The best part is no one in the media is saying “this is nuts.” Or is it that this isn’t the craziest thing going on in America?
CNN: Women Marrying Themselves as ‘Symbolic Expression of Self-Love’
CNN spoke with four women who “married themselves” — a self-marriage officially referred to as “sologamy.”
The left-leaning news outlet painted “sologamy” as pertaining more to mental health and “self-love.” rather than an extension of living an “auto-sexual” lifestyle — being sexually attracted to oneself — which has been addressed in other news articles on the topic.
“The concept of self-marriage, or sologamy, has been around for years…No data exists on how many people celebrate sologamy with ceremonies, but the practice has been explored in a handful of recent news articles,” CNN reported.
The women interviewed “described the act as a symbolic expression of self-love and an affirmation of a deep meaningful relationship with one’s self.”
Sounds like a continued extension of Crazyville. Which is fine, as long as they aren’t trying to spread the crazy. Or until they get all militant and go full on mental.
One of the women, body image coach Danni Adams, told the outlet she took several years to invest in herself, go to to therapy, and “break generational curses” and “process trauma” before she decided she was ready to marry herself.
After the pandemic she married herself in front of roughly 40 people. The event included nine bridesmaids at a cost of $4,000. A friend officiated the ceremony, and Adams read her vows in front of a full-length mirror, according to the report. Following her self-wedding, she honeymooned in Tulum, Mexico.
So, a woman who’s pretty much telling other women that it’s just fine to be fat spent $4k and did the rest? Is this normal?
CNN noted that critics say self-marriage, which is not recognized by law in the United States, is narcissistic. In response, the outlet quoted a therapist who believes sologamy could be the manifestation of a “healthy form of narcissism.”
“It is actually a lack of self-love that leads to unhealthy narcissism,” therapist John Amodeo claimed. “We are then constantly needing validation from other to fill our inner emptiness.”
Well, I guess it’s better than putting these people around children and animals.

Obvious question: if a woman marries herself, and she then has a guy over to spend the night, is she cheating on herself?
Only if her wife doesn’t approve!
And the first self-divorce will explore new legal territory!
It’s fine. Besides, it’s not like anyone else wanted her. Good thing the LGTBQ activists broke that glass ceiling for her. She didn’t even have trouble finding someone to bake her a cake, that she can eat herself. $9K for a wedding with 9 bridesmaids and 40 guests? That’s a bargain.
I like the idea. For every neurotic, self centered, sociopath; that marries herself; means one less man that has his life destroyed by them. Good situation all around.