There’s nothing inherently wrong with support of LGB groups from a company. And the controversy was really about having a mentally deranged beta male pretending to be a young girl, really making fun of actual women, be a part of their advertising, along with making derogatory remarks about their core consumers. But, with Bud Light and Anheuser Bush have major money issues from the boycott, maybe they should hold off on doing stuff right now
Bud Light Announces New Initiative With LGBTQ+ Business Owners Despite Boycott, Loss of Sales
Anheuser-Busch is doubling down on support for a pro-LGBTQ+ organization amid recent backlash.
Bud Light announced on Tuesday, May 30 that it would be extending its partnership with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce which started last year. The brewing company is also donating $200,000 to the NGLCC for the second year in a row.
“Today, Bud Light and the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), the exclusive certifying body for LGBT-owned businesses, announce they are extending their partnership to continue supporting economic opportunities and advancements for LGBTQ+ Americans and business owners across the country,” Anheuser-Busch said in a statement.
Sometimes you just have to just chill, let things ride, and hope the issue goes away. Even though the problem isn’t lesbians, gays, and bisexuals, this will be seen as tone deaf and rubbing people’s faces in it
(Newsweek) According to data by Bump Williams Consulting and Nielsen IQ, provided to Newsweek, in the week ending May 20, sales volume—the number of units of beer sold—declined 29.5 percent compared to the same period last year, while sales revenue was down 25.7 percent on the same week in 2022.
There are plenty of other beers out there. And they look like “dead man walking”
#BudLight lost
— Economic Ninja (@economyninja) May 28, 2023

“partnership” = Company executives will spend corporate money to virtue signal with political cronies instead of giving that money to stockholders, who earned it.
What’s needed is a stockholder revolt. Maybe one that sues the BOD.
I can’t believe that ‘patriots’ drink beer at all, now that it’s clear trans people like beer!
The nuGOP/nuCon spokesnetwork, FOX News, has gone all in on anti-wokelism (with a side of Hunter Biden). All trans, all the time, LOL!!
Trying to make nice with the Atilla the Hun mentality of the LBGTAEIOU+/- crowd because they realize this entire scenerio is a damned if you do/damned if you don’t setup. Because of activists and their government sponsors there will be no clear winner. The destruction of everything is the primary goal and by any means possible is the method.
Studies show that journalists at major media outlets give over 90 percent of campaign donations to Democrats. Those leftists who are perpetually on the hunt for systemic bias in American institutions need look no further. Yet statistics like this curiously get overlooked. Who’d be naïve enough to believe that such a disproportionate political imbalance wouldn’t affect news coverage? Can anyone forget the coverage culminating in field reporters in 2020 nervously rushing to declare protests as “mostly peaceful” as buildings literally burned to the ground behind them? It’s little wonder that polls show most Americans no longer trust mass media.
But you make stupid remarks about the one station as The nuGOP/nuCon spokesnetwork, FOX News as though it was some sort of corner on the market. You people are real bigots. As the left murders the unborn, groom little kids, mutilates children and brainwashes kids from 12 to 25 you have the balls to call FOX names? As you lefties pit white against black (and everybody else), call Christians names while installing secularism as the National Religion and plot how to steal the next election you call us names?
“Target launches new kids clothing line with partner Ghislaine Maxwell. According to sources, the new clothing line will be called Lil’ Groomers ..”
“Ms. Maxwell really embodies the sprit of what we stand for here at Target”, said Target CEO Brian Cornell”.