It ended for most people quite some time ago, it’s mostly just government and some people who think a mask actually works who still took this seriously
U.S. ends COVID-19 emergency. Here’s what that means for you
President Biden has signed a GOP-authored bill declaring an end to the COVID-19 national emergency, and the president is eliminating certain vaccine requirements beginning Friday, as the World Health Organization declares an end to the global pandemic emergency.
The White House is winding down its COVID-19 response team, and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra has declared the public health emergency will end on Friday.
“Obviously, we’re in a different place now than we were two and a half years ago when the president came into office, right?” White House COVID-19 Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said in a briefing with reporters Tuesday. “Hospitalizations and deaths are down by well over 90%. And the secretary made a decision to end the public health emergency because we are in a much better place.”
Cute. Congress passed a bill when ends it, which Biden signed. Anyhow, what does this all mean for you? For one Paxlovid will continue to be free for a bit, but, eventually it will be something paid for by your insurance. And
COVID-19 vaccines will continue to be free of charge until the nation’s stockpiled vaccines expire or run out, and Jha said the federal government still has an ample supply. Because they qualify as preventative services under the Affordable Care Act, vaccines will continue to remain free even that for most Americans, Jha said.
Jha says “nearly” every COVID-19 death is now preventable.
Is this like how more people died once the vaccines were available and citizens were forced to mask up than before? Seriously, how many people are getting the jab? I do not know of anyone.
Federal workers and contractors will no longer need to be vaccinated against the virus or obtain an approved exemption. The president on Tuesday issued an executive order ending the vaccine requirement for such workers as of May 12, saying, “we no longer need a government-wide vaccination requirement for federal employees or federally specified safety protocols for federal contractors.”
No more COVID vaccine requirements for international travelers
Does this mean that federal workers currently not working in their offices will be required to come back to the office? So far, Biden has only put out guidance that he’d really like them to, but, not requiring them to.
Most people did move on. Now the Biden regime needs to figure out other ways to run the lives of US citizens.
I’d already set this to post at 1030 when I ran across this delusion piece at the NY Times
Experts See Lessons for Next Pandemic as Covid Emergency Comes to an End
A lot went wrong during the coronavirus pandemic as the virus tore through a polarized nation and public health leaders, policymakers and elected officials struggled to respond.
Chronic underinvestment in public health at the federal, state and local levels only made things worse. All told, more than 1.1 million people have died of Covid-19 in the United States, and more than 1,000 are still dying each week.
Despite the vaccines and forced masking. So, what are those lessons? Surely they have to include “don’t act like dictators. Don’t lock people down. Don’t shutter their business, nor pick and choose which businesses to close. Don’t spend like idiots”, right?
Public health experts say that when managing an infectious disease outbreak, communication is not part of the response. It is the response.
Yes, perhaps the Elites can explain why they’re blowing off the restrictions they instituted for the peasants. Like how Biden and his people never wore masks while addressing the press, despite a Biden mask mandate when indoors at a federal building.
The C.D.C. was hamstrung during the pandemic by antiquated data systems and inconsistent data sharing between the federal government, states and health providers. And unlike Britain and Israel, which have national health care systems, the United States has no mechanism for a free flow of data between public health agencies and private providers.
Is this like how the Biden admin and all sorts of government officials attempted to shut down people having their say?
School closures have been a particularly contentious topic, but many experts now agree that some schools were closed for too long and that abruptly removing millions of children from American classrooms has had harmful effects on their emotional and intellectual health.
Ya think?
In the early months of the pandemic, frontline health workers faced dramatic supply shortages, forcing them to reuse face masks, wear ill-fitting personal protective gear or go without such equipment altogether.
Nope, nothing about government not being authoritarian.

1.1 million people did not die from Covid. A guy killed in a traffic accident having Covid was listed as a Covid death. The CDC lied. The press lied. This guy is lying. Surprise!
Glad it was only 2 weeks. It could have been much worse without lockdowns, vaccines, and restrictions on free speech.
Teach yes more people died after vaccines began to become available
However you forgot to mention that the unvaccinated had a 5times higher death rate than the unvaccinated (who presumably were depending on ivermectin)
Lee Older you have been misinformed. People who died in a traffic accident that tested positive for vivid would not automatically be listed as a COVID death. Who told you that? I suggest you use Google and try to get better info. Was your info from a peer reviewed journal? Or from a talking head on TV?
Numerous studies showed Ivermectin as being very effective, Johnny. But you already knew that…
Keep believing the lies. It’s classic leftist. We were telling you about the fraudulent Covid count as it was happening. It was in the news for heaven sakes. Don’t you ever get any info not filtered through the DNC?
two weeks to flatten the curve!