to keep and bear Arms in defense of themselves, their families and their homes.
Pro-gun extremists, the NRA, gun manufacturers and some politicians claim that ANY limits on the choice of weapons is unConstitutional, although the SC has backed infringement of fully automatic weapons and short-barreled shotguns. The right’s frequently expressed fear is that limiting the availability of military grade weapons is just the beginning of the total elimination of all Arms.
Would this Supreme Court let stand laws disallowing ownership of AR-15 style rifles?
Mr Teach lets fly at black and brown moms:
Actually, black and brown moms hardly deserve Mr Teach’s opprobrium since they bear the brunt of murdered children. This is why they are protesting. Of course, Mr Teach’s point is that black and brown moms are neither smart enough nor moral enough to rear children, nor nurturing enough to be saddened by their child’s murder.
Mr Teach is correct that the US and Colorado Constitutions preclude eliminating all Arms, but it’s also logical that restricting the availability of semi-auto rifles and pistols will result in fewer dead kids – black, brown and white.
David Hogg (who may be what conservatives call a ‘fag’) was ‘tore up’ in the comments, e.g.,
As more state legislatures ‘grow a pair’ and start banning civilian use semi-auto rifles like the AR-15s and newer ones in development lawsuits will make their way to the state and US Supreme Courts. We’ll see.
RPG launchers are legal and not too expensive and can take out a tank. If I was concerned about the gov’t coming up my cul de sac in an M-1 Abrams I’d keep an RPG-7 and plenty of ammunition! But the government would probably make we register it!
Nobody wants to take your guns, except for the bad and scary ones. And all the other ones, but not just yet.
Semi-automatic rifles and pistols are used in almost all mass shootings and most street level shootouts in big cities.
These arms are used for hobbies and shooting humans.
That said, we as a society should also work on 1) mental health, 2) conditions contributing to violent crime and 3) upgraded policing.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
We have noted, with some amusement, that Helen Gym Flaherty, who is the ‘progressive’ candidate for the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Philadelphia, and who promises to “Get illegal guns off our streets,” and to “Provide interventions to stop those in the path of violence,” had two get out the vote canvassers packing heat, one illegally, and engage in a gunfight while going door-to-door in the East Germantown neighborhood.
The “conditions contributing to violent crime”? That would include fatherless homes, a “no snitchin'” attitude in the black community, rampant, open, and tolerated drug use. It includes people dropping out of churches and abandoning the societal morés which built up a strong America.
MAGA, Make America Great Again, as a slogan only works because we once had a society which really was great, which embodied what a strong community and state and national culture we once had, but abandoned to the permissiveness of liberalism.
We need an Executive Order banning empty chairs at the dinner table.
Problem solved.
Mr Teach typed:
Why? Is there a problem with these agency members going rogue and shooting up schools or malls?
We think Mr Teach believes he’s making a salient point – if the police can have AR-15s, so should we all!!
Has the easy access to inexpensive, easily handled, military style weapons made America a safer place? That’s rhetorical. If not safer, why have them?
Dear Elwood:
“Why? Is there a problem with these agency members going rogue and shooting up schools or malls?”
Not so far. but federal police did kill a woman who was no threat to him.
We note with some amusement how David Hogg, an open homosexual male, is trying to persuade us what a Real Man™ he is.
Mr Dana is amused that Mr Hogg shoots a shotgun.
Why does Mr Dana believe a gay man cannot be a Real Man?
Please explain: What makes a Real Man?
Sounds like pure churlish
Mr Hoog no doubt drinks Bud Light with the mentally ill man on the can
That VO right to have arms. Is that without restriction?
Felons ? Mentally ill? RPGs?
Seems pretty clear cut to me too Teach but you just don’t want to include EVERYONE
You only want approved people.
What about people who lied about previous drug use?
Dear Elwood:
“Would this Supreme Court let stand laws disallowing ownership of AR-15 style rifles?”
Not this one, but why do you think the Democrats want to pack the court?
” Of course, Mr Teach’s point is that black and brown moms are neither smart enough nor moral enough to rear children, nor nurturing enough to be saddened by their child’s murder.”
Actually his point is that they should do it. He makes no comment regarding intelligence or morals.
But then again you love to make things up.
“Perhaps black and brown moms should teach their kids better..”. That’s true, seeing the majority of these homicides are committed by young black males. As said the other day-it’s not the guns, it’s the little assholes you’ve raised with no conscience, control or common sense.
Dear Elwood:
“In one post, he wrote, “If illegal aliens, Antifa, and BlackLivesMatter are allowed to break the law with impunity, why should other Americans respect the law? Why not break the law if you can get away with it as others are allowed to do.” He also shared posts from the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi, white supremacist website. Some posts were anti-Semitic; he wrote, “America is controlled by a cabal of scheming Jews, and the time has come to rise up against them.”
That, and his references to Hitler, well defines him as a Nazi, which were National SOCIALISTS. They nationalized industries, killed millions and wrote detailed regulations for everything.
And I do not define Liberals as Nazis. It is the Hard Left that have Nazi attributes. And they have taken over the Democratic party. The Democratic Party no more resembles the party of John Kennedy than a gorilla resembles a chimp.
Mr Lewis,
Do YOU, like the killer, believe illegal aliens, Antifa and BLMers are allowed to break the law with impunity?
Do you believe Daily Stormer readers, neo-Nazis and white supremacists are liberals, Democrats and socialists?
Do you, like the killer, believe “America is controlled by a cabal of scheming Jews, and the time has come to rise up against them.”
Do you believe Adolf Hitler was a liberal? Why do you believe that certain Americans lionize Adolf Hitler? Was it the national health program he inherited from Bismarck, which Hitler improved by ordering physicians to euthanize undesirable patients. Or was it his habit of murdering children, women and men?
Nazism is a far-right totalitarian philosophy. There’s little more for us to discuss on this topic. Have a pleasant evening.
Dear Elwood:
The Left is not liberal.
The Left believes in government ownership and control. The Left hates free speech. The Left has thugs that destroy property and kill people. The Left hates Jews and Christians. There’s no difference between the Left and Nazis.
Sorry James Lewis, but Dowd has the usual closed mind of a leftist.
We’ve been through this a thousand times with him but he refuses to admit Hitler was a leftist socialist even when we point out “socialist” was in his party’s name. His mind is made up and no facts or even Hitlerian quote to the contrary will change it. That’s what makes Dowd the perfect democommie. He always obeys his orders.
Somewhere long ago some commie teacher must have beat into his brain that commies were liberal and nazis were “far right”. It was generally taught back in the 50s-70s during a decisive time of their march through the institutions. Now they teach everything is about white supremacy and white people are supposed to hate whote people because they’re white. Systemic oppression and all that crap.
The democrat party having been taken over by tha commies in the 60s always have a current trend. Todays is calling anyone whoi refuses to believe people can change their sex on a whim. We are told that is a fact and if we don’t believe it we are transphobic homophobes full of hate and want to genocide faggots and perverts.
Dowd also believes males can have periods, babies and drink Bud Light.
Don’t be like Dowd.