Has anyone in Congress considered investigating Biden’s links to China and Chinese companies to see why he’s so excited to exempt them from tariffs?
Biden vetoes bipartisan bill protecting US solar panel makers from Chinese competition
President Biden vetoed a bipartisan resolution Tuesday that would have reversed his executive action last year ordering the Department of Commerce not to enforce tariffs on Chinese solar panel manufacturers for two years.
Biden explained that the legislation — which recently passed the House and Senate with Democratic support — “bets against American innovation.” Last year, Biden implemented the 24-month moratorium on the enforcement of solar panel anti-circumvention tariffs designed to protect U.S. companies, a move the White House said would facilitate investment in domestic solar panel production capabilities.
“Passage of this resolution bets against American innovation,” Biden said in a statement Tuesday. “It would undermine these efforts and create deep uncertainty for American businesses and workers in the solar industry. Therefore, I am vetoing this resolution.”
How is allowing Chinese companies, back by and even owned by the Chinese government, dumping underpriced solar panels in the U.S. good for American companies? Especially when those companies have attempted to circumvent the tariffs by intentionally routing them through other countries? Biden failed to explain that.
“I am disappointed that President Biden vetoed this important legislation,” Kildee said Tuesday. “Failing to stand up to those who engage in unfair trade practices hurts American workers and manufacturers. Our workers and businesses will never be able to compete globally unless we hold those who violate U.S. trade laws accountable.”
“The president’s position, and today’s veto, fails to hold China accountable and hurts American workers,” the Democratic lawmaker continued. “Congress passed this bipartisan resolution with strong support from Republicans and Democrats. Now that the president has vetoed this bill, Congress should once again vote to override today’s veto without delay.”
Congress should be holding a vote today on this. China controls 80% of the market, and are selling them almost like loss-leaders: well below value, without expecting consumers to purchase other products at regular value. And many are just not that great of quality. American companies can’t compete with sub-priced trash being dumped. Who’s getting a payoff, Joe? Which family member is the payoff being routed through? It’s another slap in the face of the American worker. You can’t have innovation without investment money. He killed the incentive for investors to put money into American innovation and manufacturing. He favored China because he gets money from them.

[…] Pirates Cove […]
Mr Teach is becoming more irrational, typing:
All it takes is evidence.
It’s funny that GOPhers had no concerns with Trump family entanglements with Russia, China,
Saudi Arabia and other nations.
Dear Elwood:
If it walks like crook, talks like a crook and acts like a crook.
It’s a crook.
It’s a Trump.
Does this describe someone we know?

Bwaha! Lolgf
We had no concerns with Trump family entanglements with Russia, China, concerns with Trump family entanglements with Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and other nations because TRUMP WAS AN ACTUAL BUSINESSMAN. He spent his entire life in businesses from hotels to casinos to TV shows and on and on.
The bidens aren’t businessmen. They got nothing to sell but favors and secrets. They are liars and traitors. like you.
Aside from the fact that Trump and his family have been constantly investigated by every leftist and commie organization for the last seven years and ya got nothing of value. Ever since he replaced the D after his name with an R he has been attacked by everything you clowns can throw at him.
You can have qualms about his business dealings but there is no doubt he loves this country. We can’t say the same about the didens or you.
What’s “bad for innovation” are the vapor trails of subsidies for solar tech that has never been ready for market and allowing your friends and benefactors to dump their products on a market that is continually pressured to “go green”, as if that were happening given the current technology. Hint: it ain’t.
Let’s work on improving PV efficiency such that the hardware will at least have a prayer of producing as much energy over its service life as it took to create, transport, erect and maintain it without financial help. Then figure out how to recycle the parts afterward without adding to the humanitarian & environmental troubles created by the mining disasters and dirty manufacturing operations left in the wake of their production. Jesus fucking Christ, we’ve got half the planet losing sleep over sustainable coffee production, but we can’t apply the same market forces to solve this little inconvenient snag in the green energy process?
Don’t hold your breath because none of that is gonna happen while .gov is involved, obviously. Why make a product better or produce it responsibly when you can bribe some politicians to pay you for your shitty one and ruin lives and eco-systems buying it from a country with zero environmental regulations and a fetish for abusing human rights? And guess where all that cash comes from, you and me.
So sure, pay no attention to the Reams of Biden bank records detailing the money (from China, Romania and others) laundered through dozens of shell companies that don’t actually do or produce anything. Or the classified documents at the Chinese financed UPA Biden Center “think tank. Or the over 1800 boxes of documents “donated” to the University of Delaware where they will be safe from FOIA with the “archiving” paid for by a “gift agreement” from parties unknown (yeah, right). None of that had anything to do with this decision, why that’s just absurd! This is just bad for innovation (wink, wink). Besides….(sputter, sputter, harumph) Trump!
We’re doomed.
Half the time Teach tells us that China has bought and paid for Biden, the other half Teach tells us that Biden is going to get us into a war with China
Remember!! It is the customer who pays the tariff
Every major decision Joe Biden has made benefitted our competitors and our enemies.