Who would have thought that taking care of a bunch of illegals would be so costly? But, then, the Democratic Party run city is all in on illegals, so, they should welcome having to pay for their everything, including rent, out of their own money, right?
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Wants $25M to Pay Rent for Illegal Aliens
Chicago, Illinois, Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) is hoping to spend $25 million in taxpayer money to pay rent for thousands of illegal aliens in the city.
Since August of last year, more than 10,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have arrived in the sanctuary city of Chicago — many on buses sent from Texas.
Now, Johnson is hoping to secure $25 million in taxpayer money to provide six months of rent to more than 6,500 illegal aliens. That move would come as rent for local Chicagoans has skyrocketed in recent years.
He wants some of that money to come from state funds. Why are the rich Progressives of Chicago not voluntarily giving up their money to pay for the rent, since they support unfettered illegal immigration? Or opening up their own homes?
Meanwhile, Johnson will also be placing more than 300 mostly single male border crossers and illegal aliens in a sports center in the Gage Park neighborhood of Chicago.
So strange how so many are young, single men, not the women and children we keep hearing about. Chicago wanted this, right? Even though all this illegal immigration is raising the cost of housing? Where are all the homeless going? As Chicago spends all this money on illegals that means less money for legal citizens having trouble, on policing to deal with the high crime rate, and other vital city services.
Federal Data: Majority of Border Crossers Denied Asylum to Stay in U.S.
The majority of border crossers continue to be denied asylum to stay in the United States, even when they are released directly into the nation’s interior by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
While President Joe Biden’s DHS releases tens of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior every month, the majority will be found to have invalid claims for asylum, federal data confirms.
The data, tracked by Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University, shows that in Fiscal Year 2023 thus far, most border crossers and illegal aliens are denied asylum in immigration court. (snip)
Likewise, in Fiscal Year 2023, the majority of border crossers and illegal aliens released into the U.S. interior after claiming “credible fear” at the southern border ended up not having valid asylum claims.
Most should be forced to apply for asylum outside of the U.S.

no problem. just make sure its for an apartment back in their home country
If they were a net benefit to the community, no one would care if they were here illegally.
Wow25 million is a lot of money !!!
Or is it ?
Chicago has a city budget of
See Teach ? One number is much bigger than the other!
Who can tell us what percentage of 5.4 billion 25 million is ?
Answer 0.46%
You can use a calculator if needed.
Now about the percentage of asylum seekers being granted asylum as refugees. Why did Teach day the majority were not granted asylum status? Why didn’t he give the actual number as a percent? Does he still hate numbers from school? In 2022 (last complete year 2023 isn’t finished yet)) 46% had their status changed successfully to refugee. That did not include other status changes that allowed them to stay such as those illegally trafficked here like the pawns sent to Martha’s Vineyard
This was after a Texas sheriff certified them as being victims of a crime. After being granted the coveted U visas they are also eligible to work.
Cities are where the new migrants should settle as job availability for them is high. When my grandparents came here around 1900 from Ireland they settled in a city, Boston.
They were not welcomed by the nativists, but saw signs for employment in newspapers saying NO IRISH NEED APPLY
UNDER THE Biden economy we have more than 10 million job openings. Labor shortages cause inflation by driving up wages.
20% of all agricultural workers in the USA are migrants. If Teach wants them gone, will be agree to take their place in the fields?
Johnny, flunking history and again. “10 million job openings”. You don’t think there are 10 million US citizens for those jobs? Of course there are.
“When my grandparents came from Ireland…they were not welcomed….”. Sounds like they came here legally, Johnny. No reason your illegal migrants can’t come here legally, also.
“25 million not a lot of money…”. There’s our Johnny, missing the point again. Some reason that 25 million shouldn’t be spent on legal citizens? You know, the ones who paid taxes to get the 25 million in th widest place?
Your parents experienced discrimination as Irish in 1900? I am not going to waste time looking that up, but I believe you are lying. Irish were discriminated against in the early 1800s, but I would think it was gone by 1900. You see, unlike blacks who sit around crying until someone takes others money and gives it to them, the Irish were different. They quietly gathered their money and bought Boston. And they worked for their money.
Only in Liberal Government World is $25 million meaningless.
In one paragraph you state “Cities are where the new migrants should settle as job availability for them is high.” yet in another you claim “If Teach wants them gone, will be agree to take their place in the fields?” What cities have fields?
If we need 10 million jobs (bullshit) why aren’t the illegals immediately put to work? Why aren’t the pigs living and shitting on our streets forced to work or lose their benefits?
The left has so fuked up America right now the highest homelessness is in LA. Sunny, beautiful LA.
You are missing the objective of this. I think that Compton, California is the model. Compton was a Black area with ~199 homicides per year. The Hispanic population, and their gangs, were invited in. Compton is now ~70% Hispanic with next to no violent crime. The Black gang-bangers were driven out of Compton. That meant profit to the property owners and graft to the county/state politicians. Chicago wants Illinois and the Feds to pay for a new population. That will move the burden of the Black ghetto to other areas.
Why should Illinois pay Chicago to drive the non-functional and violent ghetto out into “safe” areas? Let the Chicago voters pay for what they will be getting. Chicago built the ghetto. Let them own it.