…is a wonderful form of low carbon travel, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Discern Report, with a post on why companies are doubling down on on Woke even while losing billions.
It’s women having fun week.

…is a wonderful form of low carbon travel, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Discern Report, with a post on why companies are doubling down on on Woke even while losing billions.
It’s women having fun week.
As dishonest as Rimjob.
But, but Trump!

#Bwaha! Lolgf
All heroes don’t wear capes.
Be a sandbag!

Bwaha! Lolgf
All heroes don’t wear capes.
Be a sandbag!
Bwaha! Lolgf
Still trying
Still trying
Weren’t we promised a new civil war if Trump was arrested ?
Sorry, Johnny-we’re not any where near as destructive as libs are….
Not for wont of trying. The MAGAts tried to destroy America.
Forcing 12 yr old girls to bear the children of their rapist is considered destructive by some.
Persecuting LGBTQ individuals is destructive.
Denying global warming is destructive.
In reality, you should be quite proud of your destructiveness.
In reality, you don’t know what you’re talking about. “Maga trying to destroy America”. J, thanks for not making over-generalized, unsupported statements…
“Forcing 12 year old girls to bear the child of a rapist”. Abortion is still quite legal in a vast majority of states.
“Persecuting LGBTQ individuals is destructive.” To libs like J, a difference of opinion is “persecuting”. Where are they being persecuted, and what rights are they lacking that others have? “Denying gw is destructive”. Have evidence of that? No. And by the way, no one denies warming, just the cause and more importantly the alleged effects. J-4 strikes and you’re out.
But what’s “destructive” is 1-2 billion in damages from Antifa and BLM rioting, looting and burning, including 24 dead and about 700 police officers injured
Jl wrote:
And that may be a major weakness of conservatives. We seek to strengthen and solidify what has already been built, perhaps making some adjustments where positive, while the left want to burn it all down and start all over again, thinking that their grandiose ideas about racial, social, and sexual justice will lead to a world Shangri-La.
If they ever get the world they think they’ll build, they’ll be shocked, shocked! when they are among the first lined up against the wall.
Do you want a new civil war? You keep pushing and pushing, trampling peoples rights and denying equal treatment under the law. You deserve a new civil war if that’s what it takes to return America to a republic. But your passive aggressive bullshit won’t fly much longer.
The flaw in nuRight-wing thinking is that progressivism has taken away nuRight rights. Same-sex marriage, recognizing the humanity of the transgendered, Americans abandoning organized religion, teaching about slavery, nuRight bigotry criticized – taken together spelling the end of America!!
MAGAts keep their right to hate others, just not to interfere with their lives.
You want progress? Work to support the working class. Work for comprehensive immigration reform. Work to make Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid sustainable. Support, not cripple public education. Support, not cripple American institutions.
America is likely to survive the Trump Cult blip.
The liberal but not Libertarian Mr Dowd wrote:
In some jurisdictions, if you refuse to lie about the ‘gender’ of the ‘transgendered,’ you can be fined; in more, you can lose your job. In some jurisdictions, if you refuse to participate in a same-sex ‘wedding’, you can have your business sued out from under you.
Sadly, many Americans have abandoned organized religion . . . and crime rates have soared. It’s one thing to teach the history of slavery, and quite another to indoctrinate people that all whites somehow owe all blacks some sort of reparations or preferences when it comes to schools or jobs.
The problem isn’t “interfer(ing) with their lives,” but forced participation in their delusions. The case was in British Columbia, but I can see it happening to Kye’s wife’s salon, where a very ugly
manmale presented himself, claiming to be a woman, at a women’s only spa, demanding a wax job, basically the depilation of his dick and balls. We have had many incidents ofmen and boysmales claiming that they are women or girls intruding into women’s or girls’ sports and destroying the actually female competition.Miss Manners suggests you call people what they wish to be called, obviously within reason. We have a lesbian friend who carries herself “neutrally”, wears mostly jeans and shirts, never wears makeup, has very short hair, and occasionally is addressed as sir, but responds, “It’s miss, thank you”. We vacation together most summers and in a bikini there is no confusion.
A friend in grad school preferred “Duke of the Western World”. Nope.
Businesses can force employees how to treat other employees and customers. Most states allow businesses to fire employees at will, with exceptions. In today’s informal America honorifics are rarely used in conversation.
People and businesses get sued all the time, often frivolously.
Western history is replete with “advances” in civil liberties, almost all opposed by conservatives. Blacks freed and voting, women’s suffrage, immigrants welcomed, labor unions, worker rights, Social Security, Medicare, pro-choice, non-heterosexual civil rights, same-sex marriage, environmental protections…
Conservatives are often overwhelmed by the changes but just as often eventually accept them. Ten years ago conservatives opposed SS, Medicaid, same-sex marriage… For practical reasons they work to reduce access to the polls for minorities…
America is in the middle of a dangerous kerfuffle as conservatives have decided to use the “issue” of LGBTQ rights and “woke” as their “last stand”. This is partly a result of the conservatives’ innate hatred of others but also their need for new political issues to activate their base. Their claim of doing it “for the children” is an obvious con.
You are a belligerent know it all and a bully. But you nazis always think you know what’s best for everyone. And you want to give it to them good and hard.
You have the nasty habit of calling everyone in history you don’t like conservative. But they weren’t conservatives then because there weren’t any. Western history is replete with advances in civil liberties based on the Christian concepts of freedom you deplore. The reason you keep blaming everything on conservatives is because they no longer exist.
Conservatives were not a party in America, they were a principle a concept you could never understand. And as usual you rattle off a list of shit which prohibits answers because it would be too lengthy. Your ignorance, blissful stupidity and mindless self importance shows just how deep your anti American hate goes as well as your refusal to get along with others. In short you are a racist and a bigot regardless of your puffed up self opinion.
Guilty as charged!!
You may be right that American conservatives no longer exist, having been replaced by the hate-filled, grievance-hamstrung, Magadonians. Donald J. Trump has completely reprogrammed the ‘party’.
My god, look at your leaders – Don Trump and Ron DeeSantis! Trump facing multiple state and federal charges with more coming and DeeSantis campaigning against men wearing dresses and for renaming military facilities after Confederate generals!!!
Dad please don’t

Conservative Never-Trumper David Frum on the nuGOP conundrum:
Many Magatonians have chosen “outright rejection of law and democracy”. Trump and his co-conspirators have spent 8 years attacking American institutions – elections, FBI, DOJ, prosecutors, NSA, Congress, the military, America itself. This is not to say that American institutions are perfect – in fact, they’re far from it. But the Magatonian scheme is tear it all down and start over.
Says Frum: