Nice to see that 57 percent of Americans are not anti-science, anti-biology, and wackjob moonbat (I will say that the headline is a bit off, as this is not so much a rejection of the gender confused as a reality check)
Poll: Public ‘Strongly’ Rejects Transgenderism Despite Corporate ‘Pride’
Americans are uniting in broad opposition to the transgender ideology despite a roar of pro-transgenderism rhetoric from Fortune 500 corporations, government officials, and establishment media.
Fifty-seven percent of Americans strongly agree that “There are [only] two genders, male and female,” according to a May 23-24 survey of 1,116 adults by Rasmussen Reports.
That is a 14-point jump from 2019, when only 43 percent of respondents said they strongly think there are “only two possible gender identities, man or woman,” a poll of 1,100 people by the left-wing Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) found.
Similarly, the Rasmussen poll showed that only ten percent of Americans “strongly disagree” with society’s recognition of just the two complementary sexes, male and female.
But in 2019, a much higher share — 24 percent of respondents — in the PRRI poll said they strongly think “There is a range of many possible gender identities.”
So, fewer and fewer people are buying into the 925 genders that wackos are pushing. Listen, gays and lesbians and bisexuals are not saying they are different genders, just that they like the same sex. Or both sexes. This whole many genders beyond male and female are simply people with mental illness with no one around who say “stop. Join us in reality land. Let me get you some competent mental health help.”
The polls help explain why sales of Bud Light dropped by roughly 30 percent and why the stock price of the Target retail chain lost roughly $10 billion after their status-seeking middle managers wrapped their shareholders’ brands around the unpopular transgender ideology.
When the government wackos are pushing this and companies are going Woke there will be backlash. People do not like to be taught how to think and act.
Meanwhile, NASCAR is looking to alienate their customer base, pulling a Budweiser
You do not understand your customer base do you? Nobody is saying to hate anyone but why participate? Why not just shut your damn mouth and enjoy the money you used to make. Go woke, go broke. Sorry France family.
— E-Mo Drags The Interstate (@EMo_Drags_The_l) June 1, 2023
They’re not going to be happy when viewership drops, attendance drops, merchandising crashes, and, while I’m not a race fan at all, the sponsorships are huge in NASCAR. Hardcore fans will only buy certain products for whom sponsors their favorite team.

45% of Republicans believed Obama was foreign born.
49% of Republicans believe Hillary’s emails referenced pedophilia.
61% of Republicans believe Trump won in 2020.
25% of Americans believed 9/11 was an inside job.
40% of Republicans feel fewer Americans have health insurance since ACA.
64% of Republicans feel that unemployment increased under Obama.
40% of Republicans believe that Trump received more votes than Clinton.
56% of Americans believe in the Biblical God.
48% of Americans believe God determines what happens in their lives most or all the time.
40% of Americans who believe in the Biblical God believe God talks to them.
It is 100% factual that there are intersex individuals (born with ambiguous genitalia). It is estimated this is found in 1% of births.
How dare you, out of your willful ignorance and wanton cruelty, ignore facts and compassion, and mock these individuals? How Christian. Why would your God create these individuals for you to mock and persecute?
We understand that beliefs are easier for you than actual thought and consideration. Black/white, up/down, in/out… But the complex anatomical, physiological, endocrine, psychological contributions to “gender” leave room for ambiguity. Sorry, but that’s a fact.
Rimjob: How dare you, out of your willful ignorance and wanton cruelty, ignore facts and compassion, and mock these individuals?
You mock other people everyday, chubby.

Now you pull a “Greta Thunberg”?
Bwaha! Lolgf
The scientist from St Louis confuses the terms:
Mr Dowd’s argument is based on birth defects, resulting from either genetic defects or gestational maldevelopment, as though the exception to male and female somehow invalidates the norm. He would not claim that spina bifida invalidates the norm, and would recognize that it’s simply an unfortunate fetal development issue.
However, our esteemed host’s article referenced gender, not biological sex, and that’s the part I find interesting. The sexual perversion lobby wants to tell us that people can have a ‘gender’ which is different from their physical sex, and we know that the agnostic from the Archdiocese of St Louis has defended those who claim to be a different gender from their physical sex, yet here he makes an argument not based on gender but physical sex.
Why, it’s almost as though Mr Dowd doesn’t accept the notion that gender is different from sex!
We have all sorts of different manifestations of masculinity: guys who play sports, guys who are nerds, tall guys and shorter ones, muscular or slight or fat, and even some who like to fellate other males, but if they perhaps present different variations of masculinity, they are all still males.
The same is true of females: there are tomboys, athletic girls, nerds, and girly-girls, but they’re all still female.
The honorable Mr Dana calls these “birth defects” without evidence. By his criteria, red hair or left handedness are “birth defects”.
Our point is that we do not know the possible developmental, genetic, environmental and physiologic determinants that makes a child labeled as “male” believe they are “female”. Or vice-versa.
Mr Dana labels them mentally ill, again without evidence. He has no idea (and it’s none of his fizzucking business) what they have “under the hood”. Again, many thousands of babies with ambiguous genitalia are “labeled” male or female often followed by infant sex confirmation surgery.
Mr Dana further labels any behaviors he objects to as “perversions” – same sex activities, cross-dressing… But, how about threesomes? moresomes? male-female anal sex? oral sex? bondage? spanking? mutual masturbation?
If a person has a dick, external balls, deep voice and hairy body he’s a male, according to Mr Dana. Probably, but not always.
What we are suggesting is compassion and tolerance instead of ridicule and especially gov’t persecution.
Republicans are submitting bills to determine how citizens dress!
The persistent Mr Dowd wrote:
Yes, always.
If that was what you were suggesting, it wouldn’t be much of an issue. It has become an issue because the ‘transgendered’ are demanding, and some governments are going along with, requirements that we accept the delusions of the demented as reality, and go along with those delusions, whether we agree with them or not. If Salvadore wants to call himself Sally, that’s his business; when he demands that I call him Sally, and the government requires me to not just call him Sally, he has made it my business. When people can be sued for not calling him Sally, under ‘hostile workplace’ notions, he has made it everybody’s business. When municipal governments can fine businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars if an employee calls him Salvadore rather than Sally, it has become everybody’s business. And when he can take a team position away from a real Sally, or win championships away from real Sallys, it has become everybody’s business.
The defensive Mr Dana also ignored the non-anatomical factors we noted as determinants.
Please define what you consider the minimal requirements for male vs female, thanks.
We’ve discussed this before but conservatives say they don’t believe that “biology BS”.
Here’s a review to help you.
It’s complex process with both internal (embryologic) and external (mother, environmental) influences. Not all of these effectors are understood.
Many feminists will deny this, but there is significant evidence of “male” and “female” brains in both human and non-human infants!! We’ve discussed this before but maybe you’ve forgotten. It appears that hormone levels during development can influence this.
The most important practical question is why do conservatives care so beer-shooting much how others view themselves?
Well you’re the one who keeps ignorantly going on and on about it, chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Not once have I posted an article about transgenderism. But FOX, Gateway, Teach do routinely. It’s an obsession of the right and especially red state Repubicuns.
To paraphrase Mr Teach: Biology is not determined by opinion polls.
Another poll!!
Pew: A majority of Americans support the U.S. becoming carbon neutral by 2050.
Nearly seven-in-ten Americans (69%) favor the U.S. taking steps to become carbon neutral by 2050, a goal outlined by President Joe Biden at the outset of his administration. The same share of Americans (69%) say the U.S. should prioritize developing renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, over expanding the production of oil, coal and natural gas.
Everything you wrote there is a lie. Not unusual for you though. Thanks for playing.
Once again, CarolAnn, you make an irrefutable argument. Kudos.
To help me realign by wrongthink, could you please point out the most egregious of my lies?
Thanks. You’re a peach!
Another meaningless C&P from The Skeeter.
Excitable Elwood wrote:
The devil, however, is in the details. People like the idea of wind power . . . right up until someone proposes a series of 300 foot tall wind turbines that would spoil the view from their neighborhoods. People like the idea of plug-in electric cars . . . right up until they discover a stop at the
gas station recharging facility will keep them there for an hour or more. People like the idea of heat pump HVAC systems . . . right up until they find out that they won’t keep the house warm when it’s -10º F outside.I pointed out in two separate articles how wealthy New Englanders, the ones who voted so heavily for the dummkopf from Delaware, when it came to remodeling their own homes on This Old House, chose gas heat, ranges, and water heaters for themselves, and f(ornicate)
global warmingclimate change concerns. Let the riff-raff have to use heat pumps to get their homes up to 57º in the middle of a New England cold snap.One of the homes, in the Seaside Victorian Cottage, in Narragansett, Rhode Island, season 42, filmed in 2020 and 2021, as the show noted delays due to COVID restrictions, apparently didn’t have natural gas service at the site, so they had a 1,000 gallon propane storage tank buried underground, a significant expense and a bit of a pain in the butt, when the site had plenty of electric service available. According to Wikipedia, voters there gave 5,333 votes, 59.1% of the total to Joe Biden, and only 3,551, 39.3%, to President Trump in 2020. Of Course, I don’t know how the obviously well-to-do homeowners specifically voted; there’s always a chance that they were smarter than the majority of their neighbors and voted for Mr Trump. But, however they voted, they were going to have the luxury and comfort of gas heat.
Shorter version:
[…] Pirates Cove-Most Americans embrace sanity! […]
I don’t care what percentage of people think we should become carbon neutral. A lot of people have been attacked by the lies of the lefties their entire Lives. They are not old enough to remember when They replaced the weather stations out in the big parks and away from the Heat Islands of the city with stations near runways,on rooftops, near the heat of the Air Conditioning,, and they Told us that they would Adjust the data to remove the effects of having the thermometer in a place where No Scientific person would ever put it.
If anyone is not aware that the whole thing is a total scam, I guess I can forgive them. The pressure To BuhLeeve is constant and strong. However, the people SHOULD be aware that the government and media are Always working to lie to us and the people who believe in the trustworthiness of the government and media are not paying attention. Opinions in a world of deception? Mehh.. The Same BULLSHIT has been being pushed on the People for decades. Eventually everyone Will believe it. Because they have been Taught it all their lives. That Observed Reality Doesn’t support the idea won’t be Enough to overcome the perpetual pressure to BuhLeeve (Say it like that TV preacher man says it)..
Nolan: I don’t care what percentage of people think we should become carbon neutral.
I don’t either! Nor do I care what percentage of Americans think there are 2 genders!
That was my point.
So you ignorantly post a circle to come to a point?

How clever, chubby.
Bwaha! Lolgf
There are only two sexes, biology ain’t grammar or subjective. The approximately 7 in 10,000 humans born with a chromosome birth defect are only that, defective, not a third or fourth sex. This is a fact that is unrelated to anyone’s subjective desires, no matter how passionately or loudly they are expressed or what color we paint the street this week. There are no exceptions, birth defects included, that prove a rule (or in this case subjective opinion). No one is “born in the wrong body” regardless of the body, no exceptions. Sex is not “assigned at birth”, it is permanently determined following fertilization as a sperm cell and an egg cell fuse to form a zygote that is either male or female, the exceptions being those 0.07%. From that moment on, every cell containing DNA is male or female, but for approximately half of a male’s sperm cells once they are produced.
Biology, throughout all of time, is based upon and positively tethered to reproduction. For everything that lives, that’s about it. Mammalian biology, and reproduction, is utterly grounded in the differences between male and female. Human beings have historically normalized some behaviors that are part of our lives yet unrelated to reproduction. One may have opinions regarding these behaviors, but that’s all they are, behaviors and opinions. Reproduction remains at the root of our existence. We are male and female, and that’s all, no ballots or polls are required.
Lots of proclamations, but little evidence.
Matthew: Sex is not “assigned at birth”, it is permanently determined following fertilization as a sperm cell and an egg cell fuse to form a zygote that is either male or female
That is absolutely untrue. Please read the Scientific American article, written for the non-specialist.
No doubt right-wing beliefs will not be changed with evidence. Our ask is that you not use the government to abuse and persecute individuals because you don’t understand.
Again Rimjob misinterprets what’s posted by Matthew. Then takes a merry-go-round to come to the same point.

Thanks, chubby. Ain’t you clever?
Bwaha! Lolgf
So according to Elwoods Scientific American article sex is not “assigned at birth” but determined while in utero. Thanks for the clarification.
When the sex of an embryo may be observed is not when it is determined. The chromosomes are combined during fertilization, once that happens it’s done. No amount of hormone manipulation, surgery, yelling and screaming, banners, flags, dissatisfaction with or denial of the result desire to fit in, propaganda, stomping of little feet, or even copying and pasting of large portions of the interwebs can ever, ever change it.
Our scientist from St Louis once again messes it up. That the differentiation between male and female cannot be observed until several weeks gestation, the processes which cause the child to develop physically into male or female are directed by the chromosome structure XX or XY.
Our non-scientist discussant from Lexington is wrong, once again. As has been pointed out repeatedly there are XX males and XY females! But how can that be?
Has Mr Dana been karyotyped? Does he know if he is XX or XY?
Again, why do insecure conservatives (is there any other kind?) disparage, persecute and even use the power of the state to repress individuals who do not fit their notions of gender?
Is it a primitive, biological drive to keep the species pure? Reptiles attack leucistic specimens of their species. Perhaps the lizard level of conservative brains is hyperactive when it comes to the “other”.
It could be a psychological “crutch” by conservatives to differentiate themselves from those “inferior” examples of humanity. Perhaps you could accept yourselves and not continuously compare yourselves to others.
And one should care about this, chubby? Why? Are you trying to make a point? What is it?

Bwaha! Lolgf