Your Fault: Rotting Seaweed, Shark Attacks, Rip Currents, And Dead Fish Edition

You could have given up your fossil fueled travel, made your life carbon neutral, and given your money and freedom to government, but, no, you refused, and now

Rotting seaweed, dead fish, no sand: Climate change threatens to ruin US beaches

As Americans flock to the beach this summer, they’re often greeted with disconcerting news: Their destination might be smelly with dead fish or rotting seaweed — and danger often lurks from rip currents or even shark attacks.

In a warming world, those problems are set to get worse, experts say.

“The climate is changing and it’s changing drastically,” said Todd Crowl, director of the Institute of Environment at Florida International University in Miami. “It is measurable and happening.”

No single ruined beach day should be directly attributed to a warming globe. But the rise in both atmospheric and ocean temperatures is rapidly altering the stretches of coastline where land and water meet.

So, were the shark attacks in New Jersey in 1916, which were the inspiration for the book Jaws, and subsequent movie, caused by ‘climate change’? Are they saying there have never been dead fish, rotting seaweed, and rip currents before CO2 went above 350PPM? Is there any scientific proof that this is different than what happened during the previous Holocene warm, and cool, periods? It doesn’t matter, because this isn’t about science, it’s about politics from a cult.

This year could be a portent of even more extreme, seashore-ruining, events. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Wednesday that global ocean temperatures hit a record high in May, the second consecutive month where ocean temperatures broke a record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.

Portents! It’s a cult.

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3 Responses to “Your Fault: Rotting Seaweed, Shark Attacks, Rip Currents, And Dead Fish Edition”

  1. Sarthurk says:

    It great big Hoax. It’s a great big lie. We’ve been through 50 years of indoctrination, so it’s hard 2.5 generations to “believe” otherwise. I was going to write “think”, but that would be a totally improper term.
    I’m a marine biologist, and I see every day, that my colleagues are afflicted with the same indoctrination. Critical thinking has been destroyed by this Marxist propaganda, and I fear there is no way out.

  2. […] William Teach notes the left still blaming everything on, Climate Change. […]

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