Despite all the flowing idioms, wordsmithing, once you bring up the phrase “reproductive justice”, you know this is all about abortion
Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security and chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate, and Nuclear Safety, and Representative Lauren Underwood (IL-14) today reintroduced the Protecting Moms and Babies Against Climate Change Act, legislation to address climate change risks to pregnant and postpartum people and their infants.
The Protecting Moms and Babies Against Climate Change Act—a pillar of the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act to end racial and ethnic disparities in maternal health outcomes, led by Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Representative Underwood—would create a federal grant program to invest in community-based efforts to mitigate exposure to extreme heat, air pollution and other climate change risks that pose a threat to vulnerable pregnant and postpartum people and their infants. The legislation would also provide funding for health profession schools to ensure that the future health care workforce can adequately support maternal and infant health in light of increasing risks from climate change.
“Climate justice is a matter of reproductive justice,” said Senator Markey. “We must ensure families and health care providers have the resources and support they need to protect the health and wellbeing of all parents and babies across the country as they face extreme heat, air pollution and the worst of the climate crisis. I thank Representative Underwood for her continued partnership in our shared fight to equip health care providers with the latest information, tools and resources they need as the climate crisis and extreme weather disasters increasingly contribute to illness and deaths of pregnant people.”
“Climate change has a significant impact on reproductive justice and maternal health,” said Senator Booker. “As we strive to address the racial and ethnic disparities in maternal health outcomes, we must also invest in community-based programs and health professional schools, so we can mitigate the harmful impacts of climate change-related risks on vulnerable mothers and babies. I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing this bill that would ensure that health professionals and vulnerable mothers and families have the tools they need to navigate the climate crisis, so we can work towards a more just and resilient future for all.”
They do not care about babies: they are using this as stealth legislation to protect abortion at the federal level. And, of course, a bribe for women to vote Democrat with all the free money and stuff. Especially black women, of whom Democrats think are too stupid and incompetent to run their own lives without the Helping Hand Of Government. All made possible using climate doom as the platform. And nothing really in the document, or the legislation, actually provides rock solid scientific evidence that ‘climate change’ is causing problems.
And said legislation is all about Executive agencies picking which groups get all the funding, it is utterly non-specific. Who wants to bet that Planned Parenthood is a big recipient? It’s all a big scam, just like ‘climate change’.
Speaking of abortion, the libs here in NC are freaking out over the 12 week abortion limit. It used to be 20 weeks. The governor is whining, but, refuses to say what week of restriction is acceptable. Of course, since most of the media are abortion fanatics, they won’t ask. But, I wonder
There are now exceptions in cases of rape, incest or fetal abnormality. It keeps the notion of when the mother's life is in true danger. It makes adoptions easier. It seems it does stop abortion because of things like Down Syndrome, eugenics.
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) May 13, 2023
Most EU nations that allow abortion require counseling. Most are extremely strict on late term abortion.
For all the cheering about Ireland making abortion legal, it is 12 weeks, and has a 3 day waiting period.
Italy is 90 days. Most doctors refuse to perform one
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) May 13, 2023
So, what's so extreme about the NC law? They can't really tell us. If the @NCGOP redid it a bit and put it back to 20 weeks, the NC Dems would say that was extreme. The want zero restrictions and right up to birth.
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) May 13, 2023

Obviously, if you perform the abortion earlier in the gestation period, there are fewer complications for the un-mommed. Any medical regulation should demand earlier terminations as a way to improve medical outcomes. Insurers as well should demand or incentivize earlier termination decisions as a way to lower the per-procedure cost. The only reason to do otherwise is slavish devotion to the principle of unrestricted and fully funded abortions despite it being obviously bad for the women involved.
Obviously the whole “My body, My Choice” argument is moot due to COVID vax mandates. We already crossed that bridge and women’s bodies belong to the state (just like men’s bodies). Like it or not, the .gov has their laws on everyone’s bodies. The Left should have taken medical privacy and body sovereignty more seriously back when it would have mattered.
I fully support the concept of better medical outcomes for black women. As such, they should all be placed on injectable birth control at the age of 10 (along with their HPV vax) and only taken off birth control when they and a husband sign a stack of documents acknowledging the risks inherent with pregnancy, the primary risk being giving birth to a child and further placing in escrow a token amount of money equivalent to the first year of support for such a child. Then they would have to take a battery of tests to ensure that they are medically qualified to give a low-risk birth. Primary risks they would be mitigating are obesity, recreational drug use, mood-altering drugs, STDs, and IQs below 80. The low IQ standard is important because stupid women cannot give meaningful consent to either medical treatment or to sex so they need to be protected from predatory men and medical malpractice.
Out of fairness to other women of color so they can get in on all this better medical outcomes and positive health to, immigrant women, (and men posing as women) should be subject to the same conditions.
No need for White women to participate in this program. Their White privilege already gives them better medical outcomes than their dark-skinned sisters.
Climate change is racist
But… wait.. I thought they wanted babies to die?
If a fertilized baby is a person, how can an anti-abortionist tolerate ANY interference with that process. Are anti-abortionists murderers? The objective of most anti-abortionists is to end ALL abortions.
Pro-choice persons believe that women should control their reproduction. Only about 50% of pregnancies are planned. If a women is impregnated by accident (e.g., contraceptive failure or misuse) rape or incest, the woman should have the right to decide in a reasonable time whether to have the baby. Most women don’t know if they are pregnant by 6 weeks or even 10 weeks. This time frame should be extended for women who discover the health is at risk or that the baby is likely to die in utero or soon after birth. The “heartbeat” bills are meant to detect cardiomyocyte electrical activity, since there is no structural “heart” at that time.
Rimjob: If a fertilized baby is a person…
Didn’t quite think that one out, didja chubby?

Bwaha! Lolgf
You got me on that one. Should be fertilized egg, not fertilized baby.
Of course, you, DickBreath, knew that.
To the point, Mama’s Boy, if anti-abortionistas consider any fertilized egg to be a person, how can you morally compromise and murder these “babies” at 6 weeks, 12 weeks or 20 weeks.
We fully understand that you, Mama’s Boy, while sucking Mama’s teat, is incapable of a cogent response, so we ask the near normal conservatives here to weigh in. We also understand that mr teach is allowing you, DickBreath Mama’s Boy to run “his” barely functional blog.
What the anti-abortionista GOPhers are doing is drifting to a Roe V Wade type compromise or have 75% of women vote for the Dem.
NB – Over 90% of abortions in America are performed by 13 weeks gestation.
So, WTF has this anti-abortion brouhaha been about??? It’s OK to murder babies at 6 weeks but not 12 weeks?