At what point do fossil fuels companies simply say “enough. These lawsuits and harassment laws have gone too far, we’re no longer going to operate in this place”? Imagine most fossil fuels companies saying goodbye to the state of NY. How do people fill their motor vehicles? How about their kerosene and natural gas tanks? Generators? Lubrication for numerous machines? Fuel for airplanes? Fuel for all the police cars, fire engines, ambulances? Garbage trucks? Snow removal trucks? The governor’s limo, helicopter, and private plane? How many gas stations shut down, car dealerships, and so much more? This is what happens when a cult is trying to run government and pass laws without consideration of reality
Proposed New York law puts big oil on hook for climate change
New York state estimates already this year taxpayers are spending more than $800 million for projects related to climate change-caused damages and resiliency projects.
State Sen. Liz Krueger, a Democrat from Manhattan, sponsors legislation that would hold the world’s biggest oil and gas companies responsible for at least some of those costs moving forward.
“Somebody’s going to pay,” Krueger said. “The question is are the consumers going to pay or are we going to be able get some of it directly out of these enormous companies making fortunes on their continued efforts to destroy the planet?”
The bill establishing a Climate Change Superfund is modeled after the federal Toxic Superfund that collects from companies that pollute land and water. It would apply to companies responsible for at least one billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions between 2000 and 2018, roughly 30 companies total.
“Those companies are now making more money than they ever have in history,” Krueger said.
The legislation would require the companies to account for roughly $3 billion annually, proportional to their emissions, for 25 years totaling about $75 billion. New York Public Interest Research Group Executive Director Blair Horner said NYPIRG has contributed analysis that the cost will not be passed on to consumers.
In reality, the fossil fuels companies will simply pass on the increased costs to consumers. Those in government do not care, because the taxpayers will pick up the extra tab, meaning citizens will be getting hosed twice. But, then, citizens will move out of NY, reducing the taxable base.
Because the budget was a month late, advocates said time is a hurdle this session. However, they point out, because of continuing cost and the likelihood of litigation around what will be the first-of-its-kind legislation, it is important to pass the bill as soon as possible.
Perhaps the elected NY lawmakers should do the job and pass a budget, rather than farting around with climate cult legislation.

And he wants a piece. It’s always about the money.
Is there anyone left in the formerly democrat party who isn’t a communist?
…absolutely none of which are likely necessary.
THe major oil producers and gasoline wholesalers could put an end to this immediately by just refusing to sell gasoline or diesel in New York State.
The public outrage would destroy the people pushing this nonsense.