Will the idea be to hold the next IPCC COP virtually, rather than having tens of thousands of Warmists take fossil fueled travel, along with the hundreds who fly in on private jets? Maybe the U.N. will recommend that all Warmists give up their own use of fossil fuels?
Phasing Out Fossil Fuels Hasn’t Worked. Europe Has a New Idea for COP28
Near the end of the United Nations climate summit in Sharm El-Sheikh last year, European Union climate chief Frans Timmermans offered a grand bargain to break the deadlock in the two-week negotiations.
The 27-member bloc would consent to the creation of a finance facility to pay for loss and damage caused by climate change, fulfilling a demand made by developing countries. But the EU’s support would come only if all countries agreed on a stronger commitment to eliminate the use of fossil fuels. The loss-and-damage fund promise made it into the final deal at COP27; the stronger agreement to phase out fossil fuels did not. (big snip)
Al Jaber said at last week’s climate event that diplomats should focus on phasing out emissions from oil and gas, rather than eliminating those fuels themselves. That’s seen as leaving the door open for burning oil and gas while scaling up carbon capture technologies.
So, technologies that do not work, to allow people to continue using reliable, dependable, affordable fossil fuels.
So the question is how the EU will go about its goal to speed up the pace of emissions cuts. In Sharm El-Sheikh last year, the bloc was part of a push by India to expand language adopted at COP26 on phasing down coal to gas and oil. Timmermans also wanted a pledge to peak emissions from the energy sector by 2025. The effort failed amid lobbying from Saudi Arabia, China and Russia, which convinced the summit’s Egyptian presidency to drop the idea.
Has anyone considered actually asking the peasants whether they like this plan? Because they’re the ones who will suffer. And, of course, most polls show that citizens do not want any of these cult initiatives to negatively affect their own lives.
In the meantime, a separate global goal to boost energy efficiency could be easier to achieve, according to a European official familiar with the matter. The EU has already agreed on a target to reduce energy consumption. This official said that at COP28 there may be a push for a global goal that instead focuses on lowering energy intensity, or the amount of energy needed to generate a unit of output.
“Why aren’t we more forthcoming in here about the reduction of our energy use?” Timmermans said at last week’s climate event. “Especially the major emitters, the major industrialized countries. There is much, much more that we can do on energy efficiency than we are doing now.”
Of course, what they really means is that you peasants will be forced to reduce your own use of energy. Sounds fun, right!

Kyoto all over again. It’s about the money. It’s always been about the money. The third world couldn’t care less about climate change. That’s a “white people’s” problem. They just go along with it because they were promised (by John Kerry) huge payoffs from the USA taxpayers. Just like Chinese couldn’t care less about preserving pandas until Americans started renting them for our zoos. Without the payoffs, they all stop caring about pretending to care about climate change.