In Florida, one must be at least 16 to get a tattoo, and parental consent must be provided for those that are 16 and 17. One must be 21 to drink. One must be 18 to vote. Those under 18 cannot purchase a vehicle, buy a home, or sign for a cellphone, because one must be 18 to legally sign a contract. They cannot purchase cigarettes or cigars. Heck, you have to be 18 to buy lottery tickets (same in all states). Yet, a federal judge thinks this is cool
Judge Sides With Families Fighting Florida’s Ban on Gender Care for Minors
A federal judge in Florida issued a scathing assessment Tuesday of the state’s ban on gender transition care for minors, asserting in a ruling that the families with transgender children who sued the state are “likely to prevail on their claim that the prohibition is unconstitutional.”
Judge Robert L. Hinkle of U.S. District Court in Tallahassee ruled specifically that three transgender children can be prescribed puberty blockers despite the new state law, which also adds new hurdles for adults who seek similar care.
But as legal challenges have been mounted to new restrictions on transition care that have been enacted across the country, Hinkle’s ruling exemplifies the kind of chilly reception that the bans may receive from judges.
“Gender identity is real,” Hinkle wrote, adding that “proper treatment” can include mental health therapy followed by puberty blockers and hormone treatments. “Florida has adopted a statute and rules that prohibit these treatments even when medically appropriate.”
That is a political decision, not a legal one, and will certainly be appealed. I’m not sure why it was in federal court to start with, when it should have been in state court, up to the Florida supreme court, first. I’m also missing where Hinkle cited the relevant parts of the Florida Constitution which allow children to be mutilated in such a manner. It’s depressing that a judge can step in and negate (at least temporarily) state laws. The idea that certain families are in favor of doctors prescribing puberty blockers for their children is scary. Wait until the child is no longer a minor to get involved with so-called “gender identity” issues. Children do not have the mental maturity to make a decision that will affect them for the rest of their lives.
Consider that Sweden and Finland have banned Puberty Blockers for kids. They found that Puberty Blockers inhibited the development of Bone Density. Kids who took them as very young children looked like old people with Osteoporosis by the time they were 21.

Says so right there in the Bill of Rights that the government shall make no laws forbidding access to puberty blockers.
“mental health therapy followed by puberty blockers and hormone treatments.”
followed by is the key here.
both the kid, and the parents, SEPERATLY, need to undergo mental health screening.
and not just one 15 minute conversation. since we are talking a life long decision,
the screening should be at least 10 1 hour sessions.
the parents should be required to undergo the same amount of screening to ensure they are really ready to allow this to happen to their kid.
and the parents should not be allowed i n the session with the kid.
having a trans kid is like having a vegan cat.
we all know who made that choice.
Mr Teach: I’m also missing where Hinkle cited the relevant parts of the Florida Constitution which allow children to be mutilated in such a manner.
The judge’s ruling was only about puberty blockers, not surgery.
Mr Teach cited that Sweden has also banned “puberty blockers”: Here’s the recommendation in Sweden – Tanner Stage 3; suggested minimum age of 12.
For some reason, neither the Founding Fathers nor the writers of the Bible saw fit to address puberty blockers.
Rimjob: For some reason, neither the Founding Fathers nor the writers of the Bible saw fit to address puberty blockers.
Believe that’s an example of the logical fallacy of “false equivalence”.
Cry harder, chubby.
It amazes me how a guy who honors or respects neither the Bible nor the Constitution constantly tries to use them to beat us over the head….and fails!
They also failed to address organ transplants and penicillin. So what?
That should be archived as one of Elwoods biggest stupid statement.
We both honor and respect the U.S. Constitution, more so than most so-called conservatives, who spend time looking for loopholes.
Please read the opening comment from Mad Celt for context.
The Bible is a book written many millennia ago. My point is that an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent supreme being set down rules about eating seafood, what to do if you’re in a scrap and the opponents wife grabs you by the balls, sequestering menstruating women, don’t wear linen/wool mixed, what birds to eat, screwing your drunken father, male masturbation, but ignored dinosaurs, atomic weapons, relativity, XY chromosomes, heliocentrism, planetary motion, atoms, computers, etc… all kinds of important stuff that would have been useful. It’s almost as if Yahweh, God, Allah only “knew” about what men knew when they wrote their books.
Your point is you don’t believe in God. You believe in science which God created. It wouldn’t be a problem if you’d stop insulting our religious beliefs. I don’t care about your faith. It has nothing to do with mine. All we ask is that you stop misusing our faith to bully us. Why don’t you try that shit on Muslims? Not to mention that all those points you have refer to OT Jewish law not Christians yet you hate both equally. Furthermore this is a political blog and you don’t know shit about theology. You are better off shutting up than showing the world how theologically ignorant you are.
So let me get this straight. You just accused us of looking for loopholes? You? The guy who always stated we want strict interpretation? Can’t have it both ways dude. Plus, if you honored and respected the Constitution then you would have respected the cancellation of Roe v Wade since it literally reversed to agree with the 10th amendment. The RvW decision was unconstitutional from day one and everyone including the justices knew it.
I can name a dozen laws that are unconstitutional but since you agree with them they are okay to you. You only “honor and respect” the constitution when you agree if not you treat it like toilet paper.
Not even close, CarolAnn.
Just look at his response.
Another commie activist judge pulling a bullshit ruling out of his ass to support the lefts evil agenda. Judge Hinkel needs to die….now. It’s the only appropriate response to evil of this nature.
Mr Teach,
Can you please remove posts that call for the assassination of specific public officials?
If you think threats are bad watch what happens if you and your commie comrades keep pushing and trampling our freedoms and never taking your boot off our faces. That’s how revolutions are started.
I love how they push, push, push and as soon as someone responds accordingly they call for more censorship. Way to go commie.
Mr White,
First, do you think it proper to advocate for the assassination of officials with whom you have disagreements? Really?
Do YOU feel that certain judges, officials and politicians should be murdered?
Which of your freedoms are being trampled by commies?
Who has their boot on your faces?
We’re well aware of the Donald “Chubby” Trump’s continued call to arms for his followers. They responded on Jan 6 but were unable to overturn the election.
The far-right held “Chubby” Trump as the Great White Hope, “The One” to bring them to the promised land. You all are apoplectic that the national immune response has rejected “Chubby”, so now you’re threatening death and revolution if you don’t get your way. But honestly, we understand your frustrations and would welcome you back to America.
Wouldn’t you go back and assassinate Hitler or Mao if you could? Yes, I do feel certain officials and politicians should be killed (I don’t considered killing evil as murder). Obviously our government agrees, they killed Kaddafi and Bin Laden and many others didn’t they?
All freedoms are trampled by commies. You don’t notice because you agree with them.
People who stral elections then refuse to investigate their theft. Like you.
Youb are a fukin commie liar and thus prove my point. Give me the quote where Trump gives a “call to arms” to his followers. Who was armed on Jan 6? All those olf folks, the working guys who took a day off to protest your election theft? Exactly who? Only one person was shot, Ashley Babbitt and she was murdered by a black cop and she was UNARMED!!!! You always lie.
What a laugh that is. Another lie. Our only frustration is that we allowed traitors like you to dig in to the body of America and rot us like cancer.
You want to fuk up America like you have our cities.
We can’t decide if you are a pathological liar or just a commie operative doing your job.
Mr White,
Can you specifically name a freedom you’ve lost from the actions of American commies? Thanks.
Can you specifically name a current evil official who deserves to be executed? Thanks.
Should there be a trial or just a summary execution? Street justice style.
How about a commie like me with my boot on your face? Should I be killed? One of your reactionary compatriots supplied a home address.
We understand your anger and frustrations and would welcome you back to civilized America.
Maybe you missed it or intentionally ignore what’s going on.
Read and learn, chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
from the article:
Peter Brimelow is a white nationalist whining that decent folks don’t want to be associated with him or his organization. Private entities like social media, payment processors, advertisers, lawyers and accountants are free to choose.
The even the WSJ and National Review refuse to defend him.
By all means, grab your muskets and start shooting.
Just one example of many.

So Rimjob everyone who doesn’t think like you is a white nationalist who deserves to be censored?
Yet you can freely spread your own hatred without any adverse circumstances.
Bwaha! Lolgf
@ L’Roy
I tend to think that if time travel were at all possible, then future people already traveled back in time and assassinated the guy who was much worse than Hitler and Hitler was the dictator history remembers because future people changed history by killing that other, much worse, guy.
On this day in 1967, the USS Liberty was attacked. 34 men were killed and 171 wounded. Our greatest ally hadn’t intended for anyone to survive but it was just an “incident”, after all.
Commander William McGonagle masterfully prevented the research ship from sinking but would later say that it was the hand of God.
One young merchant marine who died that day left behind a wife and 2 year old son. That little toddler with few memories of his father grew up and named his daughter Liberty.
The few remaining survivors and their loved ones are reuniting this week in Colorado Springs.
The rest of the crew are located at Arlington National Cemetery Section 34 mass grave.
researchSpy shipFixed it for you.
Your idea of “civilized America”? Where illegals stream in bringing drugs, disease, gangs with them. Where every major democommie city is run by perverts and criminals and allow people to piss and shit in the streets? An America where the sitting president uses the bureaucracies and lawfare to harass his political opponent like a third world commie country? Where Whites, Christians and straights are called enemies of the state, racists and white supremacists because they disagree with leftists?
You’re a prime example. None of us have ever shown the slightest desire for a Christian theocracy nor a white supreamist government yet you insist for fuking years that we do.
You would disarm us, censor us, imprison us without trial, deny us our work or business if we refuse to take any medicine you want us to take, tell us were to live, what to drive and what kind of house we can have. Tell us what words we can use and take our money, job or freedom if we deem not to use those words.
You don’t believe in equality under law you believe every bit of government and law is there to punish those you hate and reward those you like. Period.
You answer those questions first because as usual you’re trying to hurt me. Do you think Trump should be jailed or even killed? How about me or drowningpuppies or CarolAnn?
My reactionary compatriots are trying to defend themselves from a commie dog what would you expect? BTW, I do believe my compatriot asked you not to address him and why and you called his bluff. Frankly, he should keep going. You deserve it.
You’ve insulted me and my race continually by making us look like morons who can’t run our own lives even after you held my ancestors AS SLAVES you pig. Your party is the Slave Party yet you want everyone else to pay reparations for what you did to your fellow human beings!!!
You and your party stand for everything evil brought into America since day one. Slavery, baby killing, child grooming, child slave labor, racist laws, etc.
Mr White,
I’m sorry to hear how miserably hateful and angry you are.
Has this happened to you or anyone you know?
You are right in your concerns and the feeling that our freedom and way of life is in the process of destruction. Somehow an elite has been established in our country and they have completely changed our society. If we continue to see elections stolen as with Trump, we have few alternatives left. Remember, if someone is trying to organize and convince you to do wrong, they are likely FBI. Only trust those you know and only so far. Read up on the Irish troubles as that will be the format.
Mr White: Do you think Trump should be jailed or even killed? How about me or drowningpuppies or CarolAnn?
“Chubby” Trump’s fate will be determined by juries of his peers. It’s unlikely but possible that as an elite he’ll be jailed.
Why do you think I would want you, drowningpuppies or CarolAnn harmed or killed? Just for being willfully ignorant, wantonly cruel jerks?
It’s projection on your part.
Slavery is over in America, thanks to liberal thinkers. Baby killing in still illegal although abortions are legal. Child slave labor is against the law. Child grooming, if it occurs, is by pedophiles who may be conservative or liberal. It’s conservatives that try to make it more difficult for Blacks to vote*. It was conservatives who opposed civil rights.
* The Supreme Court just ruled against the racist Alabama gerrymandering scheme. Chief Justice Roberts, Justices Sotormayor, Kavanaugh, Jackson and Kagan were the majority.
Doncha just love it when Rimjob gets all caught up in his rhetorical questions and implies others here are willfully ignorant.
Please, chubby, STFD and STFU.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Trump is an excellent example of how corrupt our government has become. Wether you like the guy or not, it is evident that he is trying to get the country back. As a private citizen, he has lost considerable trying to clean up. From the moment he won his 2016 election, which was rigged in favor of Hillary, only she is so bad she could not win a rigged election. But Trump has been hounded by the Dems/ communist constantly trying to destroy him and his good works, meant to help us. The so called records he stole were declassified memos from his work. They contained mostly records of the illegal activity of Obama. All the other so called crimes he has committed are lies and distortions. Meanwhile the true criminal , Biden, has clear evidence of selling favors and anything else he could do. So, what is the answer when the corruption is so deep?