Anti-LGBTQ? Pretty much all the laws that have been passed are there to protect minors from being groomed, from them being given all sorts of drugs and medical procedures, from being exposed to adult sexuality. Kids cannot go into strip clubs, they should be exposed to drag shows with nudity and such. But, regardless, I fail to see the downside when people with mental illness, who tend to have suicidal thoughts at a much higher rate than others, and vote Democrat leave Red states and go to Blue states. And their wacko parents are often taking them and leaving
‘Genocidal’: Transgender people begin to flee states with anti-LGBTQ laws
When Texas officials announced their intentions to launch child abuse investigations involving people who provide gender-affirming care for their transgender children, Susan’s heart dropped.
Susan has a 7-year-old transgender daughter, Elsa, whose parents asked that she be referred to by a pseudonym for safety reasons, who they say may one day need such care.
Elsa’s parents describe her as wise beyond her years. She had expressed that she was a girl from an early age and guided her parents through her gender journey – asking to wear dresses, change her name, and to be referred to as a “daughter” by her parents.
“When she was 3, one day, she told me, ‘I’m a girl person,’” Susan said in an interview with ABC News. It was National Daughters Day, “and she said, ‘Can I be your daughter?’ – which made me cry.”
A 3 year old did this? She’s guiding her parents? Does anyone actually believe this mule fritters? These are parents who should be in jail for child abuse, not lauded and supported, held up as role models.
Susan and her husband Brian, who asked that their last names not be used for safety reasons, decided the family needed to move out of Texas in light of the child abuse investigation threats. They say they weren’t sure how far the government would go to separate families like their own or affect Elsa’s access to care as she gets older.
Her family is not alone. Across the country, advocacy groups say some families are packing up and moving out of their home states that have implemented anti-LGBTQ legislation to get to a place with greater protections for the community, according to queer advocacy groups nationwide.
Well, bye, take your Crazy with you.
Jamie, another parent who asked to be referred to by a pseudonym for safety reasons, moved their family from Texas to Colorado to protect her gender nonconforming teenager.
They said the move took up a lot of their savings — a costly but important decision families say they had to make.
“That did not feel like normal teenage stress, in Texas,” said Jamie in an interview with ABC News. “Knowing that your governor and the top officials in your state literally don’t want you to exist – That’s a different kind of stress. It felt very genocidal there.”
Genocidal. Exaggerate much?
In Florida, new legislation bans gender-affirming care for transgender patients under 18 who are just starting their treatments.
The law also mandates that adult trans patients sign an informed consent statement, see a physician in person to receive care instead of using online medical services or seeing a health practitioner of another kind.
State funds, including social support such as Medicaid and economic assistance programs, may also not be used for gender-affirming care.
The state should not be paying for any of that. The state won’t pay for laser eye surgery to correct vision, right? They’d probably pay for mental health therapy to move these people away from crazy. But, the states are not blocking crazy gender affirming “care.” If a doctor prescribed testosterone or blockers to a non trans child for the sole purpose of changing their appearance, it would be malpractice and they would likely lose their medical license. Somehow prescribing testosterone or blockers to a trans child is not only being done but celebrated. Medicine is science. There should not be such a disconnect with what is deemed appropriate care.
Meanwhile, Let’s Go Brandon’s people show this is a cult above the nation
To advance revolutionary transgender agenda targeting children, Biden violates basic tenet of US Flag Code and disrespects every American service member buried under its colors.
U.S. Flag Code §7. (e) The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the…
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) June 11, 2023

Just like when you see someone with a Vegan Cat, you know it wasn’t the cat who made that decision.
Well, bye!
Don’t go to Virginia. They really don’t like child mutilation there. Munchausen’s by proxy is still considered a mental illness.
Tranhausen by proxy.
If this trend ends up herding the hard core groomers into a single area that seems like just another check in the plus column to me.
The way to tell that puberty blockers, hormone therapy, surgical mutilation and drag shows for children is abnormal behavior? No one has to spend time, effort and money or develop propaganda to normalize stuff that’s normal.
Susan and every parent, teacher or health professional involved in the “transitioning” of children belong in prison right along with the rest of the abusers.
For those with no outlet for their own, the sexuality of others is fascinating.
No Carbon boy-as far as the trannies are concerned, it’s mental illness, not sexuality
Magadonism is a mental disorder, a neuroses, characterized by the intellectual inability to discern fantasy from reality. Individuals afflicted with magadonism have fantastical beliefs developed from their unnatural devotion to ex US President Donald John Trump. The Trump cultists are similar to the followers of Charles Manson, David Koresh, Jim Jones and Ron Paul.
Yes, described as a mental illness, as said. And you misspelled “megadonism”. It’s spelled “Trumpderangementsyndrome”.
Mr Dana should order some bibs to keep his pablum off his shirts.
Transgendered individuals exist. Trump’s victory in 2020 does not.
This is not to say that you magadonians won’t recover from your delusional states. As you are flogged with the truth that the MAGA King is a fraud and a sad pathetic ‘man’, his grip on you will loosen, gradually. At that time America will welcome you back.
Speaking of ‘grooming’… Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein and Trump!
Donald J Trump was accused of raping a 13 yr old girl groomed and procured by his buddies Maxwell and Epstein.
Donald used to fondle young Ivanka, and liked to watch naked teen pageant candidates, but most of his assaults were against 20-something women.
Dear Elwood:
You’re just jealous.
I’m not interested in raping 13 yr old girls. Must be a right-wing thing.
Sexual assault and rape are crimes, you dumbass.
Did you have a stroke or have you gone nuts like the other MAGAts as you see all your Dear Leader melting before your eyes?
Dear Elwood:
Like I said, you are just jealous
Once again Elwood, you’re a fuckin liar.
Show me the evidence from any responsible source that indicates Trump did all those things. Just one. You are a lying rumor mill and you should be embarrassed. I recall you once stated here that Trump liked to get peed on. Then when I pointed out he is a germaphobe and wouldn’t go near pee you dropped it. You nazis can lie to each other but we patriots ain’t buying your shit.
You really do believe anything bad about someone you hate don’t you? That’s why you fall for all your leaders bullshit. Can’t tell if you’re stupid or naïve.
Once again CarolAnn, you’re a fuckin moron.
Trump bragged about walking through the dressing room ogling teen girls.
There are pictures of him fondling Ivanka.
The lawyer for the girl filed a suit against The Don.
Some 20 women have accused him of sexual assault.
Speaking pedantically, Jeff doesn’t really need to believe what he write here. In fact, if he does believe it, then he isn’t technically lying, just wrong. Most propagandists don’t believe what they write, but they do believe that the goal is worth any price. Their goal when it comes to Trump is character assassination and that has been their goal since he announced his candidacy against Clinton. They are the party of “by any means necessary”, so accusing him of lying is pointless. They have no shame to appeal to and they believe what they are doing is important enough to tell a few lies to strangers on the internet.
And now they can’t run to England.
The limeys have gone alt-right.

Jolly good show.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Bye, and good riddance.
Sorry about the poor kids though.
Kansas City-“Child waves at his teacher and principle acting out bondage scene on pride parade float…”
These are not evidence, these are hearsay. Lie i said you really do believe anything bad about someone you hate don’t you? That’s why you fall for all your leaders bullshit. Can’t tell if you’re stupid or naïve.
The modern American nazi bubble of lies, innuendo and magic you exist in explains your inability to accept truth. Sad really. When did you decide to become a closed minded bigot? When Trump came down the golden escalator and swapped the D for an R after his name? You never seem to have any problems with the corrupt and perverted on the demonazi team. Why is that?