I mean, they must not be, nor be important, since Brandon blew out for Delaware yet again today
On Debt Ceiling and Title 42’s End, Biden Boxed In by Outside Forces
Joe Biden is in the midst of an incredibly consequential stretch of his presidency and remarkably little of it will be under his sole control. In fact, much of the coming weeks—and, perhaps, months, if not his total legacy—is contingent on the engagement of other players and their openness to being good-faith collaborators, and just dumb luck.
It is precisely the worst imbalance of power that any White House can face. The West Wing can fight a battle on plenty of fronts, just so long as the barbs are going out from inside the White House; taking incoming is far tougher to handle when no one knows where the next hit is being fired from, who’s the target, and what it’s blowback.
There’s a good reason that Campaign 2024 isn’t getting much real estate in Biden’s daily briefing books. Even in the best of cases, the presidency is an exercise of triage. Nothing less than the global economy is at risk if Biden can’t strike an agreement with Republicans in the House to, frankly, pay the bills that have piled up from Presidents in both parties over the last few years.
Joe could have negotiated months ago. Like politicians have always done, at least before Obama
Separately, the U.S.-Mexican border is a fresh hellscape as pandemic-era policies expired at midnight, and extreme poverty and violence in Latin America are triggering historic waves of migrants to head north. Those Trump-era policies allowed the US to turn away more than 2 million would-be asylum-seekers. Biden’s replacement rules, at least on paper, are harsh, but in different ways; instead of instant processing of asylum cases, there could be instant expulsions.
See? The border is not Joe’s fault. It’s Trump’s fault! Surprise! I really do not have to spend any words explaining why this is nutsbar, right?
And those are just the top two domestic challenges on his plate. Look abroad and things get precipitously worse—hostages, spycraft, disinformation. Look inward, and Republicans’ pursuit of first son Hunter Biden looks plenty risky. And then there’s ex-President Donald Trump’s threat to return.
As much as Americans like to lionize the presidency, it is a fragile and fickle institution. Biden can still move headlines when he cares to, and his team is working behind the scenes to reassert some control over moving events. But Biden is, whether he likes it or not, at best a collaborator in the livestream of history, and in some cases a passive observer left to react. No President likes to be cast as a supporting actor, but it’s undeniable that, at least right now, Biden is at the mercy of outside forces.
Not Joe’s fault, it’s all those icky outside things that no president has ever had to deal with in the history of the U.S. But, you know, maybe if he spent the time doing the actual job, rather than working 30 hours a week and spending almost every weekend off he could be in charge. And if he had his mental faculties. In the meantime, as things get worse and worse, you’ll have media outlets like Time Magazine to absolve Biden of responsibility for the job he *checks notes* voluntarily ran for.

Oh, let’s tell the truth: for the professional media, anything and everything bad that happens will be all Donald Trump’s fault, at least until the next Republican president takes office, while anything good which happens will be because of Joe Biden’s courageous leadership.
Funny you should bring that up.
Basically told him to stop sniveling like Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Coincidence? I think not.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Let’s tell the truth: much of what’s bad IS Trump’s fault. He wants to be president again, even if it destroys America.
I was stunned that anyone would think he did well in the town hall.
I personally cannot understand why anyone would vote for him once, much less twice. Is it abortion, the attacks on wokeness (owning the libs), his support of white nationalism, his support of Russia, his distrust of America, his denial of global warming, his support of the several big lies, (election, replacement etc), misogyny, his meanness of spirit?? Most likely, all of the above.
Anyway, that’s just me. In my opinion, Donald Trump is bad for America and the world.
Why I like Trump:
Copied from Jerry Tallent.
My position on Donald Trump:
Just consider this…when you think the President is a jerk; he is.
He’s a New Yorker. He’s crude and can be rude. He gets his feelings hurt and he’s a hothead. He hits back; harder. The media hates it when he tweets. Why? Because he gets information out, they don’t want to report.
Let me tell you what else:
He is a guy that demands performance. If you don’t work as hard as he does; you’re fired!
He is a guy that asks lots of questions.
The questions he asks aren’t cloaked in fancy “political” phrases; they are “why the hell…” questions.
For decades the health industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Trump asks, “why the hell are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?” They called him stupid. What are they doing now? Sterilizing face masks.
He’s the guy that gets hospital ships readied in one week when it would have taken bureaucrats weeks or months to get it done.
He’s the guy that gets temporary hospitals built in three days. They said no way he could do it.
He’s the guy that gets auto industries to restructure to build ventilators in a business that’s highly regulated by agencies that move like sloths.
He’s the guy that asks “why aren’t we using drugs that might work on people that are dying; what the hell do we have to lose?”
He’s the guy that restricted travel from China when the Democrats and liberal media were screaming “xenophobia” and “racist.” Now they’re wanting to know why didn’t he react sooner?
He’s the guy that campaigned on securing the border – protecting America – in the face of screaming Democrats and the liberal media. (Both Clinton and Obama talked about a crisis at the border and Obama did some things to address the crisis, but they proved insufficient.) When Trump shut down borders in the midst of the coronavirus virus, they screamed louder. Then the rest of the world followed suit, including the European Union with travel between their member countries. His policy is always ‘America First.’ For many years we have complained about sending billions abroad, while Americans suffer here. He’s minimized that outflow of money.
Has he made mistakes? Yes.
Everyone I know has and does.
The “experts” wouldn’t and haven’t done any better.
Does he change his mind? Yes, who doesn’t?
Trump is working harder than I’ve ever seen a President work. Twenty-four-hour days. He isn’t hiding in his office; he’s out front – Briefing – every day.
When he offers hope, they say he’s lying and when he’s straight forward, they say he should be hopeful. It’s a no-win situation, with the MSM, but he will not be deterred.
I’ll take this kind of leadership six days a week and twice on Sunday over a “polished, nice guy” politician who reads prepared speeches from a teleprompter and answers pre-scripted questions.
Trump had no ideas; he is all id.
Dear Elwood:
I see that you have no idea as to what a great leader does.
But I am not surprised.
A leader gets things done. Here’s a few that Trump did.
The press lies. And lies. And distorts. Almost all are in the Democrat’s destroy America and Trump machine. Now they claimed it he played the pandemic down.
Of course, he played it down.
Leaders don’t yell fire in a crowded theater. Panic is never good.
At the same time, he was
organizing a response team of scientists and doctors;
shutting down travel into to the country from China by non US citizens;
meeting with the 50 governors on a daily basis to see what they needed;
meeting with our manufacturers to get them started on producing ventilators, masks and other PPE equipment;
encouraging our pharmacy corporations to develop a vaccine and medicines;
establishing a plan to distribute the vaccine nationwide immediately when available;
moving US Navy hospital ships to NYC and SF as backups;
having the US Corp of Engineers build emergency hospitals;
noting that Hydroxychloroquine was showing good results for some;
all while informing the US people of the status of things on a daily basis.
And all of this started while the number of confirmed cases in the US was less very low.
Other than that, he was pretty well doing nothing. (sarcasm alert)
Of course, Fauci was telling us we didn’t need masks they wouldn’t work, just shut the country down. He then changed his mind when the low death rates in Japan and other mask wearing countries was pointed out.
In the meantime, Slow Joe Biden, and other Democrats were calling him a racist for shutting down travel from China.
And Fancy Nancy and Crazy de Blasio was encouraging people to partying on down for the Chinese New Year celebrations. That spread the disease nationwide.
Killer Cuomo and other Democrat governors were killing nursing home patients and staff by forcing sick people back into the homes.
Lefties and the media are such liars
Cult leaders are leaders of a cult and leaders of a cult must have cultists that elevate them god-like status.
Cultists will excuse the cult leader of any malfeasance.
Dear Elwood:
You obviously didn’t read.
“Has he made mistakes? Yes.
Has he made mistakes? Yes.”
But, when you look at the average he’s in the 990 plus range.
His failures? Allowed too any Lefties and RINOS in his administration.
What? He did great-just witness all the libs freaking out after the town hall. If fact, they were hyperventilating before he even went on. They’re so scared of him they didn’t even want him on TV. I saw a figure when the host interrupted him over 100 times-free speech, lib style. But America’s newspaper said it best: “CNN host sues Trump for assault and defamation after town hall”.
Trump did great for his MAGAts but no one else. He told his same old lies. “I won the election!’ “I’ve never met E. Jean Carroll!” “Pelosi caused the Jan 6 debacle!” “Gas was $9 under Biden!” “A couple of Jan 6 protesters got out of control!” About his call to Georgia officials asking them to find me 11.780 votes “I didn’t ask them to find anything”! “Inflation has been the highest in 52 years!” …“we don’t have ammunition for ourselves right now!” “I did finish the wall!” “I have the absolute right to do whatever I want to do with them (presidential records)!”
Mr Trump is a dishonest, lying blowhard and should be in jail.
But he is a master lying blowhard who doesn’t accept the truth for an answer! He never shows a milligram of contrition, and this is why nuCons love him. He is the cult leader.
Forgot to add that Donnie Darko also recommended we default on the national debt.
What do conservative commenters think?
“Should be in jail…” You’re obviously speaking about Biden.
But anyway, in jail for what?
“Recommend we default on the national debt”’. Of course that’s just an opinion-but as opposed to Brandon basically saying we should default on our southern border? Which is actually happening.
The Biden duo-Sniff and Snort
Poll-“most democrats in favor of welcoming immigrants into someone else’s neighborhood”
The problem with Trump is the media. Since FDR, the media has appointed themselves as the king maker. They can build up and take down. If they build up, you are beholden to them. Try to do something out of their parameter and they take you out. But Trump did not need them. He had his own money, although donations are helpful. So the media tried every trick in the book and more to take him out. When they saw that he was going to destroy Hillary they made up as many lies as possible as Hillary was the chosen one. Then after the election win they worked overtime to ruin him. Just look at our liberal tools on this site and you can see that the media got into their heads and they can not be swayed. In my opinion, Trump was a good president. He accomplished things despite both parties and the media working constantly to stop him. Biden has destroyed our country. Only someone like Trump can reverse some damage.
A simple question.
Like Rimjob, they can’t help themselves./a>

Bwaha! Lolgf