…is the wonderful flag of the United States and remember all the men and women who defend the nation with their lives, you might just be a patriot
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on the media protecting Satanists.

…is the wonderful flag of the United States and remember all the men and women who defend the nation with their lives, you might just be a patriot
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on the media protecting Satanists.
Satanism is just another religion. What’s the big deal?
A guy sells expensive Satanist t-shirts and paraphernalia and “Mr” Surber equates this bare naked capitalism with Satanism!
When even God is sick of your tranny bullshit
For Elwood on Memorial Day.
Thanks L’Roy,
We understand the meaning of Memorial Day all-too-well. Read on. My wife’s big brother, my brother-in-law and dear friend. Our youngest son, who never knew his uncle, keeps a shadowbox with medals and photos in his living room. Please leave us alone.
We’re certain the cyberstalker bois will find this useful.