Here’s what happened
(WTOP) A man armed with a baseball bat showed up at the Fairfax, Virginia, office of Rep. Gerry Connolly Monday morning, asked for the congressman and then attacked two staffers.
The U.S. Capitol Police identified the man as 49-year-old Xuan Kha Tran Pham, of Fairfax. He is facing charges of one count of aggravated malicious wounding and one count of malicious wounding.
They do not know what his motives one, but, apparently, he was known to local police. Reports say he had never been violent. But, the police knew who he was? For what? His father states he was schizophrenic and had dealt with mental illness since his late teens. He supposedly attacked a woman in her car with the bat three minutes earlier but 5 miles away from the office, which really doesn’t make sense. Anyhow, he damaged a bunch of the office, but, haven’t we been told by Democrats that it “is just property”?
Last month, U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger testified before lawmakers that the number of threats against members of Congress has increased roughly 400% over the past six years.
I don’t condone it, but, maybe Congress should consider doing their jobs better. Perhaps they should also forgo all their racebaiting, demonizing people who do not agree with them, crazy talk, authoritarian impulses.
Security fears flare anew in Congress after an attack on one of their own
Congressional staff and lawmakers are on edge, once again, in the aftermath of a violent Monday attack that targeted the district office of Virginia Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly.
The incident, which sent a longtime Connolly aide and an intern to the hospital, has lent urgency to members’ continued concerns about their safety outside the Capitol’s heavily patrolled perimeter.
What is the perimeter patrolled with? What makes it safe?
Ahead of the slated Tuesday release of the House’s legislative-branch spending bill, which will lay out funding levels for Capitol Police and other security measures, lawmakers are again discussing what — if any — level of protection would make them feel truly safe.
The bill is expected to boost funding for the Capitol Police, in line with more than a decade of annual increases lawmakers have reliably delivered to the department. As threats and fears rise, lawmakers hope that a steady stream of cash can insulate them from growing threats.
What will the cash bring to the table to offer more protection?
Yet aides on both sides of the aisle described themselves as “freaked out” and “uneasy” after news of Monday’s attack spread and details emerged about the baseball bat wielding assailant asking for Connolly by name. The lawmaker himself said he was “mobbed on the floor by Republicans and Democrats who easily related to what happened to me.”
“We don’t have the kind of security we have up here at the Capitol, at the district level,” Connolly said in a Monday night interview. “Many of our offices are in malls or office buildings, and so you don’t have any kind of sophisticated protection or security screening. And so I think we’re going to have to really talk about that.”
It’s so strange that they want security for themselves and their staffs. On the grounds of the Capitol Building and at the Congressional office buildings they have quite a bit of, you guessed it, armed security. People who are carrying weapons with extended magazines and “assault rifles”, some of which are fully automatic. Things they want banned for ordinary citizens. And now they want, without saying it specifically, armed security for their offices. Because they are freaked out and uneasy.
“I am very, very concerned about the normalization of political violence, particularly by leaders who should know better,” Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa.) said in an interview on Monday night. “We should all be condemning political violence wherever it occurs.”
Democrats weren’t particularly concerned when Rep. Steve Scalise was shot along with four others, by an unhinged Democratic Party supporter. They laughed when Senator Rand Paul was attacked by a neighbor. And Democrats do not care about the rising levels of crime in their cities and states for the peasants. They want to take away their ability to protect themselves. But, when the Political Class is attacked, well, things have to change, right?

Robert Stacy McCain of The Other McCain has had a whole series of posts entitled Crazy People Are Dangerous this being the 42nd post of that title. The assailant was schizo? Shocking, I know.
However, this was the congressman’s district office, not his office in the Capitol, and the Congressional Police don’t provide security there. How many district offices have armed security provided, especially when the congresscritter isn’t there? District offices are normally staffer by women doing the grunt work of filling out forms and contacting various bureaucracies for the kinds of mundane services that representatives provide.
Teach, blaming certain victims:
According to Mr Teach, when Democracy isn’t good enough (ya know, voters electing representatives who make laws), citizens are within their rights to bash a few heads!!
It’s reasonable to suspect that Mr Teach believes only Dems need to do their jobs better, forgo racebaiting, forego demonizing others, forego crazy talk and forego authoritarian impulses. IOW, it’s OK to bash in the heads of Democratic politicians and staff to get your way.
A um… “reasonable” rebuttal that misinterprets what written.

Ya can always count on the Rimjob.
Bwaha! Lolgf
DickBreath defending violence over Democracy. Hardly surprising.
Right-wingers have difficulty debating and quickly turn to violence. It’s why they don’t support Democracy.
Uh, Rimjob getting wound up and misinterpreting what others write. Hardly surprising.
Settle down, chubby, you seem to have difficulty debating facts when you get all emotional.

Bwaha! Lolgf
DickBreath in denial.
Poor little methmouth talking about debating facts as if he’s ever done that. LOL.
Groomer Elwood: You spread your Masters’ propaganda and call patriots liars?
Remember that last time a Leftist program/country worked well? Me neither.
Leftism has never worked.
Research before commenting; sound smarter.
Billy Bob,
You should define “leftism”
Programs?… U.S. Military, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid…
Nations? Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, S Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, etc, etc and so forth.
In fact, the most successful nations on Earth are liberal democracies.
Attacking the political class is the answer to getting back the freedoms lost under Obama and gang. It would be far better to attack the politicos than to have a general revolution.
Or we could rely on democracy.
How does killing elected officials make things better? Would you kill all the dems and have GOPhers take their places? Trump tried that on Jan 6 but the system held.
Since murdering all the dem officials would make dem voters angry, do you advocate killing them too?
I told you not to engage me in your silly comments. You are far too juvenile to actually take serious and most of what you say is a lie or distortion. Plus you have broken Federal law in accessing the physician database and looking up my record. Though I have nothing to hide, the meat fact that you are that crazy means I don’t care for you at all.
You are mistaken in your claim that I attempted to access the physician database. I did not. I don’t even know your name.
Why would you make such a slanderous statement?
The database was developed to allow tracking physicians with suspended licenses in one jurisdiction moving to the next state.
My advice is that you SHOULD try to find out who did try to access your record and why.
I’m quite used to you and your partner dp making slanderous statements.
You should knock it off.
Just pointing out how awful your thoughts are.
Please don’t read what I type.
Just pointing out how awful your thoughts are.
Please don’t read what I type.
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
? Thomas Jefferson
Whether Jefferson said it or not, its true nonetheless.
you guys know they did pass a bill last year where they ALL got 2.5 million for their home security?
I guess they didn’t plan on people coming to their office now.
I don’t care about any congress critter who wants to disarm us all the while having armed guards for themselves. if they want protection, fine. PAY for it out of your own pocket. not ours.
I wonder what they would have done if all of the people on Jan 6 where armed ?
somehow, I get the feeling the next time we see something like that again, they will be.
I figure sooner or later, people here will get feed up and do something. maybe a replay of the old
FRENCH way of dealing with the assholes? lots of room on the mall there too.
Welcome to the party, pal!

— John McLane —
Bwaha! Lolgf
9 of the states with the highest homicide rates are red states
Coming in at number 10 is Teach’s own adopted state North Carolina!!
8 of the 10 states with the lowest homicide rates are blue states.
Can anyone see a pattern here?
I figure that unless people like Dave actually have enough jam in their sacks to get off their asses, we don’t have too much to worry about the right ever trying to do any “revolution” shit.theyvsre really sort of pussy, all talk
And carbon boy-do you know the voting status of those committing the homicides in those red states, or any states for that matter?
Are they Republicans or Democrats? You mean you don’t know? Blacks commit by far most homicides, and they overwhelmingly vote for Dems, so there’s a good chance those red states with higher homicide rates are actually mostly democratic voters.
Let us know when you find out the facts, and also still waiting on your proof of “permanent tax cuts for the elites worth trillions”.
Good luck!
But that ignores the fact that red states are more homicidal than blue states. Is there something about how red states are governed that contributes to their homicide rates? Red states tend to be poorer. They tend to have more firearms per capita. But red states tend to have fewer densely populated urban areas. Red states tend to be more “macho” tending to solve differences with violence rather than compromise.
Is it the red state blue cities that put red states over the top?
Mr Jl suggests that red state Blacks are more effective murderers than blue state Blacks in states like IL, NY, CA, NJ, DE, MD and that explains why the murder rates of AK, LA, MS, WY are higher. This begs the question of why red state Blacks are so good at homicide.
Why do red states have higher homicide rates than blue states?
Jl “suggests” nothing. The statistics do. “Red states more homicidal…”. Which means nothing, actually. To make a valid comparison of red to blue, you’d really have to look at the party affiliation of those committing the homicides. You could easily have dem voters in the red states as the ones doing the homicides, as most homicides are by blacks, and blacks mostly vote Democratic.
“Jl suggests blacks are more effective murderers..” Again, Jl suggests nothing. The data shows them being very effective murderers
The homicide rates (homicides/100K) are higher in red states than blue states. Those are facts, not suggestions.
Why can’t red states control their homicide rates? Is your answer to get rid of all Black red staters?
My home state, Missouri, has the 4th highest murder rate but the 21st highest % Black residents.
Connecticut has 10.88% Blacks and a homicide rate of 4.6/100K.
Indiana has 10.6% Blacks but a homicide homicide rate of 9.7/100K.
Why is Indiana twice has homicidal as Connecticut?
Groomer Elwood: At least you are not grooming kids while you are on this site. On this site we are all adults and we all know that you merely repeat your Masters’ propaganda.
So stay commenting here, and continue staying away from the kids’ site.
Our prayers for you may be doing you some good.
Goober Bill: We’re concerned that in your free time you’re abusing children and beating women.
On the other hand, the vile propaganda that flows from the fingertips is stupid.
And if one looks at the Pew research from the other post, you’d see that if suicides aren’t counted, only homicides, the highest rate goes to dark blue Washington DC., and blue New Mexico moves to number 5
For sh!ts and giggles, compare all of those states racial makeup,and just because… look at the FBI’s universal crime stats to check instance % of the various offences. Correlation =/= causation, but it might make a fellow think about it were it mentioned, yes?
Just pointing out how awful your thoughts are.
Please don’t read what I type.
Red states may have higher homicide rates because of the blue cities within them. It’s the cities where the murders occur, not the farms. I don’t see the white, conservative Amish in Lancaster, PA murdering each other over drugs, do you? How’s that Quaker on Quaker crime going?
I’m black. I see crime all around me 24/7/365. Both here and across the river in Philly. It doesn’t matter what color you call our states the fact is the most homicides are committed by blacks in the cities.
What you guys are doing is twisting statistics to suite your agenda. If you removed all the blacks and browns from America we’d have the same homicide rate as Norway. I’m black and I know that, why don’t you?
If blue states are so good why are so many people moving out into red states? Have you seen pictures of the streets in blue cities lately? They look like Bangladesh.
Short answer? False.
The homicide rate of Norway (2020) was 0.6 homicides/100K population.
The homicide rate of the U.S. (2020) was 6.4 homicides/100K population.
In the U.S. about 50% of the offenders are Black. If you could magically eliminate ALL homicides committed by Blacks you’d eliminate only half the homicides. Agreed? The remaining 50% of homicides would have been committed by whites.
Black Americans DO commit an outsized proportion of homicides in the US! But white Americans have a much higher homicide rate than do Norwegians. White Americans are 5 times more homicidal than Norwegians.
You should pick a new nation for comparison. The people of India, Kazahkstan, Liberia, Thailand and Rwanda have a similar homicide rates to American whites.
So yes, American Blacks have a high homicide rate, but so do American whites compared to other nations.
Why is America so violent?
Poor J-you’re just repeating what you said before, which in no way refuted what I said. Young black males by far commit the most homicides. That is a true statement. As far as the murder rates of red vs blue, I said to be accurate one would have to look at the party affiliation of those committing the homicides, rather than simply looking at if the state assembly has a majority of Republicans or Democrats or if there were more Trump voters than Biden voters. If young black males commit the most homicides, then that would be the case in both red and blue states. And no doubt those black males overwhelmingly would vote blue, so it would be entirely possible that those red state higher murder rates (which I never disputed) could have been caused by, or mostly by, “democratic voters”
Murder rates per 100,000 population (2022)
St. Louis — 60.59
Baltimore. — 50.52
Detroit — 38.78
New Orleans — 36.87
What makes these cities so violent?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Good question! And why did violent crime jump during the pandemic?
Proximity for sure. More people living more closely, therefore more opportunity.
Greater anonymity.
Greater gap between rich and impoverished.
Urban drug trade.
More guns.
Do you believe that the much greater overrepresentation of young Black males in the homicide data is genetic? Cultural? Societal?
Sorry Rimjob.

Just pointing out how awful your thoughts are.
If all you’re gonna offer is more deflection please don’t respond to anything I type.
Bwaha! Lolgf