Well, in fairness, he’s just reading what they told him to, and probably has no clue what he’s saying
BIDEN: "Global warming…it's the only existential threat that exists for humanity." pic.twitter.com/98L7ZYs1cA
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) June 9, 2023
Huh. Also Biden
- The President and The First Lady depart Joint Base Andrews en route to Goldsboro, North Carolina
- The President and The First Lady depart Goldsboro, North Carolina en route to Elm City, North Carolina
- The President and The First Lady depart Rocky Mount, North Carolina en route to Fort Liberty, North Carolina
- The President and The First Lady depart Fort Liberty, North Carolina en route to Joint Base Andrews
That’s an abbreviated portion of his schedule, which doesn’t really explain how he traveled. Obviously, a helicopter to Andrews, then a jumbo jet, with a backup jet and fighter jet protection, to Goldsboro. The trip to Elm City ended at the Rocky Mount-Wilson Regional Airport. Did they take a large fossil fueled convoy, or fly there in a fossil fueled helicopter or plane? How about to Fort Liberty? They left directly from there to Andrews. Did AF1 fly solo to Andrews? They really didn’t do much of anything in Goldsboro.
Also also Biden
Biden to host thousands at White House Pride party
President Joe Biden will host the largest White House Pride Month celebration in history on Thursday, in a deliberate contrast to a cascade of Republican legislation and other attacks targeting LGBTQ+ people.
Biden, a Democrat, will host thousands of people on the White House’s South Lawn for an evening celebration of LGBTQ+ families that will feature singer Betty Who and Baltimore DJ Queen HD.
And how are they all traveling to the White House? In fairness, the party was postponed due to the air quality
President Joe Biden unveiled initiatives Thursday to protect LGBTQ communities but hastily postponed a big Pride Month celebration on the White House lawn with thousands of guests from around the country because of poor air quality from the Canadian wildfires.
The event, which will now be held on Saturday, was intended to be a high-profile show of support at a time when members of the LGBTQ community feel under attack like never before and the White House has little recourse to beat back a flood of state-level legislation against them.
Huh. All around the country. What’s the carbon footprint? Why do we listen to utter hypocrites? Why does our media not call him out?

The dummkopf from Delaware proves how mentally deficient he is. He thinks that
global warmingis the “only existential threat that exists for humanity”, while he’s waging a proxy war against a nation with a strategic nuclear arsenal.Who knows, perhaps he is absolutely convinced that Russia would never resort to nukes in the war against Ukraine, but anyone with an IQ above room temperature would have to realize that the probability of Russia doing just that is not zero. Have his
handlersadvisors not at least mentioned to him that Russia has nukes? Did he just conclude that nope, no way could they be used?The Debates are moot and irrelevant now. People still go to Facebook jail for wrong think. Elon Musk found out that there is no such thing as free speech on a worldwide platform when 40 countries threaten him for allowing speech their countries find offensive. IE the EU on What is a woman.
Activision just canceled one of their biggest game casters for saying “Leave the kids alone in response to the left and right using transgender kids as a political football saying we support the LGBTQ community, blah, blah, blah….He was actually saying leave the trans kids alone, but LGBTQ people screamed that he was anti-LGBTQ when in fact his message was to leave these trans kids alone.
No one listens, no one cares to listen and no one will listen. Ever again.
That being said, Tucker Carlson went on Twitter and said something that is simply factual which is why he must be silenced.
His point was that there is and always will be a ruling class. The billionaires and the mega-millionaires with the power and position to make kings and to rule the sheeple. George Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Koch, etc…etc.
It is true for every country, including the oligarchs of Russia and the billionaires in China.
Nothing or no one, including the Russian and Chinese revolutions of the 20th century, can or did change this for theirs or any other country. The rich and powerful still buy and peddle influence.
What has changed radically during the last 30 years is this group of ruling-class elites has transitioned from buying influence to becoming that which they always tried to manage and guide.
They are now trying to micro-manage our society rather than guide it in a direction.
This is why the DOJ is trying to put Trump in jail for 100 years. To send a message to the sheeple or any other person who would dare stand against the Ruling Class. This is why America and the West are in radical decline emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
It is why Biden is funding Ukraine against Russia. Because the billionaires deem it. Certainly not because the people he was elected to represent want it.
But if you dare question Biden you are questioning General Dynamics, and Boeing and Lockheed Martin, and many others who will make billions and billions from this war. Money the Rich will use to continue forcing our societies in a direction against the will of the people.
I agree with Tucker. This ruling class Sucks!
it’s hard to believe that after everything we’ve been through the last few years, that anyone would believe anything coming from the government’s filthy maw
Thermonuclear war? Asteroid strikes? Pandemic(s)? Supervolcanoes? Alien invasion?
Why just a couple of months ago Brandon was claiming it was “White Supremacists” and Trump supporters.

Bwaha! Lolgf