Remember, this is a guy, along with his family, who has been protected by people carrying firearms, including fully automatic weapons, from submachine guns to high caliber rifles. And high power sniper rifles. And will be protected for the rest of his life. Nobody will be breaking into the Obama’s homes, no one will try and rob them, no one will be able to carjack them, rape them, etc. But, for you icky peasants
Barack Obama says public attitudes around gun rights have to be reshaped
Former President Barack Obama says public attitudes around gun rights have to be reshaped.
“CBS Mornings” co-host Nate Burleson visited the former president in Chicago to take a look at the important work of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, an Obama Foundation program that tries to help create change and opportunity for boys and young men of color in communities across the country.
The alliance has started a new initiative where cities and towns that have had success reducing violence and increasing graduation rate have been chosen to share their best practices with other communities.
In an interview with Burleson, Obama offered some ideas on the topic of gun violence.
“Now, part of that work has to be done not just in those communities that already want to do something about gun violence. We have to also actively reach out to communities where gun ownership is an important tradition, right?” Obama said.
I wonder, are they making any progress in those poor, inner city areas? Or just focused on you law abiding citizens who passed background checks?
“So, us being able to listen to and speak to those traditions while saying, ‘Yes, but that’s not incompatible with us doing something about just the flood of military-grade weapons on the streets. We can do something about that,'” Obama said. “What MBK is also about is recognizing that it’s not an either/or question – either we eliminate all guns, or there’s nothing we can do about violence. It’s a recognition [that] it’s a both/and problem.”
In other words, you need to be forced to change your beliefs, comrade. Yet, CBS “reporter” Nate Burleson failed Journalism 101 in asking Obama why it’s OK for him to have all that armed protection, but, not the average American. I have two guns, a .22 pistol and a 9mm pistol, and I plan on getting a smaller 9mm for concealed carry. I have no rifle, no shotgun. And, this is none of Obama’s fucking business. Anyhow, yes, the public’s attitude around gun rights has to change. It needs to go from fear to understanding that the gun is not the problem, but the person behind the gun is. And what flood of military guns on the street? See that is part of the problem, as there are no military guns on the street unless you count the ones in the hands of security forces like what Obama has.

Say what you will about Barry the Bonehead, but it takes SKILL to craft a paragraph with more logical errors than actual words.
Nate Burleson didn’t fail Journalism 101, because he never took it. He majored in football at the University of Nevada in Reno.
Odd how it takes the same amount of time to get a degree in Journalism as it does to get a degree in nuclear physics. 4 years seems an unlikely sweet spot of education duration. Everything and anything can be learned in only 4 years.
Journalism, like elementary school teacher, required no additional skills at the college level. A high school graduate should have all he/she needs to know to teach a 5th grader, or write for a living. Since the invention of blogs, millions of Americans write (publish content) for free as a hobby. And with the release of the Durham report, Journalists cannot make the argument that they are involved in vetting and publishing in circumstances where credibility of the writer is important.
Our esteemed host wrote:
It should not be the city’s, the state’s, or the federal government’s business, either. I will say, however, that if I own any firearms, I’m not going to publish that anywhere.
If that were to happen, then we’d be looking much more closely at whom the people holding the guns are, and that might have some very politically incorrect results.
I noted, the other day, the messed up definition of a “mass shooting.” Mass shootings have been defined as shootings in which either three or more or four or more people have been killed, but shootings in which fewer, or even no one, has been killed, but several are wounded, don’t qualify under the definition. This means that angry white guys who take an AR-15 and gun down a dozen or so people, killing four, make the headlines, but a black gang-banger in Philadelphia who kills one guy and wounds three others, one an innocent bystander, isn’t a mass shooting, and might make the pages of The Philadelphia Inquirer, but not the national media. Thus, to stop ‘mass shootings,’ we must ban the weapons only rarely used but leave alone the weapons of the city gang-bangers, because that would be raaaaacist.
Though successful murders have been down in Philly, the city averaged, as of May 8th, 4.71 people shot every single day.
I don’t see anything.
It’s racist to notice or say that things are racist.
Well, of course you’re right, and I denounce myself!
if we could get 13% of the population to learn self-control, impulse control and how to live in a civilization (or disappear); we’d be living in a giant lichtenstein
Might I suggest an air rifle to add to your collection. All the fun of shooting without the karma hit of owning a firearm. Like owning an electric car.
From the My Brothers’ Keeper Alliance website:
There are two major problems related to gun violence in the United States: 1) Murder and mayhem in inner cities (almost exclusively a “Black” problem) and 2) Mass Shootings in schools, markets, dance halls, malls, picnics, nightclubs, neighborhoods.
It’s a problem that teens and 20-somethings walk around neighborhoods openly carrying semi-auto pistols. And that’s a two-fold problem. What are the conditions that make kids feel they need to carry pistols and why the fuck do we allow kids to openly carry pistols downtown??
Regarding the mass shootings, why do we permit individuals to keep and bear Arms designed to kill and maim as many humans as possible? Because the 2nd Amendment permits it? The Bill of Rights doesn’t have to be a suicide pact. Because men with high-powered military style weapons are all that stands between freedom and tyranny. That belief is silly and stupid.
President Obama’s Alliance is working of the first issue – Young Black men murdering other young Black in cities. White conservatives argue that we’d cut our homicide rate in half by the elimination of Blacks in the U.S. Since that will not happen, we need to address the problem. (BTW, even cut in half, our homicide rate would still be the highest among “civilized” nations – Liechtenstein 2.6 homicides/100K; United States 6.4/2 = 3.2 homicides/100K). Even Liechtenstein’s rate of 2.6/100K is among the highest in “civilized” nations! White American men are much more homicidal than white men in England, France, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Finland, Canada, Poland etc and Black men in Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Senegal, Benin, Ghana etc.
Our murder rate is an American male problem. If we could get 49.5% of the population to learn self-control, impulse control and how to live in a civilization (or disappear); we’d be living in a giant Vatican!!
Rimjob: There are two major problems : 1) Murder and mayhem… (almost exclusively a “Black” problem) and 2) Mass Shootings in schools, markets, dance halls, malls, picnics, nightclubs, neighborhoods
DickBreath: Copy&PasteIsTheLazyTrollsFriend
from DickBreath who spends most of his time copy&paste others
What a dumbass, LOL.
Isn’t it bizarre that nations with fewer guns have fewer homicides?
Fabulist and Researcher John Lott proved years ago that More Guns, Less Crime was true!
Isn’t it bizarre that Rimjob thinks he knows more about gun violence than the pre-eminent researcher on that subject?
Bizarre indeed.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Not bizarre at all. The ability to cut-paste from one’s approved talking points takes neither in-depth knowledge nor understanding of the material. We already have the technology to replace Jeff and Hairy with robots and not even notice the switch. It may even have happened already.
It’s also bizarre that commie countries where only the state can have guns have almost zero gun homicides.
The more human rights the people surrender the safer they are from guns. Except government guns.
Here are the communist nations extant:
North Korea
They not only have few gun homicides but few homicides period. But that in itself is not a recommendation to live in any of those totalitarian nations.
Many other nations have various levels of gun control and have fewer homicides than the U.S.
Citizens of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, would almost all claim they were “free” with human rights at least as favorable as U.S. citizens! Except for the right to get shot dead.
Isn’t it bizarre that DickBreath doesn’t realize the right-shaman John Lott has been exposed as a fraud? According to Lott and followers, every day in America, millions of violent crimes are prevented by legal gun owners keeping and bearing Arms!
Followers such as DickBreath and others rely exclusively on Lott’s early discredited research. Especially intriguing is his “dog ate his homework” excuse when he was asked for his original data! LOL. Also, turns out Mary Rosh, a Lott acolyte who extolled the quality of his work online had another name. John Lott! LOL.
The U.S. has the highest violent crime rate of any “advanced nation”. How many more guns do we need before we see a lessening of crime?
Disclaimer: We have several rifles, shotguns and pistols safely stored and have NOT had any home invasions, robberies or burglaries, so Lott’s hypothesis DOES hold for us.
“How many more guns do we need before we see a lessening of crime?”
As CarolAnn just posted all we need is to turn over America to commies like you and POOF!, gun crime will evaporate.
What you leftists refuse to believe is people (even leftists like you) are not perfect. So it all depends on how many God given rights you are willing to surrender to achieve your goals. Sadly, you want to surrender mine along with yours so no.
Is possession of an AR-15 a “god-given” right?
Anyway, I’ve not once advocated the abolition of all firearms. I do think banning of AR-15 style rifles would be of significant benefit. I also think that banning all semi-auto pistols would reduce the number of deaths. I also prefer that the police and military be better armed than mass shooters and gangbangers.
AR-15 shooting as a hobby is dangerous to society. They absolutely do not make a society safer. If you desire to see more and deadlier mass shootings, we should do nothing.
Rimjob: John Lott has been exposed as a fraud?
Oh really?

Again Rimjob making outrageous accusations he can’t back up.
BWAHA! Lolgf
DickBreath is upset that John Lott is a fraud, LOL.
A John Lott study is used as an example in a methods textbook. An example of how NOT to conduct research! LOL.
DickBreath needs to read more.
I don’t recall any legitimate researchers who invent “sockpuppet” fans to promote their work. LOL.
Sounds like something the innately dishonest HypocriticalDickBreath would do.
Too bad that it’s true-more guns, less crime
Prove it without using any John Lott “data”.
Sure-don’t know if the link will work but it’s
14.6 gun deaths per 100,000 on 2021, 16.3 deaths per 100,000 in 1974.,the%207.7%20measured%20in%201977.
Funny-“our murder rate is an American male problem”.
No, our murder problem is young black males. At about 3-4% of the population, they commit about 54% of all homicides.
But probably not their fault-no doubt caused by either “racism” or “ climate change”.
I live in Kanada, served in the military and I have a front row seat to what happens here. I am a law abiding patriot and I am a firm believer in my common law rights. Please Mr Elwood P Dowd stop speaking as if you are an authority on what happens outside of your cubicle. Statistical facts matter, there are more people shot and killed by the largest gang here that you want to arm even more heavily than they already are. That gang is the police.
I seen a great meme the other day, went something like this, you are crazy if you think that I am going to willingly give up my firearms to a gubmint that kills newborn babies, right up to and including birth and try to convince me that it’s all legal.
You got me in absolute agreement, N-49.
YA wanna see something unreal? This is the border dowd and H believe their retarded commie leader is protecting:
UPDTE, Here’s a video my friend Irish sent me so you can see what scumbags our so called Border Patrol officials are. They are the ones calling the shots here.