But, yeah, keep saying this is all about science, and has nothing to do with far left authoritarian politics
What Is Climate Colonialism? What to Know About Why Climate Change and Colonialism Are Linked.
They might not be two terms you expect to see together in any context but climate change and colonialism are inextricably linked.
We’re going to take a look at why that is, and why considering the impact of historic and ongoing colonialist practices is so essential in the movement to tackle climate change.
Let’s start with a quick refresher of what colonialism means, before we dig into what it has to do with climate change.
Colonialism is defined as “control by one power over a dependent area or people”. It generally involves one country taking control of another, often amid violence and in
So what’s climate colonialism?
There’s two main ways to look at climate change in the context of colonialism and, as The Conversation put it: “Connecting climate change to such acts of colonization involves recognizing that historic injustices are not consigned to history: their legacies are alive in the present.”
The first is about the historic causes of climate change. The Global North is responsible for the climate crisis we’re currently living through — in fact, Global North countries are responsible for over 92% of carbon emissions.
It’s this injustice that has sparked a wave of calls for climate reparations — essentially, calling on wealthy countries in the Global North (that have caused climate change) to financially support those countries that have done the least to cause climate change in responding to its impacts.
Always back to redistributing money. Why aren’t the Warmists giving their own money up voluntarily?
The second way climate colonialism is manifesting is through the exploitation of the resources of the Global South by countries in the Global North, to further their climate agendas.
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It’s not insanity. It’s pure self interest. A complex glob of profiting from theft, ego stroking, attention whoring, and a sense of divine right. They are better then us so they have a right to tell us what to do, even if they are all acting on faith that what they have been told about the climate is true. Despite the evidence of their own eyes tells them the Earth is just fine (except in China).
Just like they keep saying and believing that Republicans want to do away with Social Security, even though since the beginning of Social security, no Republican majority has ever tried to actually do that.
The so-called “Party of Responsibility”, the GOP, takes no responsibility for global warming.
The U.S. and Europe are largely responsible for global warming. The U.S. and Europe have derived great benefit from the ad libitum spewing of megatons of CO2 into the atmosphere. But when it’s time to take responsibility we walk away.
We know, we know… the American right denies that warming is significant and anyway is not a result of atmospheric CO2. The American right is wrong.
Prove that it’s wrong, J. Good luck!
Let’s tell the truth here: every country on earth, with the possible exceptions of Iceland and Japan, is ruled by the descendants of those who conquered the people who lived there previously. Heck, when you consider that Homo sapiens conquered, and mostly destroyed, the Neanderthals, we’re all the descendants of conquerors.
The stronger have always defeated the weaker; that’s simple reality.
Which begs the question, why doesn’t the US conquer Canada? We could use their oil, and with global warming their farmland will become even more important for us, as our production declines.
In fact, why has conquering become such a negative activity? Is it a sign of the people becoming less strong? Or fear of overestimating one’s strength? After all, Russia thought they’d conquer Ukraine within a month.
Why do we seem more civilized today than our ancestral European conquerers, colonizers and slavers of hundreds of years ago who plundered, raped and murdered so many?
When our alien betters finish their probing and set about farming us like cattle we’ll just need to accept it. It’s simple reality.