…is a super hazy day from carbon pollution humidity, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Real Clear Science, with a post on NJ Democrats adding to their child abuse.
It’s long legs week!

…is a super hazy day from carbon pollution humidity, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Real Clear Science, with a post on NJ Democrats adding to their child abuse.
It’s long legs week!
Real-time Global Temperature
(updated every 1-2 minutes)
57.49°F / 14.16°C
Deviation: 0.29°F / 0.16°C
Stations processed last hour: 50852
Last station processed: Jefferson City, United States

Bwaha! Lolgf
Shout out to Hunter…
Happy Fathers Day.
Luv ya, Lunden.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Y’all know the best thing about conservative women?
No penis.

Bwaha! Lolgf
So you’ve heard?
According to MediaFeed, Baltimore ranks 23rd and St Louis 14th — the only two US cities on the list — of the 25 highest murder rates in the world. Most of the other cities are in Venezuela, Brazil, and Mexico.
Why, it’s almost as though liberal Democratic policies put into practice just don’t work well.
Homicide Rates by U.S. State
Louisiana (Highest Homicide Rate)
South Carolina
North Carolina
Rhode Island
New Hampshire (Lowest Homicide Rate)
Why, it’s almost as though conservative Republican policies put into practice just don’t work well.
I note that Illinois and Maryland are also on that list, but that’s due to Baltimore and Chicago.
While I don’t have newer figures yet, in 2021, very progressive Philadelphia, with 12.33% of Pennsylvania’s population, had 54% of the state’s total murders.
Our luminary from Lexington ignores that MO is a deeply red state overrun by a Repub governor, House and Senate! He further ignores that red states such as LA, MS, AK, GA, AL, TX, TN, KY, WV, AR, SC, NC, IN, OK, OH, FL dominate in homicide rates. WY and UT are the only reds in the top ten safest states.
Foul, fetid, fuming NY, NJ and CA are safer than the paradises of TX, FL and OH.
Why, it’s almost as though conservative Republican policies put into practice just don’t work well.
Or, just maybe, is it possible they all have both good and bad elements?
Elwood, you do realize the murder rates are driven my mostly democommie run cities even in blue states don’t you? Or are you gonna lie and obfuscate about that too?
Go on YouTube and type in any major city like Philly or St. Louis and look at what the corruption, immorality and commie policies have done to those people. How you commies can even lift your heads is amazing. Everything you touch you destroy or kill.
Mr L’Roy,
You do realize the state homicide rates are RATES. Homicides per capita.
New York, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, Washington, Oregon, Connecticut, Minnesota etc have big cities, yet have lower homicide rates than West Fizzucking Virginia!!
What’s the matter with Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida etc?
We understand that you are frustrated, angry, perhaps verging on violent but the truth will set you free!
Have a fantastic Juneteenth!
Let’s Get Brandon To Quit

Bwaha! Lolgf