Does this actually help their cause, or make them look like out of control, unhinged wackjobs?
Trevi Fountain water turns black in Rome climate protest
Seven young activists protesting against climate change climbed into the Trevi Fountain in Rome on Sunday and poured diluted charcoal into the water to turn it black.
The protesters from the “Ultima Generazione” (“Last Generation”) group held up banners saying “We won’t pay for fossil (fuels),” and shouted “our country is dying”.
Uniformed police waded into the water to take away the activists, with many tourists filming the stunt and a few of the onlookers shouting insults at the protesters, video footage showed.
I wonder how many of those shouting insults believe in anthropogenic climate change in theory? I’m guessing that’s all fine right up till stronzos pull a stunt like this.
In a statement, Ultima Generazione called for an end to public subsidies for fossil fuels and linked the protests to deadly floods in the northern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna in recent days. The group said one in four houses in Italy are at risk from flooding.
And how does Rome survive without fossil fuels for tourism? Italy itself? There’s a lot of tourism. How do they get products in and out?
Rome mayor Roberto Gualtieri condemned the protest, the latest in a series of acts targeting works of art in Italy.
“Enough of these absurd attacks on our artistic heritage,” he wrote on Twitter.
Yeah, well, you politicians enable this behavior by kowtowing to it, patronizing the climate cultists, rather then telling them to piss off. Personally, I’d like the cultists to continue doing this, driving people away from the cult
unbelievable. Climate change activists poured black die in the famous Trevi Fountain in Rome.
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) May 21, 2023

They cannot create anything like that. So they destroy it instead. Euro-taliban. Spoiled rich kids spending their parents’ money on useless Marxist educations and destructive hobbies.
This is why they can’t have nice things.
Our family have been to the Trevi fountain. Dr Hale got it right: spoiled rich kids spending their parents’ money on useless Marxist educations and destructive hobbies.
Chairman Mao was right when it comes to these idiots: they need a ‘cultural revolution,’ working with their bare hands in the countryside.
Religious fanatics are the most dangerous kind.
Yep! And when their religion is their politics it’s a double whammy. They are also the most blood thirsty. Especially the women.
I dumped 2 boxes of Ivory Snow and a jug of Palmolive into the fountain on the Town Common one summer, it took the guys at the town garage and the fire department a solid week to get it cleaned up. It was the event of the year in that little one dog town! The lady that ran the general store remembered selling the detergent to some kid but couldn’t give them a name. I didn’t go near the place for 2 years. When I was coming up on 50 years old, I was drinking with my Dad one afternoon and he brought it up, that was the first time I ever told anyone that it was me.
Your “cult” is now the majority of Americans, they do not deny that the climate is changing because of CO2
It is just like what Reagan warned us about in the 80s
The majority of Americans? Again with that meme? If the majority of Americans wanted virgin sacrifice would that make them right? And BTW, it’s not a majority of Americans, it’s a majority of those who were asked.
The Other Side doesn’t hate us because they have their facts wrong. They have their facts wrong, and don’t care, because they hate us.
Sorry Johnny, they don’t “know” the climate is changing because of CO2, they’ve just been told that it is.
Did you know that the majority of Americans think that cholesterol causes disease. But it doesn’t. I am always impressed as to how stupid Americans are. They can not think. They feel that you can stop producing oil and all will be well. But it wouldn’t. In fact, I list you as being less intelligent than the average American, and that is bad.