Once again, they’re really telling us what they do in their acts: perform in a sexually adult manner, which is entirely inappropriate for children to witness. Minors cannot go to strip clubs, bars, or adult “bookstores”, and, as we kept seeing in video, the trans performers were no different
Tennessee Law Sows Fear Among Drag Performers Before Pride Month
Renae Green-Bean had started taking precautions in public even before the Tennessee legislature approved a law in March limiting where “adult cabaret” can be performed.
Green-Bean had watched the uptick in legislation restricting LGBTQ rights and worried that restaurant nights with her wife, children or grandchildren, or her preference for masculine attire and closely cropped hair, would invite harassment. So she could not help but worry that the new law would make her feel less safe pursuing her creative outlet: throwing on a bedazzled jacket several nights a week and transforming into El Rey, a drag king.
If a federal judge allows the law to take effect in the coming weeks, it will ban what it defines as adult cabaret performances, including by “male or female impersonators,” on public property or anywhere children could view them. It will not stop the shows that Green-Bean, 46, puts on at an adults-only club in Clarksville and other clubs near the Kentucky border.
“Adults-only.” Would it be acceptable to have a women wearing the clothes she wears during her stripper routine perform for kids? Or one of those Chippendales? Would parents be OK with them reading sexually explicit material to children? No. And none really try. They leave the kids alone. Why is it that the gender confused intentionally target children?
Still, she and other performers said, being seen in drag anywhere in public feels far riskier now. The law and others like it come as far-right activists have increasingly targeted drag shows across the country, with members of the Proud Boys and other protesters, sometimes heavily armed, appearing at the shows and at library story hours when drag performers read books to children.
“There is a scare factor,” Green-Bean said of the law, “because they’ve given people the right to be hateful.”
No one really cares if a guy is wandering around in women’s clothes: they care when they’re wearing not much and dancing sexually in front of children. Just let kids be kids and stop pushing your adult agenda on them
Despite that growing visibility in mainstream culture, many people supporting anti-drag bills — which have been debated in more than a dozen states this year — consider drag performances too mature for young people or in direct conflict with deep religious values and maintain that they need to draw the line.
The most vocal critics of drag have characterized it as invariably sexual. But as audiences have broadened, many drag artists say they have adapted their performances, making them appropriate for drag brunches and public events like Pride parades when children might be present.
Did they do away with adult material, actions, clothes, etc? Then they won’t violate the law. They’re literally telling us that their performances were wrong for children.
Testifying in favor of Tennessee’s measure this year, Adam Dooley, pastor of the Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, said that while adults “have every right” to see a drag performance, “they do not have a right to insist that children be present, and frankly, I question whether there is some sinister motive that would drive the demand for children to be present.”
Opponents of the law and others like it say that they echo a decades-old anti-LGBTQ smear by suggesting that performers prey on children.
They have been preying on children. They want children to attend, they want specific programs for children, and this whole thing exploded as a fad. A dangerous one, which has long lasting effects on children. The right of adults to see this is protected. And children are being protected from being exploited and groomed.
These mentally ill wackjobs really do want to erase women https://t.co/O98VmANOXT
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) May 29, 2023

Mr Teach:
Mr Teach is lying to you. Obviously, this is Mr Teach’s projection conflating Drag Story Hours with stripping. Mr Teach should attend a performance see he can type from knowledge and not ignorance.
Would Mr Teach (and followers) BAN Drag Queen Story Hour where stories are read to kids? The stories MAY often describe tolerance, variety and inclusion, anathema to nuCon thought today. If the local library held a Drag Queen Story Hour would you send in the police to break it up, handcuff the performers and march them out?
We would all support the sudden interest in women’s and children’s rights expressed by right-wingers, but we all know the truth – this is a right-wing anti-LGBTQ initiative.
The right is lying to themselves and Americans.
How to say you’re “grooming” without using the word.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
Simply put people who cross dress are outside normal societal limits.
They have no right to push their variance on children.
All sorts of people are outside normal societal limits, therefore “abnormal” as defined by some commenters.
Green eyes, red hair, amputees, Down’s, hat wearers, Black, MS, wheelchair, Hispanic, bearded, indigenous, women with short hair, left handed, Catholics, Jews, men with long hair, atheists… all “outside normal”.
Should we discriminate against them all? How about men in kilts? Preachers in robes?
Conservatives today are pushing that different is abnormal and should be discriminated against. Society used to discriminate against red hair, left handed, Catholics, Jews, disabled, Blacks, women, Irish etc.
And now society discriminates against Christians, Whites, Asians, high IQ, rich, men, MAGA, Republicans, straights and many others. The only difference being leftists endorse that discrimination whereas they don’t endorse the other. Elwood you yourself are an anti White racist and a Christian bigot. You despise anyone right of Mao and hate God. We all have our proclivities even though you would deny yours.
Our good friend from Missouri errs: It’s not just what a drag queen reads to children that matters, but also the presentation by a drag queen himself that is intended to influence children into tolerance and acceptance of drag queens period. In attempting to normalize that kind of behavior, regardless of what material is being read, they are, let’s be honest here, grooming the kids.
The proper response to drag queens, by adults, is to laugh at and mock them, which is exactly what the abnormal are trying to end.
How do homosexuals reproduce? They can’t do so naturally, so they have to recruit, and if they can reduce the stigma attached to homosexual sex, they can increase the percentage of otherwise normal people who are willing to give it a try.
We must beg to disagree with the Kentuckian of Konsequence. No doubt, many do laugh at drag queens, but they are entertainers, so they expect it.
Don’t conflate the day to day transgendered with the over the top costumes of drag queens!
Should parents who take children to drag queen story times be prosecuted along with the actors?
Gays and lesbians are not trying to produce more gays and lesbians but more decent humans. They have a right to be parents. Not all opposite-sex couples are good parents, either. Gays and lesbians have been with humankind for millennia. They are born not made.
They are not looking for acceptance, but rather equal rights.
“Psst! Hey kid, wanna change your gender? Says Target dog emerging from clothes rack…”
@ Elwood dowd
I consider myself to be conservative and also different. My differences can be debated in a positive way but when morals and ethics that are deviant and twisted that can harm a child potentially for life I am proud to say that I WILL intervene.
Nuff Said. Oh and by the way I identify as a strong morally grounded CHRISTIAN man and don’t give me any of that biological BS.
Morals and ethics are largely personal and often arbitrary. Many conservatives believe all abortion unethical and immoral and would ban it. Gay and lesbian sex acts were against the law! Same-sex marriage was forbidden.
Is there harm in an outlandishly coiffed drag queen reading stories to children, with the parents’ permission?
Not sure what biological BS you’re referencing.
Is it time to strictly regulate Christian summer camps like Kanakuk Kamps in Branson, MO?
Kanakuk has been a training ground for pedophiles for decades but has kept their grooming activities under the radar using settlements under Non-disclosure agreements. Hundreds of victims have been reported. Is this not as bad as drag queen reading time?
Like the Catholic Church, Kanakuk is not just open but thriving!!
More than 14 million youth attend camps each year. Turns out summer camps have hundreds of incidents of sexual assault each year.
Not ever church, school and summer camp is grooming and abusing children.
But get those drag queens!!
If true, you should contact Transheuser-Bush or Target. Maybe they could give pointers on a new ad campaign!
Dowd is an absolutist. If grooming occurs anywhere it should be ytolerated everywhere. Sign of a fool.
Since more children are groomed and sexually assaulted in churches, homes, schools and summer camps than at Drag Story Time, can you explain why nuCons are obsessed with Bud Light, Target and Story Time?
That’s a rhetorical question. It’s all politics all the time.
We are aware of but hardly understand the hatred that conservatives have for LGBTQ individuals. Perhaps it’s tied to religion. Perhaps it’s a deep seated cultural hatred, but related to conservative Christianity. All fundamentalist religions hate LGBTQ people.
Shouldn’t we all be trying to help all children all the time? Why not boycott evangelical kamps?
Thanks, chubby.

And here’s your shirt.
Bwaha! Lolgf
I know this opinion may be way out there, but as far as the trannies are concerned, maybe we’re just against celebrating and pushing a mental illness on the young. Shocking, I know…
Just like the mass hysteria exhibited by the MAGAt class of 2020? Young cons are being groomed to be delusional. Just deny it if you don’t like it.
Well when you have the Mass Media lying about Covid and a stolen election what would you expect, chubby?

Bwaha! Lolgf