I’ve never been to Ukraine, I hear it’s been going rather smoothly there
Vice President Kamala Harris, who was tasked by the White House to address the “root cause” of mass migration, attended a fundraiser Friday in a wealthy Atlanta suburb, less than 24 hours after Title 42 expired.
Harris gave remarks at the Democratic Party of Georgia’s spring soirée in Buckhead, but did not mention immigration during her speech that appeared to last about 20 minutes. The event came as thousands of migrants flooded the border after the expiration of Title 42 – a COVID-19 emergency policy that allowed border agents to turn away migrants.
The vice president focused her speech on abortion, infrastructure and protecting democracy.
None of those rich folks have to worry about any of that stuff, including illegal immigration.
Harris was asked by a local Atlanta news outlet to respond to the Republican Party of Georgia’s statement on Harris’ visit for the fundraiser, which said it was “deplorable that the Vice President is coming to Atlanta for a fundraiser campaigning while the border crisis is overflowing and we have out-of-control inflation.”
“You know, I hear that everything in the last couple days is going rather smoothly, given what the concerns were,” Harris said. “The bottom line, however, is that this issue of immigration falls squarely within the responsibility of the United States Congress.”
Harris’ quick pivot to blaming Congress for the border crisis echoes Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who pushed the same talking point last week.
Except, Congress has passed laws, which the Executive Branch has to follow, yet, the Biden regime has been ignoring those laws. Oh, hey, remember when Arizona started putting up shipping containers at the border, and the Biden admin sued to make them stop and take them down?
America’s Southern border is ravaged by an illegal alien invasion and Joe Biden isn’t doing a damn thing to stop them.
Make no mistake: the Democrats want our borders ripped wide open so they can grant them amnesty, harvest the votes and guarantee total Democrat control for… pic.twitter.com/vpTh9EOq4a
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene???????? (@RepMTG) May 9, 2023
And the number of men vastly outnumbers the women and children.
New Yorkers are ready to employ and asylum seekers are ready to work.
The idea that denying work authorization is an effective deterrent and therefore we shouldn’t let people work is wrong. It keeps people crammed in the system & hurts migrants & citizens alike.
Let them work. https://t.co/ItbuZFOpj8
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 13, 2023
Yet, Mayor Adams keeps shipping them out of NYC. Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis should resume bussing huge numbers of illegals to NYC, and drop them off in AOC’s neighborhood. Maybe in D.C. near where she lives, as well.

Good one.
Mr Teach typed:
I have not heard it’s going smoothly in Ukraine so the analogy may break down.
Regardless of how smoothly it is or is not going at the border, the American right wing and right wind media will report “open borders”, “crime”, “caravans”, “infestation” and on and on.
Brown people seeking asylum is the crux of the “Great Replacement Theory” for the American white nationalism movement, which trumps every other thing.
The US Government is putting in place 5 Billion dollars worth of emergency contracts just to deal with the unaccompanied minors this year. These are no-bid contracts justified using words like “emergency”, “catastrophic”, “dire conditions”, and my favorite “totally unpredictable”. There is no definition of the word “smoothly” that fits this situation.
Why is it that the left seems to be the ones with the most Christian compassion?
Fear and hatred of the “other” may overwhelm Christian compassion. Many religions have an almost preternatural fear of threats to their belief systems, even with tenets that support compassion.
You confuse political positioning for Christian compassion. There is no compassion in murdering unborn babies, sexually mutilating children, opening our border to illegals, fentanyl and trafficking. If you think replacing white Americans with colored illegals is somehow compassionate then you are truly an evil person. Replacing your own countrymen and race with another strictly for POWER is about as far away from Christian compassion as you can get. Commie.
But you already know all that and are just parroting the wishes of your fuhrer.
The American right hypothesizes that forcing women (and girls) to give birth is compassionate, putting the “rights” of a zygote over those of a human female. Conservatives have no problem with mutilating the genitalia of baby boys as a religious ritual, yet insist on preventing adolescents from considering even non-surgical interventions to support their gender identity, to the point of harassing, mocking to the point of suicide. How compassionate…
Our borders are not open to migrants, fentanyl and trafficking. Many nations in South and Central America are politically, socially and economically unstable and many citizens from those nations are seeking asylum so they can start to rebuild their lives.
Regarding the Great Replacement…
Most of the new arrivals at the southern border are conservative white, Christians.
Forcing your religious beliefs on others is hardly compassionate.
Dear Elwood:
” Conservatives have no problem with mutilating the genitalia of baby boys as a religious ritual..”
You keep displaying your ignorance. If you knew anything at all you would know that circumcision, like many directions in the Old Testament are dietary and health guidelines.
You would also know that the Old Testament was completed with the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ.
“… yet insist on preventing adolescents from considering even non-surgical interventions to support their gender identity”
We also insist that they go to school, and that they not drink alcohol or smoke until they are 18, 21 in some states.
Why are you so intent on letting minors make decisions they are not qualified to do?
“Many nations in South and Central America are politically, socially and economically unstable and many citizens from those nations are seeking asylum so they can start to rebuild their lives.”
Then they should fix the problems. That is what we did. They have no right to flee into our country, often bringing with them the problems.
It would seem logical to correct the economic factors in our country brought on by the liberals/ Dems / communist there are causing so much pain for our fellow citizens rather than bring in people from other countries and further draining our resources.
The Old Testament was written some 3000 years ago. Ritual male circumcision existed thousands of years before Christianity and was practiced in Africa, and even in Australia, South Sea Islands.
Anyway, since its inception, the U.S. has accepted refugees from Poland, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Cuba, Russia, Bosnia, Indochina, Albania, Syria and others.
Should German Jews have fled or stayed in Germany and fixed the problems?
Rather than stay and fix the problems, the Confederates ran from America.
Irish, Scottish, Italian, Polish, French, Bosnian, Jewish, Mexican, Vietnamese, Chinese, Scandinavia, Japanese, various African and Indian cultures have contributed to the overall American culture.
You love to use the term zygote in an attempt to devalue human life at an early stage. It won’t work. We all realize what a zygote is and you were one once. It’s a human in development. Follow the science you say wntil the science proves youwrong and morally corrupt.
You are allowing your anti Semitism to show. You don’t like Jews taking off a foreskin for religious reasons? They aren’t removing the penis and testicles, just a foreskin. You don’t see the difference? Jew hater.
Adolescents are not mentally able to determine many things sexual destruction is surely one of them. You use the term gender identity. They already have a gender identity. If they are being brainwashed into something else that needs to be addressed but chopping them up is right out of the Nazi playbook. I think not encouraging a young kid to cut his dick off is quite compassionate.
You’re a fuking liar. Maybe you should watch something other than MSNBC, CNN etcetera. Man, you’ll just spit out any crap.
So it’s our job to take everyone in? Sorry. Your duty is to Americans not illegal aliens. Unless you’re doing it for some other reason. Huh?
Most of the illegals are neither White nor conservative and few are Christian. We are not forcing our religious beliefs on anyone. Where do you get that from? You really buy into that propaganda the commies feed you don’t ya?
You are atraitor to your race country and a hater. You are a foul person. You are a baby killer and always are lecturing others about their religion and “compassion”. Killing zygotes isn’t compassionate.
Dear Elwood:
It’s all about health no matter the reason. Pork carries trichinosis, shell fish a variety of diseases.
And the issue is where they’re from, it’s the quantity. The country cannot absorb such numbers.
And Hitler took the guns any real opposition could rise.
And yes, we have acted as a pressure valve for Mexico and SA for years.
Obfuscate, redirect and otherwise muddy the waters enough, and by the time the outrage, frantic arm waving, sniping and stomping of little feet all fade away and the ranting has moved on to the next tempest in a teapot (or back to any of the last dozen or so not yet flogged to pieces), the actual mission will have been advanced just a little bit further. Congrats, while you argue and fling dung over who left the iron on, or perhaps whether or not anyone deserves an iron in the first place, the whole neighborhood continues to go up in flames.
The mission? Ruin and bankrupt the United States to the point that the electorate here, and then like dominos the rest of Western Civilization (i.e. the people that actually produce wealth) vote themselves into the abject slavery of a world government because it looks positively idyllic by comparison. Which, in case you weren’t paying attention (and I can see every day that very few are), is the one thing that seems to be going, yes, smoothly.
Because if you want everything to be fucked up, and lo and behold everything becomes fucked up, yippee! Ain’t chaos great? Or as the great philosopher Gomer Pyle once said “Well, surprise, surprise, surprise!” But hey everyone, please enjoy your fresh new week of interweb fueled dopamine while you can!
Inflation is now less than wage incresses
If another 1 million migrants arrive it will be as if our population jumped from 333 million to 334 million
Migrants currently make up at least
25% of farm labor
19% of all construction workers
When teach days HE will do the farm work needed only then will I believe he really wants the migrants not to be here
Um… everything is going smoothly.
Have another toke, johnnie boy

Bwaha! Lolgf
H, you’re a liar. This mess is not for any reason other than White replacement. We have 7 million Americans on unem ployment and 34 million who “dropped out of the labor force”. Cut welfare to 4 weeks max and cut everything for the others. We have the manpower. You just want the political power.
Here’s your fukin compassion leftist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oF67RBO6v0&pp=ygUWZWwgcGFzbyB0ZXhhcyBtaWdyYW50cw%3D%3D
What is it liberals can’t seem to get their head around the fact that they’re breaking the law? They ignore it hence the “Christian” diversion. And guess what? There are legal means to gain entry so the whole virtue signaling Christian thing is total BS
Conservatives are missing a propaganda opportunity.
Recall that at his town hall the other night Mr Trump claimed he had completed The Wall!! And THAT is why crossings are fewer than forecast!!
The Wall is working just as Mr Trump said it would and President Biden is taking all the credit.
The hazard of this approach is that it removes a leg of the con-tri-pod path to victory: Mexicans! Groomers! Biden Crime Family!
Which again brings up….Most democrats in favor of welcoming immigrants into someone else ‘s neighborhood….just please don’t bring them to our “sanctuary” cites
Compassionate Christians and U.S. Immigration (or Not)?
Another pointless off-topic Rimjob copy&paste waste.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Good job, J. And those seem to all be instances where they came in legally. We’re talking about illegals, of course. Tell us why someone breaking the law to get here should come before someone going through the legal means to get here?
I’ll save you the time- there is no reason
We already knew libs were the biggest hypocrites on the planet, but this is a whole new level.-The vaccination crowd suddenly doesn’t give a shit about none of the invaders being vaccinated? Funny-the people that drive alone in their car with their masks on are probably the ones saying “come on in!”
But I know we all slept better at night when the Brandon administration kept No. 1 tennis player Novak Djokovic from entering the country-he could have had Covid!
Not sure who you’re addressing, but…
Entering the US illegally can result in a fine and jailtime and deportation.
Asylum seekers presenting themselves at the border are not breaking the law.
We’re not aware of the vaccination status of migrants, but we’re sure the law spells it out.
We’re just as certain that Mr Djokovic knows the rules. He’s free to obey the rules or choose whether to participate.
Not sure who you’re addressing, but…
Ain’t Rimjob just adorable when he plays the stupid?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Yes, nice dodge. “We’re not aware of the vaccination status..”. In other words, they don’t care what the vaccination status is, but they “cared” what Djokovic’s status was. No hypocrisy there-millions crossing, that’s ok, one tennis player-look out, Covid!
“Djokovic knows the rules..”. Gee, funny you didn’t mention that in regards to the illegals-they know the rules, too.