On the plus side, the government is funding huge numbers of electric vehicle chargers (for cars the average American cannot afford) and funding lots of new IRS employees to go after The Rich (but, really, the working and middle class are easier targets)
Many Americans face “hunger crisis” as food insecurity rises
Anti-hunger advocates say the U.S. is facing an “unprecedented” rise in food insecurity amid persistently high inflation in the grocery aisle and cuts to the food-stamp program earlier this year.
The rise in food insecurity — lacking enough food to live a healthy, active life — comes as the nation has ended the pandemic emergency and the economy, by many measures, continues to be strong. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low, while wages have been rising for many workers.
The economy is so strong that there’s an unprecedented rise in food insecurity. The most recent Gallup poll has only 16% saying the economy is excellent/good, with 47% saying it is poor and 37% saying only fair. Back in April CNN wrote
Americans’ views of the economy are the best they’ve been in more than a year, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS – but they’re still pretty bad, with 7 in 10 saying it’s in poor shape. Closer to home, 50% say their own financial situation is worse than it was a year ago.
About 3 in 10 Americans, 29%, call the country’s economic conditions good. That’s up from 22% in CNN’s polling last fall but well below the 54% majority who said the same in April 2021. Compared with last fall, the share now saying the economy is good has risen 15 points among Democrats and 10 points among independents, with little change among Republicans.
If CNN can’t spin it, things are bad.
The research jibes with findings from the U.S. Census, which for three years has asked households about their food consumption. The number of Americans who say they sometimes don’t have enough to eat has jumped 23% — from 15.8 million prior to the pandemic to 19.2 million in the most recent survey, taken in late April and early May.
Hey, you morons voted for Biden over Trump, and this is your result.
In the meantime, low-income Americans are increasingly making tradeoffs and experiencing broader hardships as they cope with the rising cost of groceries and cuts to their food aid, research shows. Eviction rates for food-stamp recipients soared by 40% from April to May, while 11% of respondents had their utilities cut off in the last month, a 24% jump from the prior month, Propel found.
Housing costs have skyrocketed, and, I’ll be honest, that does seem a scam, to some degree, but, consider that for a long time no one could work to build, because of lockdowns, and the materials were not being made, and Biden and the Democrats have worked to make energy costs more expensive, which also contributes to rising food costs. Any Democrat complaining should consider what their vote got them.