We sane people told you that it would be a monumentally Bad Idea to go after Trump. Look, Trump could have gone after Hillary Clinton, and, despite all the “lock her up calls” on the campaign trail, he never let the DOJ off the chain. Did Trump do wrong? Probably. And surely in the same manner as most presidents. But, the Obama regime set it up to prosecute Trump. There was zero reason for the dawn raid with armed agents at Mar Lago. It’s all a setup process to charge Trump. And now Democrats have set the standard for political revenge
Rubio: There Will Now Be ‘Tremendous Pressure’ on Next GOP POTUS to Charge Biden, His Family
On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) predicted that the indictment of former President Donald Trump will create a precedent and “The next Republican president is going to be under tremendous pressure to bring charges and indict Joe Biden, his family, his crackhead son, whoever.”
Rubio said [relevant remarks begin around 4:30] that an attitude has developed where we can weaponize institutions “on both sides. You think this ends here? The next Republican president is going to be under tremendous pressure to bring charges and indict Joe Biden, his family, his crackhead son, whoever. The pressure’s going to be extraordinary. They’re going to turn us into — so, we’re decadent and we’re in decline because we thought we could do anything we wanted with our economy, we could send our jobs and factories overseas, break our politics, break our culture, break our society. We don’t need parents, we don’t need neighborhood[s], we don’t need family anymore, all these crazy ideas. And now reality’s catching up and it’s hurting us badly. And today is frankly just a symptom of a much bigger problem…and that is, we no longer live in that world. We need to understand America is being challenged in a way it hasn’t been challenged in 30 or 40 years and we either respond or we are going to live in a world in which the most powerful and stable country in the world is going to be China, a Communist dictatorship, not the United States.”
Would it stop there? Let’s say Trump or DeSantis (or another Republican, damned sure won’t be super squishy, and Dallas Cowboys loving, Chris Christie) win in 2024. The standard is now set to go after Biden and his family. Maybe Kamala Harris. While the DOJ and FBI might be infested with Leftists, there are surely enough to investigate and charge Biden. And then maybe some of the Democrat frontrunners for 2028. Maybe some Democrat Senators and Representatives. The Democrats and their pet media can’t complain (but, they will), as this is what they started.
MARCO RUBIO: "We had a lady—er, a man that now claims to be a lady—going topless at the White House…! The next Republican president is gonna be under tremendous pressure to bring charges and indict Joe Biden, his family, his crackhead son, whoever!" pic.twitter.com/6TlAkOKMeC
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) June 13, 2023

I have no problem with any politician of either political party being prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Do you? Apparently Teach thinks that Trump gave Hillary a pass on prosecution. If he did he certainly wasn’t “draining the swamp” was he?
The Clintons with an estimated net worth of 100 million live rather modestly. Their house in NY. Was bought for a whopping 1.5 million. They don’t own super yachts or private jets.
Trump was repeatedly told to return the Above Top Secret Documents. Instead he is now accused of refusing and trying to hide them .
The DOJ. Did a 2 year investigation of Hillary and the Clinton foundation. It was a bust, showing nothing close to indictable.
Most Americans (sometimes triggered to as “Real Americans”) think he should be prosecuted.
And in the most recent Gallop Poll 69% believe abortion should be legal in all or in almost all cases. Teach once said that abortion issue was “the core value’ of conservatives. Dems will run hard on this issue in 2024
William Teach: Look, Trump could have gone after Hillary Clinton, and, despite all the “lock her up calls” on the campaign trail, he never let the DOJ off the chain.
Chants of “Lock her up!” are contrary to democratic values. It’s not a matter for the president to decide. If Clinton broke the law, then career investigators should have brought the case.
William Teach: There was zero reason for the dawn raid with armed agents at Mar Lago.
The court-ordered warrant was based on probable cause that Trump was illegally retaining documents relating to the national defense, and that in direct violation of a court-ordered subpoena, and probable cause that Trump was conspiring to subvert the subpoena.
William Teach: The standard is now set to go after Biden and his family.
“Lock him up!” is contrary to democratic values. However, if the Bidens committed crimes, they should be held to account.
There is strong evidence Hunter Biden committed prosecutable crimes. If so, he should be prosecuted. A plea deal is likely, but not assured. It will depend on the evidence. If Hunter Biden’s problems were due to his admitted drug use and that period has been put behind him, then it is likely there will be a plea deal. However, if his criminality extends beyond that, then the government may insist on a significant prison sentence.
Really? When have you ever supported any demonazi being prosecuted? Should Hillary? Biden? Hunter? We could go on. And we believe that all people regardless of part should be prosecuted to the extent of the crime. Do you want Trump incarcerated for 400 years for misusing the Pres. info act? Do you want Hillary hanged for treason? How about a firing squad for Hunter? Sometimes “the full extent of the law” is too extensive.
Where did people of their income get $100+ million? Trump is a real estate developer, a TV personality, a pageant owner and general promoter who actually WORKED himself to a billionaire. The Clintons made their money the old fashion way; they stole it.
Trump was operating under the Pres Records Act what were Hillary, Hunter, Pence and Sandy Berger operating under. We know, the protection of the DOJ and news media. It’s corruption.
“Most Americans” have had enough of the constant attacks on Trump for the last 8 years and think it’s time to move on. If the demonazis are that afraid of him maybe they should think about why that is.
Most Americans (86%) do not believe abortion should be used for abortion. And if 69% believe abortion should be legal in almost all cases then that will reflect itself under DEMOCRATIC elections in each state. Or is this one of those times when you don’t believe in democracy?
Regardless of what Teach once said, the genocide of babies is a moral issue and should not be political. The demonazis will run hard on the right to murder infants and mutilate babies and children. What a class act you fascists are. Bet you miss old Adolph and Mengele, cut from the same cloth
L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon!: Should Hillary? Biden? Hunter?
Hillary was investigated during the Trump administration, but no prosecutable crimes were uncovered. At this point, there are only unsubstantiated allegations against Joe Biden. Hunter Biden is still under investigation.
L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon!: Do you want Trump incarcerated for 400 years for misusing the Pres. info act?
Trump was indicted for violations of the Espionage Act, withholding evidence during a criminal investigation, and conspiracy to obstruction.
L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon!: Where did people of their income get $100+ million?
From their income, as detailed in the Clintons’ publicly-released tax returns, mostly through book deals and speaking engagements.
L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon!: Trump was operating under the Pres Records Act
No. The Presidential Records Act makes clear that government records are government property. The documents involved are not even covered under the Presidential Records Act, but the Federal Records Act. And the indictment doesn’t concern either statute, but Trump is being prosecuted under the Espionage Act and obstruction.
Mr Teach: Trump could have gone after Hillary Clinton, and, despite all the “lock her up calls” on the campaign trail, he never let the DOJ off the chain.
Mr Teach is misleading his gullible tribe. Trump tried to get his DOJ (AG Jeff Sessions, remember?) to prosecute Clinton. They investigated Clinton and decided not to prosecute. On the eve of the election FBI Director Comey DID announce that the investigation was being repopened based on information on Weiner’s (no nickname necessary) laptop, no doubt aiding Trump’s campaign. Trump told WH counsel Don McGahn that if Justice didn’t prosecute Clinton, Trump would do himself!! (MdGahn advised Trump that he didn’t have that power).
Other Americans, guilty of doing what Trump did, i.e., stealing gov’t documents, showing them to others, refusing to return them or lying about it, have been prosecuted and punished.
Needless to say they lost their security clearance. Can the US President serve without a security clearance??
Denning McTague, intern at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) pleaded guilty to stealing 164 Civil War-era documents. He received 15 months in prison.
Retired Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Pierce Bishop took 12 classified documents and got 7 yrs + 3 yrs probation.
Retired U.S. Army General David Petraeus, a former CIA director, pleaded guilty to taking one classified document and showing it his inamorata, received 2 years probation and $100,000 fine.
Former National Security Agency contractor Harold Martin received 9 years in prison + supervised release.
Former defense contractor and sailor Weldon Marshall was sentenced to 3 years in prison + supervised release.
Former CIA officer Jerry Chun Shing Lee received 19 years in prison.
Former CIA contractor Reynaldo Regis spent 90 days in jail.
Historian Antonin DeHays served a year in jail + 9 mos home detention for taking National Archive documents.
Former National Security Agency (NSA) employee Elizabeth Jo Shirley to more than eight years in prison for the willful retention of national defense information.
Asia Janay Lavarello, a U.S. Defense Department employee received 3 months in jail for carrying classified documents in the required security pouch.
Barry Landau and Jason Savedoff stole National Archives documents and received 1 yr (Savedoff) and 9 yr (Landau) sentences.
Robert Bradford Murphy and his wife, Elizabeth Irene Murphy, received 10 years each for taking documents from the US National Archive.
Charles Mount, an art historian, stole documents from the National Archives and was sentenced to 5 years.
Former U.S. national security adviser Sandy Berger lost his security clearance and was fined $50,000 for stealing 5 copies of a document.
Shawn Aubitz, a curator with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), served 2 years for taking documents for selling.
Howard Harner was sentenced to two years in prison, two years’ probation, for stealing documents from the National Archives.
American U.S. Air Force veteran and former NSA translator Reality Winner received 5 years in prison for leaking one document to Glenn Greenwald’s The Intercept. (Watch the movie Reality on HBOMax – the dialogue comes directly from the FBI interview).
Les Waffen (NARA) was sentenced to 18 months for taking documents.
Please note that the prosecutions always involve intent. Mike Pence, George W., Clinton, Biden had no intent to distribute, reveal or sell documents. They returned the documents when requested.
Anyway, we fully understand that Republicans (especially MAGAts) will do whatever they can to prosecute and persecute the “Biden Crime Family” and their “crackhead” son. Look at the braindead House Repugs today. If professional prosecutors find that significant laws were broken then prosecute away. President Biden would get his day in court.
The best outcome for Mr Trump will be to plead guilty to one count and get a minimal sentence, likely probation. But the prosecution may not accept that plea deal.
Dear Elwood:
Scared shitless ain’t ya.
“Bull shit” makes more sense, you poor dear.
I shit in your general direction! LOL.
“The next GOP President”. Yeah! Like that’s ever going to happen. The left OWNS the electoral system. They will NEVER allow another GOP POTUS to be elected….EVER.
There are more Dems than Repubs, so it’s surprising that Repubs could ever win a national election without skullduggery.
The Russians pushed Trump over the goal line in enough red states to win the EC in 2016 but lost the popular vote to one of the most unpopular candidates ever.
There it is! All GOP victories were due to “skullduggery”. Because let’s face it nobody ever votes out of his party and those independents et al don’t count.
Again the nazi pushes for his one party state where he gets to keep his bootheel on the face of liberty.
The GOP has won one popular vote in a Presidential election since 1992 – in 2004 when W Bush beat John Kerry.
The undemocratic Electoral College favors Republicans these days.
Did the Nazis favor democracy?
I wish the nuGOP was a respectable alternative, but it has devolved into an authoritarian cult of personality – Trump’s personality.
Mr Teach has slipped into a delusional state when he states that Trump kept his troops from pursuing Clinton, Obama and Biden.
Special Counsel John Durham had the power to indict Biden, Obama and Crooked Hillary but chose not to. He indicted three underlings, getting a guilty plea from one, not guilty for the other two.
Mr Teach’s claim that President Trump kept “his” DOJ and special counsel from pursuing his political enemies is a blatant lie. AGs Session and Barr were bullied into pursuing Biden, Obama and Crooked Hillary but withstood Trump’s unAmerican bluster.
Senator Mitt Romney summed it up for The Donald. The legal brouhaha would have been prevented if ex-president Trump had returned the documents when asked.
“Mr Trump didn’t turn in military documents when he was asked to do so? All he had to do was turn them in. I’m sure his counsel advised him to turn them in. Why didn’t he turn them in?”
Thanks Trump for fizzucking up America.