Nothing says freedom and democracy like advocating to shut down those you accuse of Wrongthink. This is utterly unsurprising from the UK Guardian, and Progressives (nice Fascists) in general, as it’s always about massive, controlling government and refusing to allow people with different opinions from speaking. They only care about the 1st Amendment as it supports them, not for others
Increasing misinformation on social media, platforms scaling back content moderation and the rise of AI are converging to create a perfect storm for the 2024 elections that some experts warn could put democracy at risk.
YouTube this week reversed its election integrity policy, allowing content contesting the validity of the 2020 elections to remain on the platform. Meta, meanwhile, reinstated the Instagram account of misinformation super spreader Robert F Kennedy Jr and will allow Donald Trump to post again imminently. Twitter has also allowed Trump to return, and has generally seen a rise in the spread of misinformation since billionaire Elon Musk took over the platform last year.
These trends may prove disastrous for the 2024 elections, and for the health of democracy at large, said Imran Ahmed, chief executive officer of the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a non-profit that fights misinformation.
“This is fundamentally dangerous,” he said. “American democracy itself cannot survive wave after wave of disinformation that seeks to undermine democracy, consensus and further polarizes the public.”
See? People having their say is dangerous. Allowing people to make up their own minds is dangerous. Good grief, do you know some of the cesspools, to put it mildly, I’ve scrolled through since I started blogging? The lunatics on the Republican side, those on the Democrats side, Nazis like at Stormfront, Communists, BLM, Antifa, hate groups, 9/11 Truthers, Islamic Jihadis, you name it, all to see what nuts say. Not to join them, but, you have to understand other sides to be able to defeat them. It’s why Bush and Obama couldn’t beat Islamic jihadis: they refused to acknowledge what they wanted.
YouTube said in a statement on its decision that leaving the policy in place risked “curtailing political speech without meaningfully reducing the risk of violence or other real-world harm”.
See, in the eyes of the Left (who are truly far to the right on the political scale, deep into the Authoritarian model), any political speech that doesn’t bend the knee is violence.
Such misinformation rabbit holes serve to further polarize voters and delegitimize the election process, said Ahmed of the CCDH, adding that if social media platforms’ enforcement actions are removed, then “the danger will reappear very, very quickly”.
“The real threat now is that we’re going to have an entire electoral cycle dominated by a debate over the legitimacy of elections, leading to a significant and disastrous erosion of the confidence people have in the electoral process,” he said. “Democracy is consensus based and the most important tenet that underpins our democracy is that we accept the results.”
Where were these complaints when Democrats said Bush stole 2000 and 2004? When some wackos were saying Republicans stole the 2010 midterms. They said Trump would steal the 2016 election, and made up lies to prove this, and still believe it was a Russian plot.
The deterioration of the information system also creates a primed environment for malicious actors, including other countries, to further destabilize the US, said Payton. She also warned of potential violence, including what was seen in the January 6 Capitol riots. Further, it may simply leave Americans so divided that they don’t feel the need to vote at all, Payton added.
“My concern is that there will be whole groups of people who become so disenfranchised that they don’t vote at all,” she said. “If you think your vote doesn’t matter because of misinformation and disinformation and you don’t vote, democracy dies.”
That’s on those adults. They need to make up their own minds. Not be only allowed to see Approved Doctrine.

The only antidote to mis- and disinformation is a massive dose of truth.
No, Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Anyone who truly feels/believes otherwise is abnormal.
We say truly because many on the right knowingly repeat what they know to be falsehoods as propaganda.
The only antidote to mis- and disinformation is a massive dose of truth.
Yes, Donald Trump and his acolytes attempted to overturn the 2020 election. Anyone who truly feels/believes otherwise is abnormal.
The only antidote to mis- and disinformation is a massive dose of truth.
No, the United States military is not weaker than the Chinese or Russian militaries because of our LGBTQ members.
Anyone who truly feels/believes otherwise is abnormal.
Is the collapse of an I-95 overpass the start of the TC* Civil War? Did TC terrorists detonate a tanker?
Be careful Tuesday.
*TC = Trump Cult
More Brown Shirts trying to censor, it’s what liberals do. As said, never in history have the to people doing the censoring been on the correct side of history. But one has to love the line “these trends (more free speech) may prove disastrous for the 2024 election”. Apparently the censoring of Hunter Baden’s laptop story and government coercion of social media giants to do the same (along with many other issues) was different for the 2020 election.
A good combination-hypocrisy and censoring. Maybe that should be the Dems 2024 campaign slogan.
And lastly we have J, whose lack of self-awareness is amazing. “No, Trump didn’t win the 2020 election. Anyone who thinks different is abnormal”. You mean as opposed to “no, Trump didn’t collude with Russia in the 2016 election, anyone who thinks so is abnormal”? J-look it up. It’s called projection
Poor dear, you’re not claiming that Mr Trump won the election are you? That would make you abnormal.
Do you truly believe Trump won the election in 2020?
There’s more evidence supporting transgenderism than there is for a Trump victory!
The Carolina car salesman wrote:
The Guardian is a United Kingdon source, and they, of course, don’t have our First Amendment, and they’re overjoyed about that. A lot of the European nations regulate speech in ways that would shock Americans, if Americans actually knew about them. Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested for sliently praying near a pre-natal infanticide facility in Birmingham, England.
This might shock Americans, but not His Majesty’s subjects.
Under the Biden DoJ, the same thing happens here.
And as we learned from the Twitter releases, all of the social media platforms work for the Federal government (even TicToc, but a different government) and actively repress free speech when it comes to elections and COVID information.
Conservatives run this scam constantly. Look what “they” do in Canada, UK, France etc…
“They” will do that here next!!
Our Constitution is unreasonably unclear but our Supreme Court interprets it for us! We have protections for both the protected and the protestors. Screaming and threatening is not always protected speech.
If We, the People, are upset by government interference in private Social Media we should take a case to the Supreme Court and/or vote the bums out.
Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech…
So those wonderful leftist nazis now can determine what American real estate falls under “free speech”?
With apologies to William Shakespeare (a white supremacist, we’re reliably informed by university academics), shall we compare the American government and Democrat party with the German Nazis of their day? As Elizabeth Barrett Browning might say, let us count the ways.
Holocaust aside (so far), Nazi fascists and American Democrats — (D) voters included — are a distinction without a difference.
As Steve McCann wrote in his excellent American Thinker article this past March, BLM and Antifa are the ruling regime’s chosen violent street thug enforcers, the equivalent of the Nazi SA (Stormtroopers), while the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are the extralegal police state SS (Schutzstaffel) of the (D) party.
Polls show that a large majority of registered Democrat voters admire these groups and their tactics, cheering on the atmosphere of intimidation, violence, censorship, confiscation of private assets, suspension of due process, arbitrary arrests of political foes, imprisonment of dissidents, and many other related abuses.
But aren’t fascists right-wingers, as gesticulating, spittle-flecked presidential historians like Michael Beschloss tell us?
Yeah, no. While epitomizing and celebrating centralized power, and abolishing freedoms, fascists and communists (much like Beschloss himself) each occupy one side of the same far-left socialist coin — once again, a distinction with no meaningful difference. A fascist by any other name would be the same.
Walking around in large cities with white skin and identifying as conservative in the America of 2023 is akin to wearing a Star of David in the Germany of 1938. Hyperbole, you say? Try walking around downtown in any large American city with a MAGA hat on, and count the minutes — nay, seconds — until you are physically or verbally assaulted. Or murdered outright. Social media are ironclad proof that Democrat voters undulate their hips and get their groove thing on anytime something awful happens to a prominent conservative.
If they could push a button to erase your existence, they would not hesitate. And if they can’t push the button themselves, they will support a government that promises to push the button on their behalf.
How’s this truncated checklist below vis-à-vis WWII-era fascists and modern (D) government officeholders and their (“Good German”) progressive voters?
Racial scapegoating and demonization? Check. Silencing and censorship? Check. State control of/symbiosis with a slavishly obedient media establishment? Check. Attacks on churches, churchgoers, and synagogues? Check. Passionate hatred of Zionist and religious Jews? Check. A nonstop fire hose of regime disinformation, propaganda, hysteria, and outright lies? Check.
Tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories about a demonized out-group supposedly scheming to overthrow Club Fed? Check. Eugenics, sterilization, the veneration of the state, and the worship of science™? Check. Surgical experiments on and mutilation of healthy bodies? Check. Masked or uniformed Jackboots in the streets, violently enforcing the whims of the ruling regime and its like-minded priestly caste of Brahmin billionaires? Check. Reichstag Fire/contrived emergencies (J6)? Check. Political dissidents imprisoned? Check.
Space constraints alone prevent this checklist from easily and quickly expanding ten- or a hundredfold.
Everything is confirmation bias to a leftist. After all, if you’re a progressive hammer, everything looks like a conservative nail. Do you drink black coffee? You’re a racist. What, you don’t drink black coffee? You’re a racist. Equity, you see.
Trying to persuade or convert progressive citizens and voters with dispassionate facts and logic, or appeals to civility, the law, or the Constitution, are examples of wishcasting.
by Todd Gregory and Erik Gregory
Bwaha! Lolgf