I done told you to stop driving in fossil fueled vehicles, turn your AC up to 80, only shower once a week, and use 2 sheets of TP, but, no, you want to destroy everything
Why this type of bread could be wiped out by climate change
The traditional British loaf could be wiped out by climate change, new research warns
Wheat crops struggle when the weather gets too hot. Yields are being slashed because of unprecedented droughts, say scientists.
The likelihood of extreme temperatures has increased significantly in grain-producing regions, the study shows.
Lead author Dr. Erin Coughlan de Perez of Tufts University said: “The historical record is no longer a good representation of what we can expect for the future.
“We live in a changed climate and people are underestimating current day possibilities for extreme events.”
How horrible! Um, they do realize that climatic changes have always happened, and that whole (fake) Marie Antoinette quote about “let them eat cake” was really about there being wheat grain shortages from harsh cold weather during the Little Ice Age?
Of course, everyone is on the bandwagon of wheat shortages, such as
World’s wheat supply at risk of a dangerous shock due to heat and drought, study warns
New research outlines a worst-case scenario in which extreme weather hammers winter wheat crops in both the U.S. Midwest and northeastern China in the same year.
It’s always worst case with these cultists. Say, what about the big heat wave in the 1930’s, creating the Dust Bowl? Wasn’t that much use of fossil fuels then, and CO2 was under the “safe” level of 350ppm.
Could seaweed be the ‘fastest and least expensive’ tool to fight climate change?
A bold experiment to use seaweed as part of a solution to climate change is underway in Iceland, where millions of basketball-size buoys made of wood and limestone and seeded with seaweed will be dropped into the ocean in the coming months.
Running Tide is part of a new crop of startups that position seaweed as a multi-pronged solution to climate change—able to absorb atmospheric carbon, reduce cattle’s methane emissions, provide feedstock for biofuels, and feed the world—no fertilizers, fresh water, or even land required. Some of these ventures, like Running Tide, want to sink seaweed to remove carbon from the atmosphere. Others want to replace carbon-intensive materials like soy, fertilizers, plastic, and petroleum with seaweed-derived versions.
Hey, if it works and is less environmentally damaging, I’m for it. As long as it provides enough power. Can’t wait till they start telling us that this is Bad.
Climate change is intensifying, and people are “panicking,” says Kristen Davis, professor of civil and environmental engineering and earth system science at University of California Irvine. But seizing on seaweed-based carbon removal as a solution before the science is settled, she says, could cause environmental harm or distract from more surefire strategies, such as swiftly cutting emissions.


Bwaha! Lolgf
Over 88 Million views today – Matt Walsh’s documentary “What is a Woman”? is blowing up Twitter!
Watched the documentary and no one seemed to have an answer except Matt Walsh’s wife.
Funny that.

Bwaha! Lolgf