Is this actually convincing people to Do Something about Hotcoldwetdry? Will any reporter ever ask the climate nuts if they’ve stopped using fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral?
No ifs, ands, or butts: Protesters drop pants to protest climate change at Massachusetts Statehouse
Climate change protesters dropped their pants at the Massachusetts Statehouse during a debate on a proposed tax relief package Thursday to bring attention to what they say is the need for swifter action against the use of fossil fuels.
About 1 p.m., protesters stood, turned their backs to the Senate chamber and lowered their pants to reveal letters that spelled out STOP PASSING GAS! on their bare backsides.
The protesters were all wearing pink thongs.
The eight protesters were chanting and disrupting the Senate session, according to state police investigators. Just before 2 p.m., the protesters were told that the public gallery was closed.
After being warned that they were subject to arrest, the protesters refused to leave and were placed under arrest and escorted out of the chamber, investigators said. They were charged with trespassing on state property, disorderly conduct and indecent exposure.
Sounds rather like insurrection.
The group Extinction Rebellion has staged other protests at the Statehouse. They say they plan to continue their efforts until lawmakers approve legislation banning new fossil fuel infrastructure.
Ask the protesters how they traveled to the statehouse. Ask them if they own fossil fueled vehicles.
As a Senator committed to transparency & combating #climateaction, I’ve confirmed individuals who protested state’s reliance on fossil fuels by dropping trow in Senate Chamber were part of Extinction Rebellion. They chanted “STOP PASSING GAS” – #mapoli, any good line responses?
— Jamie Eldridge (@JamieEldridgeMA) June 15, 2023
More protesting wackos below the fold, ruining a Monet
Two women were detained in Stockholm after they threw “some kind of paint" at a painting by French artist Claude Monet and then glued themselves to the frame, Sweden's National Museum said on Wednesday.
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 15, 2023

yup we have to readjust our lives, give away our rights and money. all to placate 8 idiots with a need to feed their own self importance. and the equally idiotic media pitches it as a mainstream event.
To ty ota has announced it’s new solid state battery available starting in 2026 (2 years) will have 900 mile range and 10 min charging
Wildman is still upset over Reagan forcing him to readjust his life and force him to wear seatbelts and use child safety seats
Johnny is upset at evil CO2! It’s a “crisis!”
Do they really expect serious people to take them seriously? If this is the way they behave, I have no interest in anything they have to say. What nutjobs.
It’s a shame they spent their student loans on worthless degrees in activism instead of studying chemistry. Chemists will be part of the solution, not activists. … unless the solution they are seeking is getting paid as activists.
This perfectly describes the intelligence level of these folks…
“Success! Climate protesters block traffic causing cars to idle extra 3 hours”.
Chanting is not just an immature, ineffective, inane method of getting your message heard, it’s proof that you have no message. Extinction Rebellion is not an activist group, they are spoiled, pathetic, criminals. Eco-terrorism is a just a form of temper tantrum.