So, damned if you do, damned if you don’t, so, why not just go about our lives as we have, and tell the cultists to just mind their own damned business?
Climate paradox: Emission cuts could ‘unmask’ deadly face of climate change, scientists warn
Scientists have uncovered a potentially lethal paradox at the heart of efforts to slow human-caused climate change.
A series of new studies suggest a stark truth.
One the one hand, cutting fossil fuel pollution is necessary for avoiding severe destruction over the long term. But such cuts will make the earth much hotter in the short term.
One recent study cast the well-known declines in air pollution during the COVID-19 pandemic in a darker light.
ZOMG! Run!
From a research station in the Maldives, an island archipelago off the coast of India, Gustafsson’s team detected that when pollution from smokestacks fell, so did concentrations of aerosols — tiny floating particles that hang in the atmosphere.
That fall was an unmistakable boon to public health. According to Our World in Data, these contaminants — like tiny floating particles of soot or sulfates — cause millions of global deaths per year.
But for all the damage they do to human lungs, aerosols also help shade the earth by scattering light particles from the sun that would otherwise warm the planet.
After the cuts, the study found that light reaching the surface increased by 7 percent.
So, wait, these particles, which are actually an environmental issue, reduced sunlight reaching the surface, and when those plants were shuttered for Wuhan Flu, sunlight increased? That’s rather stating that that big ball of nuclear fire in the sky is actually the primary driver of climate, and the works of Man have limited the effect.
A draft study led by Columbia University climate scientist James Hansen suggests that the recent rise in temperatures doesn’t come from greenhouse gases at all, but from the reduction in sulfate aerosols since the early-2000s.
Huh. 84% of scientists say that 96% of climate scientists are right 3% of the time, although there is only a 50% chance of that. Really, this just goes to show that we don’t really understand how the climate works but does not seem to slow us down from throwing random solutions at the problem. Ones that involve your money and freedom.

IOW “We don’t understand how the climate actually works, but we know how to fix it!”
The hubris would be amusing if it weren’t so scary.
Why does everything the left gets involved in from pervert men in dresses to fake climate crap sound like witchcraft?
Yes, clearly, we should send .gov more money and give them more power to grant more subsidies to more of their already loaded friends (with half of that taxpayer cash flowing back, all squeaky clean, into their campaign war chests and PACs) in order to produce more “green” energy that costs twice as much as that dirty stuff while creating humanitarian and ecological disasters with no hope of recycling the ridiculously expensive, not ready for market hardware so that we can reduce the current 1.2×10^-5% of CO2 that humanity contributes to the atmosphere. As if at that point we would be able to detect it.
But hey, if only .gov could somehow create conditions that drive up the costs of conventionally produced energy, that will make the unrealistic, never ever achieved numbers for large scale commercial solar and wind look so much better by comparison!
Why didn’t someone think of this before? Oh, wait, this has been the plan for years? Never mind.
Matthew, we are dealing with people who believe a drooling senile dope who ran for pres twice before and failed won with 81 million votes. After 2 years of evidence the election was rigged they refuse to even investigate. They still believe Fauci, Pfizer, in masks, Mueller/Clapper et al and refuse to see Hunters laptop.
So believing in a little Gaia driven witchcraft is no big jump in their credibility.
Mr Teach typed:
Where did Mr Teach feel the energy driving global warming came from if not the Sun? Atmospheric particulates reflect some of the sunlight back to space, away from Earth. Sunlight that reaches Earth is re-emitted as infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases block the journey of infrared radiation to space, causing the Earth to warm.