It’s always something with the climate cult, eh? They’re always looking for new things to Blamestorm
Climate change isn’t just causing weird weather patterns, like stronger storms or flood surges wreaking havoc on coastal communities and infrastructure. Apparently, scientists say, we can also blame it for — we shit you not — an increase in pirate attacks in the waters off East Africa.
It’s not quite as wild as it sounds. As the ocean off East Africa experiences warmer surface temperatures, fish stocks have suffered, and the resulting economic destabilization has led to increased piracy in the area, as detailed in a new paper in the journal Weather, Climate and Society. Strengthening the case, the same study also analyzed the South China Sea, another piracy hotspot, and found that increased fish production was correlated with a decrease in pirate attacks.
Sound whimsical? On a certain level, sure. But piracy is still a serious global issue, and the climate even more so — so the fact that researchers are charting a link between the two should give anyone pause.
Sounds like BS to me, at least how you driving a fossil fueled vehicle and living a modern lifestyle, refusing to give up your money and freedom, is the cause
The study looked at about two decades of data and analyzed more than 2,000 acts of piracy in the two regions.
Complicating the picture, the researchers also noted that some of the pirates plying these waters are also fishermen, who live largely hand to mouth and have the skills and know-how to navigate the ocean, making them ideal pirates for this new age of maritime crime.
What you have are failed states, regions and countries that have been in turmoil for a long time, ones that are being destabilized by the rise of Islamic extremism, over-fishing, a rising state of lawlessness, and, even COVID caused a spike. Of course, the climate cultists will blame this all on ‘climate change’, because that’s what they do. None of them are willing to give up their own big carbon footprint lifestyles, of course.

No. It is self evident. People who spend all their time persuing legal commerce have little time left in their day for full time crime. Boats that are used to fish do not get used for piracy at the same time.
What the study leaves out is that piracy is more profitable with very little risk and fishing African style is hard back breaking labor in the hot sun. People become criminals because it is easier than the alternatives.
In other news, there is a strong link between wearing running shoes and sports related injuries.