Happy St. Greta Doom Day

It’s 11:18am, folks

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20 Responses to “Happy St. Greta Doom Day”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    We can never tell is Mr Teach (and Deniers) are as dense as he projects or know better and types lies anyway. In other words, is he stupid, dishonest or both?

    We all realize that conservatives are not interested in anything other than “owning the libs”!

    Ms Thunberg said “A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will destroy all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”

    That statement doesn’t claim humanity will be wiped out in five years, only that we had five years to stop using fossil fuels. Perhaps it would take 100 years unless we stop using fossil fuels.

    But the consensus among climate scientists is that we do have time to keep the Earth from warming 1.5 degrees C.

    • Did we stop using fossil fuels in that 5 years? No. So, doom.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        But not today!!

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Daubney typed, which you reposted:

        Enjoy your final minutes, because, according to Greta Thunberg & her “top climate scientist” humanity will be “wiped out” at 11.18am today, because we didn’t stop using fossil fuels five years ago..

        So no, that’s not what Ms Thunberg stated or implied. Just more denier BS.

    • Bill589 says:

      Groomer Dowd: Every prediction you parrot of your Masters has not come true. Every one.
      These ‘predictors’ are either really, really, really bad scientists… or it is propaganda.

      I figure that since their ‘solutions’ always require government to take more of our money and have more control over us = propaganda.

  2. Jl says:

    Actually, it does say that humanity should have been wiped out by today if we didn’t stop using ff. We didn’t stop using ff over those 5 years so we should have been gone by today. Of course, there’s an infinitely greater chance of wiping out humanity by stopping ff usage.
    And the 1.5 degree number? Pulled out of thin air..

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Then you, Teach and DeepThroat can read but not comprehend. Try again.

      • Jl says:

        “The statement doesn’t claim humanity will be wiped out in 5 years..” Really?
        What does “humanity will be wiped out in 5 years unless we stop using fossil fuels” then mean? If the statement would read as you suggest, then there’d be no need for the “humanity will be wiped out” part. But there it is. Funny how you attempt to ignore part of a sentence that’s staring you right in the face….

  3. Professor Hale says:

    On the bright side, wiping out all of humanity would be great for the Earth. Global climate change will stabilize and temperatures might fall 2 or even 3 degrees.

  4. drowningpuppies says:

    The Earth’s Temperature

    Currently: 57.49°F/14.16°C
    Deviation: 0.29°F/0.16°C
    Stations processed last hour: 62707
    Last station processed: Laurel, United States
    Update time: 2023-06-21 17:31:22 UTC


  5. JimS says:

    Fairy tales used to begin “Once upon a time” now they start off “Climate scientists say…. ”

    But seriously, I’m sure St. Greta was saying that 5 more years of fossil fuels would put us over a tipping point. So then why bother with any more regulations? It’s already too late… at least according to this fairy tale.

  6. MrLiberty says:

    Any chance she passed away today? Asking for a couple of billion interested folks.

  7. Professor Hale says:

    Five years ago, Greta was young enough to think that 5 years was in the distant future. Young people think that way.

    Sort of like the old Soviet union 5-year plans where all the benefits were going to start happening in year 4, but the plans get updated in year 2.

  8. Matthew says:

    Humanity will certainly be wiped out, but it will happen way before the next ice age deepens to the extent needed to kill us.

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