Can you imagine how the media would react if it was Trump who blew out Saturday for the beach in the midst of the Debt Ceiling Doom? And who wasn’t coming back into town until late Monday, with no plan to discuss the debt today? Who is, unbelievably, taking a flight from Dover AFB to Philly this morning (71 miles) for something that is not specified, then flying back to arrive at the White House around 4pm? And it being just one day before he then flies to Japan? Maybe that’s why the NY Times and Washington Post barely cover the debt ceiling debate
Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy Expected to Resume Debt Limit Talks on Tuesday
Facing pressure to resolve the ongoing U.S. debt limit standoff, President Joe Biden said he expects to resume budget negotiations with congressional leadership on Tuesday, just one day before he leaves for the G7 summit in Japan.
He declined to give details on where they stand in terms of a negotiated deal but said he believed an agreement could be reached with House Republicans to raise or suspend the debt cap before the U.S. runs out of cash, which the Treasury Department has said could happen as early as June 1.
“I remain optimistic because I am a congenital optimist,” Biden told reporters on Sunday evening while out for a bike ride in Rehoboth Beach, Del. “I really think there is a desire on their part as well as ours to reach an agreement. And I think we’ll be able to do it.”
The only agreement Biden wants is for the debt to be raised with zero reduction in spending, even a reduction back to pre-pandemic numbers.
When asked if he would support the tougher work requirements for federal aid recipients that Republicans want included in the deal, Biden said he’s voted for some in the past. “For Medicaid, it’s a different story and so I’m waiting to hear what their exact proposal is,” he said.
And, yet, not one reporter said “then why the hell are you taking a bike ride at the beach? You voluntarily ran for this job, yet, you work 30 hours a week and spend most weekends away from doing the job.” Seriously. There was a press gaggle while Joe rode his bike, and he’s not even sure there’s a meeting on Tuesday
Q: Mr. President, when is the debt meeting with the leaders?
B: In about 10 minutes.
Q: Seriously?
B: [Inaudible] You’re holding it up.
Q: When is it actually happening, sir?
B: We’re working on it right now, the exact —
Q: Will it be on Tuesday?
B: I think so
Q: It’s been reported it will be Tuesday.
B: I think so
The guy is lost. The videos at the link really portray his as being lost. He also thinks things are going just fine at the border, and he has zero intention to visit.

We repeat this Danse Macabre every few years… Congressional Republicans refuse to raise the debt ceiling unless the Dem prez agrees to cut Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, etc.
It’s a game of economic chicken. NO normal person would even toy with the notion that the United States would default on its debts (although Trump, macroeconomic genius that he is, at his Town Hall, said the U.S. SHOULD default).
If the Republicans could be assured that the voters would blame the Democrats for the resulting depression, record unemployment, global recession, destabilization of the global financial markets, devaluation of the dollar, and interest rates skyrocketing, the Republicans would happily do it, American citizens be damned.
Will conservative seniors accept a 10% cut in SS or Medicare benefits?
In 2016 pledged to eliminate the national debt in 8yesrs.
Instead he drastically increased it even before the Trump pandemic
He has always been the King of Debt
Do you think that 2trikkion dollar permanent tax cut for our elites reduced his deficit?
Nothing that you posted makes sense. I do recall that Trump tried to restrict spending, but Nancy P was having none of it. I think you were in prison then.
Carbon Boy- glad you brought that up..again. Ever find proof of “trillions in permanent tax cuts only for the elites?” What’s an “elite”?
We’ll wait breathlessly for your answer..
Meet on Tuesday…
Well maybe.

Bwaha! Lolgf
On this date in 1800, President John Adams ordered the move of the entire federal government, which had a whopping 125 employees, from Philadelphia to Washington, DC.
Today there are over 2 million federal employees. In 1800, there was one federal employee for every 42,000 Americans; in 2017, there were 1,847,469 civilian federal employees, one for every 176 people.
The federal government hasn’t grown; it has metastasized!
You left out DoD. They have about 2 million federal employees all by themselves, not counting employees of non-appropriated fund activities (px’s, on base bowling venues, and on base day care centers). Also not including contractors. Contractors are considered as products that are bought, not employees, but they account for another very large number. That number balloons if the USA is involved in two overseas wars where all the base facilities and logistics are provided by contractors.