Well, Dan Crenshaw has mostly been pretty useless the past few years, seemingly captured by the system, going rather GOPe, but, he’s on the money on this one. You can bet If the roles were reversed, and the professor took him down, it would be all over the news
Texas Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw tore into a Democrat witness Wednesday over her inability to cite a medical study that states the benefits of transgender surgeries for minors.
Crenshaw’s comments came during a House Committee on Energy and Commerce hearing when he questioned Yale School of Medicine assistant professor Meredithe McNamara about his proposal to withdraw funding from certain hospitals that provide surgeries, puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to transgender minors.
“You’ve said that we cherry-picked data. How do you mean that?” Crenshaw asked McNamara.
“So, it is very unscientific and flawed to pick a single study or a single statistic and discuss it in isolation,” she responded. “Medical experts are able to talk about all of the evidence as a whole.”
Crenshaw went on to cite multiple studies that show, essentially, that no one really, truly knows what the effects of puberty blockers, other trans drugs, etc, in the short and long terms.
“Which journal says something different? We should have that debate. Tell me a journal that has done systematic reviews that cites different evidence, that cites strong evidence of benefits for these therapies,” he said.
McNamara responded, “The standards of care were developed based on extensive—”
“You’re not telling me any study, don’t say ‘standards of care,'” Crenshaw interjected. “Tell me one.”
“So, um, the standards of care,” McNamara said.
“The standards of care,” Crenshaw questioned. “That’s not a journal, that’s not a study. That’s not an organization. That’s not an institution. You’re just saying words. Name one study.”
She couldn’t. Surprise. It’s wild how Democrats bring witnesses up who do not really seem to know anything. The hearing was about the Children’s Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act. The act needs to be reauthorized every 5 years, and Crenshaw is looking to block any hospital that gives trans crazy “gender affirming care” to kids from receiving money to help train pediatricians.

Let’s face it: there couldn’t be any real studies on the long-term effects of “the benefits of transgender surgeries for minors,” because these things are too new and, so far, too few, to have yielded real information.
The trans lobby are left with anecdotal evidence that the delusional minors are miserable without it, and some commit suicide, and claiming that this is the only real way to help them, but there is no real evidence that it helps in any way.
A major part of the problem is that these few ‘transgender’ kids, whose brains are not yet mature, might not understand that, regardless of any hormone or surgical interventions that they could possibly undergo, such would not actually change them into the opposite sex. Rather, it would alter their bodies into a simulacrum of the opposite sex, perhaps more or less appearing as the opposite sex, but their individual biology would remain that of their biological sex. They can never have the real experiences of growing up that socializes them into the sex they want to be, and leaves them with just their fantasies of what it would be like to be the opposite sex.
Teach never mentions how many surgeries are actually done each year.
Those surgeries are very rare.
But Trach believes that BIG GOVERNMENT and not doctors parents and kids should be in control
Parents should not be in control
It doesn’t matter how many are done if the children involved arte being irrevocably damaged.
Teach says no such thing. Lying again? I think Teach believes that government should set reasonable parameters about such things. Don’t you? He may also believe doctors and parents should be in consultation within legal parameters set up to protect babies and children from unscrupulous doctors and incompetent parents, don’t you? And finally I think Teach believes “kids” should never be in control of any decision their undeveloped brain can’t handle. Don’t you?
“Satan asks LGBTQ community to please tone it down a bit….”
“The Babylon Bee asks Jl to credit them a bit…”
J-this one is from the NYT…”Oxi-clean releases new Clinton strength formula guaranteed to get blood out of carpet…”
No, not really..
Oh, Jill.
As conservatives are wont to do, they focus on “genital mutilations of minors” which are not advised by medical bodies and rarely if ever occur.
What DOES happen are surgeries on infants to “fix” their ambiguous genitalia to assign them as a little “boy” or “girl”. Conservatives are mute on these surgeries.
Yes, some under 18 year olds DO receive puberty blockers (GnRH) and gender-affirming hormones (testosterone or estrogens) but studies show these treatments significantly reduce depression and suicidal ideation.
Other studies show those receiving gender-affirming surgeries also show significantly reduced depression and suicidal thoughts than transgendered without surgery.
We get it. Conservatives consider the transgendered weird, sick and contrary to their God, and therefore all is fair. Kids with gender dysphoria cite mockery and ridicule as a contributing factor to their mental distress. Knock it off, assholes.
Crenshaw has been out of the news for a while so this was his chance to bully a woman to puff up his manly bona fides.
This is the latest ploy of nuRightists, to make speeches and talk over witnesses when asked questions. To “obliterate” witnesses! Own the libs!
By the way, Tucker C called Representative Crenshaw “Eyepatch McCain”.
Rep. Crenshaw went swamp (or sewer) a few years ago and lost much of the respect of our district, however, the swamp protects its own. We try, but we haven’t ousted him yet. Typical of this type pol, he occasionally finds a bone he can toss to the base while still protecting his swamp cred.
Sorry, Elwood, this isn’t about women, it’s about children. If some mentally ill person wishes to play at being another ‘sex’ go ahead, have a ball, or get them cut off. Children have no rational concept about this subject (or many others) and should be protected until they are old enough to make decisions for themselves, 21 is probably an appropriate age minimum for this insanity. Additionally, no public funding and no insurance mandate; you want it, pay for it yourself.
Reluctantly, I must support Rep. Crenshaw on this issue.
Sorry, UnkleC, conservatives claim it’s about children. It’s part of their scam.