This is probably all your fault. Or, maybe not
World likely to breach 1.5C climate threshold by 2027, scientists warn
The world is almost certain to experience new record temperatures in the next five years, and temperatures are likely to rise by more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, scientists have warned.
The breaching of the crucial 1.5C threshold, which scientists have warned could have dire consequences, should be only temporary, according to research from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).
However, it would represent a marked acceleration of human impacts on the global climate system, and send the world into “uncharted territory”, the UN agency warned.
Why would it be temporary? We’ll maybe get to that
Global average surface temperatures have never before breached the 1.5C threshold. The highest average in previous years was 1.28C above pre-industrial levels.
Never? It was certainly warmer during multiple Holocene warm periods than it is today
The report, published on Wednesday, found there was a 66% likelihood of exceeding the 1.5C threshold in at least one year between 2023 and 2027.
New record temperatures have been set in many areas around the world in the heatwaves of the past year, but those highs may only be the beginning, according to the report, as climate breakdown and the impact of a developing El Niño weather system combine to create heatwaves across the globe.
So, it could maybe might happen for a brief period because of the utterly and completely natural El Nino. The cult is using this as an excuse. Really, if we’re talking an increase of 1.4F to 1.5F since 1850, that would mean there has to be a rise of 1.2F to 1.3F sometime over the next 4 years to hit the 1.5C threshold. So, almost double what has occurred in the last 173 years over the next 4.
Obviously, this has the cult doomers in the media and UN out, with headlines like
‘Sounding the alarm’: World on track to breach a critical warming threshold in the next five years
What if it doesn’t? What if that magical 1.5C isn’t broken? Who comes forth to say “my bad! I was completely wrong”? Who in the media apologizes for their scaremongering, for failing to be cynical journalists? Who in the United Nations says “I guess we do not need to take all your money and freedom to solve this problem, because we are obviously wrong”?

So, if we break 1.5ºC in 2027, can we finally quit with the stupid projects to fight
global warmingclimatechangeemergency?1.5, maybe ok. 1.6, death!
Here’s an article on the link between global warming and ocean warming.
Among other things, all you need to know about that article is here-“there’s sea level rise (for about 20,000. years), coastal inundation (from the before mentioned SLR or land subsidence or what?) bleached corals (the GBR has record coral, and the bleaching process has been going on for millions of years) intensification of cyclones (nope, no evidence of that. But amazingly they keep trying that con on a gullible public) ecological impacts (so, no “impacts” before a slight tempo rise? Got it. Notice that would be a correlation, not proof of causation) melting of ice at higher latitudes in the coastal margins (several studies show more ice now than over the last 10,000 years. As early as the beginning of the last century there was major ice melt with much lower CO2), etc., etc
How do they know CO2 is allegedly heating the oceans and not increased solar irradiance or under water volcanic activity? They don’t-they just say “we know”