Would these go with the 20,000+ laws already on the books? Would they restrict the rights of the law abiding, or go after the criminals?
Most Americans say they would support stricter gun control laws: poll
A majority of Americans in a new poll released on Friday said they would support stricter gun control laws.
Sixty-four percent said they were in favor of stricter laws, while 36 percent said they were opposed, the CNN-SSRS poll found.
A slightly smaller portion — 54 percent — said that such gun control laws would reduce gun-related deaths in the country, and 58 percent said they believe the government is able take effective action to prevent mass shootings.
Some 59 percent in the survey said they were in favor of banning semi-automatic rifles, while 94 percent said they would support taking measures to prevent convicted felons and those with mental health issues from owning guns.
Eight in 10 also said people under the age of 21 should be barred from purchasing any type of gun, the poll found.
OK, let’s flip this around: are these same people OK with limiting free speech and the right to protest peaceably? How about petitioning for redress of grievance? How about legislating away some of their rights against unreasonable searches and seizures for The Public Good? Or trying certain people twice? Maybe they’re OK with limiting witnesses for their defense? Perhaps the same press which gleefully looks to restrict 2nd Amendment Rights would be fine with limiting their own freedom?
Personally, I would be just fine with stricter laws against the criminals. There are certain things I’m fine with, like requiring gun training for a person’s first gun. I approve of requiring a background check for every purchase/transfer. And some others. However, I won’t agree to them, because if you give the Democrat gun grabbers anything they want more and more and more, because the end game is banning all private ownership. Seriously. The poll includes a look back from another poll back in 2017, which asks: A ban on the manufacture,
sale and possession of high-powered rifles capable of semi-automatic fire, such as the AR-15. 49% approved. That means they want all semi-auto rifles straight up banned.
The current question asks: A ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of rifles capable of semi-automatic fire, such as the AR-15. So, not just new purchases, all possession.
Our Rights are not subject to polling.

Few rights are absolute. We already accept limits on free speech. And kids have fewer speech rights in schools. Does a ban on AR-15 style rifles significantly infringe your right of self-defense?
Polls do not change the Constitution.
Our distinguished host asked:
Or the same ones who nodded sagely when state governors suspended the First Amendment rights to free exercise of religion and the right of peaceable assembly? My guess is that they are. They are probably the same ones who, because they want to be ‘nice’ to everyone, supports the cockamamie notion that girls can be boys and boys can be girls, or believe that homosexual relationships are as good and noble as normal ones, or vote for George Soros-sponsored ‘social justice’ and police-hating defense lawyers to become prosecutors.
The uniformly thoughtful Mr Dana has a blind spot when it comes to Constitutional rights for LGBTQ+ persons! He doesn’t have to accept that some people are transgendered and that same-sex couples have civil rights as well as opposite-sex couples. His reasoning may be based on religion or on “culture”. Doesn’t really matter.
America’s Constitution including the Bill of Rights has been interpreted and reinterpreted over the centuries to make our society more and more inclusive. Women, indigenous peoples, immigrants, poor people, Blacks, LGBTQ+…
Mr Dana has expressed the sentiment that America was “better” before women and Blacks were granted civil rights. No doubt it was “better” for white, Christian males, but civil rights do not have to be a zero sum game… while equal rights for others may mean less “power”, that is, white male hegemony, it doesn’t mean fewer rights for white males.
Mr Dana:
No doubt some are, some aren’t. Does he believe opposite sex relationships (marriage, we hope he meant) are mostly good and normal, just because? Opposite sex relationships are known to be wrought with problems too. Mental and physical abuse, cheating, child abuse… Even in marriages blessed by churches!
If everyone was made fully aware of the fact that 7-ish percent of the population commits 60+% of the gun crimes in America, mostly with illegally obtained firearms, and that more people die of firearm violence on any given weekend in cities with harsh gun control laws than die over the course of several months elsewhere, would their attitudes about gun control be the same? Or would their attitudes about race maybe be different?
All gun crimes in America are committed by a tiny pool of American criminals! It’s unsurprising that these crimes occur where people live.
There are 80-90,000 gun related injuries per year in the U.S. (includes homicides, suicides, injuries).
That means the shootings are committed by a scant 0.03% of Americans!!
These days, most gun crimes are committed with small, stolen, semi-auto pistols. Why are they so popular? They’re light, cheap, easy to shoot, easy to conceal, easy to reload and the sidearm choice for the military for decades. More rounds, faster.
Happy Memorial Day to everyone with a tip of the hat to those who served.
MrLiberty, those attitudes would not change because the hate for Whites, Christians, Patriots, America and anything and everything both moral and patriotic has been washed out of their brains by years of commie education, entertainment and propaganda.
If the left can convince millions of Americans that a man can become a woman by force of will, menstruate, give birth and they are not mentally ill and if you call him “he” you are committing a hate crime then the people of America will believe that a senile dumbfuk like biden will win the election of 2024 with 92 million votes.
Voting got us into this shit mess but only AR-15s will get us out. Hence the pre-election push to eliminate all firearms even if it means formally erasing the Constitution. (It’s already ignored by the left now they want to officially end it).
Happy Memorial Day to everyone with a tip of the hat to those who served.
MrLiberty, those attitudes would not change because the hate for Whites, Christians, Patriots, America and anything and everything both moral and patriotic has been washed out of their brains by years of commie education, entertainment and propaganda.
If the left can convince millions of Americans that a man can become a woman by force of will, menstruate, give birth and they are not mentally ill and if you call him “he” you are committing a hate crime then the people of America will believe that a senile dumbfuk like biden will win the election of 2024 with 92 million votes.
Voting got us into this shit mess but only AR-15s will get us out. Hence the pre-election push to eliminate all firearms even if it means formally erasing the Constitution. (It’s already ignored by the left now they want to officially end it).
This is increasingly the sentiment from the uber-far right who have abandoned our democratic republic and now favor a violent coup or even a reprise of the Civil War.
Can any of the commenting rebels here explain how this will work? Will it be a guerilla war executing the “enemy”, bombing infrastructure or do you hope to secure the support of the U.S. military to make it a true military coup, where the joint chiefs are the new government? Would you suspend the Constitution long enough to eliminate the undesirables (dems, libs, Blacks, immigrants, LGBTQs)?
“Most crimes committed by small stolen semi-automatic pistols..” Yes, so after the thugs steal the gun, they’ll march right down to whatever office they need to comply with the new gun control laws…
Again you addressed me after you agreed not to. I told you I’d dox you if you did it again.
Jeffery L Keene
8100 Leafland CT.
St. Louis, MO 63123
That’s your last warning. I know your cars, their tag #’s, even their serial numbers. I know your property, net worth, credit card #’s, SS and driver license #, I know everything about your work history and education. Oh, and I know the same about your kids.
Do not address me you filthy commie pig.
L.G. Brandon,
I have contacted Mr Porter Good about your request.
Best regards.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Don’t be a Minc…
That qualifies as a threat.
Is the plan to notify the police to ticket my autos, use my credit card #s, and then harass my grown children? Previously, you had said you would contact your friends in government, so you could come visit and assault us. Still the plan?
This is your last warning. ANY further activity against me or my family will result in contact with our attorneys.
Aw c’mon, Rimjob…
Keep your shirt on, chubby

Bwaha! Lolgf
My bad.
You’re a lying piece of shit. I never claimed I’d either visit or assault you.
Why can’t you just leave me alone? What is it about you commies that makes you think you have some sort of right to harass people tghen when we respond you blame us? You’re doing the same thing to me the democommies are doing to America then when the SHTF you start crying. You claimed after you pushed and pushed about the election refusing to audit and investigate that when we protested it somehow was an unarmed “insurrection” of middle and old aged blue collar workers.
You’re a liar and commie pig. No wonder half the commenters here won’t address you.
Leave me the fuck alone!
I suppose you’re right.
Would every commenter please supply:
Car license and serial numbers
Credit card numbers
Social Security #
Driver License #
Work Address
Also that same info for all your children
drowningpuppies should go first!
Nah, Rimjob, because it’s all about you, chubby.”

Besides what else would you have to do all day long everyday?
Bwaha! Lolgf
So you refer to The Pirates Cove as an irrelevant site? Yikes!
We suspect the generous Mr Teach, who goes to a lot a trouble to give you a platform for your irrelevant drivel, doesn’t appreciate your gratuitous insult.
We appreciate Mr Teach’s hosting of this site, even if you do not.
Yeah, I call him a “liar” everyday like you do, chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Mr Brandon,
We didn’t address you, although we did copy and paste your statement:
which to us seemed to border on a terroristic threat. We apologize if you took that as a personal attack, but it is the nature of comment sections to have a certain amount of give and take.
Your response was to expose personal information with the threat of exposing more.
Who is this “we” you keep referring to when you know it’s just “you”?

Ooops, again!
Unfortunately, this is devolving into a troll session, however, back to the topic. “Constitution by Poll…” was not what the founders intended, this is a republic. Also, we are discussing a poll sponsored by CNN, of course it is slanted to yield the results CNN wants. As marketing was taught in the ’70’s, the sample is selected to yield the best results and the questions phrased to get desired answers. Honest reporting or not, your guess. Since it was a CNN poll, I would deduce that this is a quite dishonest poll.
Great point! The media always pimps every single poll that comes out because the media exist only for attention/advertising and viewers!
Never trust a single poll to be telling the truth. For example, a recent FOX News poll concluded:
-87% of voters surveyed said they support requiring criminal background checks for all gun
-77% support requiring a 30-day waiting period for all gun purchases.
-Vast majorities also support raising the legal age to buy guns to 21 (81%) and requiring
mental health checks for all gun purchasers (80%).
-80% of voters say police should be allowed take guns away from people considered a danger
to themselves or others.
-61% of voters support banning assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons.
The only way this majority of Americans can get their way is to vote in representatives who think as they do who will affirm judges who view the laws independently and not as a partisan. Do NOT let the majority win!!
Our republic is not subject to majority rules. Neither is our Constitution nor the rights it infers upon us. Just because commies have convinced a majority of people that men can be women or police should be allowed take guns away from people considered a danger to themselves or others doesn’t make it right.
We have over 20,000 gun laws in the US, when is enough enough?